
Epic Conquest

The Region of Genten is a place of powerful warlords. Within this region are 18 Kingdoms. Each Kingdom lived in Harmony until the Kingdom of Lem announced an Ancient Legend about the Mythical 19th Kingdom: The Kingdom of Ryū. This Kingdom is said to only appear when all 18 kingdoms are conquered by one Warlord. The Warlord who conquers all 18 Kingdoms will get the chance to venture into the Kingdom of Ryū. If that person manages to defeat the Dragon King, they will be able to obtain the legendary Dragon Blade. This blade is the key to the rest of the Dragon Region where you have the chance to take on the 4 Dragon Warlords to become one of them. 2 Years have passed and the competition has now turned into War. The first kingdom, The King of Auroria died in battle against the Flaming Kingdom, Ignis. A few months later a free spirited girl has appeared and claimed to be the new warlord of Auroria. Her plans isn’t to win this war but to unite all 18 Kingdoms again. ————————————————— “We are bounded by the chains of war. We can not change then inevitable future for all of humanity. But you...I know you can save us all..end the wars for good..please..Allow me to join your epic conquest for peace.” A samurai said. “Everyone is allowed to join my army. I don’t care about this legend, I just want everyone at peace again.” The girl said with a bright smile of determination.

YamixKawaii_Novels · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
38 Chs

The Fate of Genten 3

A week later, Aria set down flowers at Ujiyasu's grave. She closed her eyes and sighed. Uchi walked up to her and held her shoulder.

"Lady Hayakawa won't even come out her room from what Kai said.." Uchi said.

"I expected as much..Uchi..I'm sorry but I see no reason to keep your brother alive..I will never taint my weapons in blood unless I know I have no choice.." Aria said.

"It's okay...Sacrifices must be made to keep the world safe..my parents are long gone...No one will save him.." Uchi said.

Aria stood up and walked off and Uchi followed her. Aria stopped and looked at the sky as droplets of rain came down. Soon it started to rain and Aria closed her eyes once more.

"We move out tomorrow. We have no time to wait. Get some rest.." Aria looked at Uchi.

"You do the same.." Uchi gently touched her arm and looked at her.

Aria smiled a bit and held her cheek then walked off. Uchi blushed softly and watched her. Uchi soon walked to the kingdom and inside the inn. Uchi walked in her room and laid on the bed then closed her eyes.

"Valora...Ina is going to be an issue with her ranged attacks..Ieyasu also with his lance cannon.." Uchi said. "Ina is a water element, if I carefully use my electrical abilities it should be an easy win."

Uchi said then yawned and rolled on her side. She soon felt someone get on the bed and wrap their arms around her. Uchi looked back and smiled. Uchi turned back around and closed her eyes.

"Goodnight Aria.." Uchi held her hands.

Aria buried her face on Uchi's back. They both slept peacefully. The next day, Uchi woke up and turned around and saw Aria not in the room. She sat up and yawned then got ready for the big battle today. She then walked out the room and saw Aria and the others outside. She walked out and was greeted by Shingen's laughing.

"Somethings never change huh young Uchi." Shingen said.

"G'morning Lord Shingen.." Uchi yawned and rubbed her eyes.

"Alright..first we have Valora who's said to have impenetrable defense..Spectem who has the best mage in all of Genten, Nō, and her sidekick Okuni who is a dancer so she gives massive boost in attack and moral for Nō. Finally Nixtorm, the kingdom where one of the best samurai lies and an Ice Element Master, Mitsuhide. His daughter is no laughing matter either..we should be wary of her strength." Ranmaru said.

"Since Valora is closest to us, we should take them on first." Aria said.

"Mmm." Ranmaru nodded. "They are incredibly weak to fire and they aren't Earth elements. Their defense and armor are made of steel which is very weak to fire based attacks. You'd work well there but..."

"But?" Aria asked.

"For them to take huge damage you need an Armor Piercing ability..yours only boosts your parameters and nullifies any status ailment and boosts stamina." Ranmaru said.

"Who can pierce armor?" Aria asked.

"There's Shingen, Yoshihiro, and our third option would've been Ujiyasu if he were alive." Ranmaru said. "His death made our strength take a heavy hit. We have to work with what we have."

"Hey!" A man called out.

"Mmm?" Aria looked back. "Hideyoshi..?"

