
Old Strong VS New Strong

The four of us entered the cave, and it was alright to see at first, but after we hit the first bend in the tunnel, it started to get more complicated. Serria came to the rescue, and the triple floating hexes that floated around her started to light up brightly and filled the tunnel with light.

"Thank you, I could still see with the scanners, but that made me feel like I was in a virtual reality simulator. It just didn't really feel right, but now you filled the place up with light," I said, and Serria eyes smiled at me; her metal small cute mouth did not.

"I thought that it might help, and the men don't have the same capabilities as us; they just have the HexSuits that Gamble and Pixie designed. I think that we can move pretty fast for the first five miles of the seven that we will have to travel, that was as far as Sig mapped, since this was his route," Serria explained.