"I hear you're going to take on Valora. Allow me to join you." Hideyoshi said.

Aria was a bit skeptical. She didn't know if she could fully trust Hideyoshi yet.

"Listen, I know what I did was wrong in the past. But let's put our differences aside for now. We have a common enemy..trust me I did all I could to help Ujiyasu stay alive..Omu took me out like it was nothing..please Aria.." Hideyoshi said.

"M-mmph..alright. You can join us..now isn't the time for me to be picky anyway.." Aria said.

"I am indebted to you Lady Aria." Hideyoshi said.

"Alright going into Valora is me, Uchi, and Hideyoshi. Spectem will be me, Uchi and Joshua. Sefia will join if Joshua isn't avaliable. Finally Nixtorm will be me, Uchi, and Ranmaru." Aria said.

"Wait I'm joining all three battles?" Uchi asked.

"Your warrior skill Godspeed boosts your overall speed, stamina, and attack making you an unstoppable support. You just need to equip a weapon that can heal and deal damage." Aria said.

"A cane would do." Uchi said.

"There's a merchant up north we can get a cane from. Let's head up there now." Aria said.

The army started their journey north. They reached the final parts of Genten. The furthest north they could go. In about 4 hours they reached Valora and bought Uchi a Crystal Cane.

"M-My magical abilities are increased by a lot.." Uchi said holding her cane. "It's like this is my perfect weapon.."

Aria smiled at Uchi then told the rest of the army who wasn't fighting to stay in an Inn. Aria, Hideyoshi, and Uchi walked to the castle. They saw Ieyasu ahead accompanied by Tadakatsu and Ina.

"So you finally arrive.." Ieyasu said.

"Why do you still insist on fighting..it won't be long before he activates that tower." Uchi said.

"We can not simply just handover our key...It isn't honorable." Ieyasu said.

"You care about Honor over your LIFE?!" Aria asked.

"It isn't something you would understand." Ina said.

"I understand enough to know that if beating you is the only way then so be it." Aria said. "I am not holding back!"

"Good..let us proceed to the battlefield." Ieyasu said.

They all headed to the battlefield that was inside the castle. Aria looked around. The battlefield was as huge as an open field.

"We have enough space in here to go all out. The battle will end when you defeat me." Ieyasu said.

"Defeat the boss condition.." Aria closed her eyes and imagined a strategy and smirked. Her energy was flowing around her calmly.

"What's the plan?" Uchi asked.

"You'll see." Aria said.

"Come at me when you're ready." Ieyasu said.

Aria dashed to Ieyasu. Tadakatsu gripped his lance and slashed. Aria blocked the strike and flames surrounded her body. Ina aimed at Aria with her bow and arrow.

"Hideyoshi! Take Tadakatsu!" Aria parried Tadakatsu and pushed him behind her.

Hideyoshi dashed to Tadakatsu and went for the attack. Tadakatsu blocked his strikes then got hit and grunted. Hideyoshi twirled his staff and struck Tadakatsu's armor and it cracked.

"Armor Piercing.." Tadakatsu said.

"Heh. This isn't the first time I've battled against someone from Ieyasu's army. Armor Piercing is crucial for this battle!" Hideyoshi said.

Hideyoshi went on the offensive again. Tadakatsu blocked his attacks and stepped back.

"Uchi! Handle Ina! Do not get hit by her water arrows!" Aria said.

"Right." Uchi dashed towards Ina.

"Mmm?!" Ina dodged a lightning bolt and looked at Uchi.

"Ina..you know the extent my brother is willing to reach. He wants to become a god. We can not allow that!" Uchi bellowed and the crystal on her staff shined.

"We can not simply just hand out key over!" Ina bellowed. The crystal on her bow shined.

Uchi shot multiple lightning bolts at Ina. Ina dodged them one by one and flipped then shot multiple arrows at Uchi. Uchi dodged then slid under an arrow and twirled her staff in a circle and blocked some of the arrows. She jumped in the air.

"I will not lose to you!" Ina bellowed. "Ultimate Skill: Waterfall Barrage!"

A shower of arrows came crashing down at Uchi. Most of the arrows hitting her and Uchi crashed to the ground. Uchi stood up slowly and growled softly. Her eyes flashed dragon like. Her dragon energy started surging.

"I will not fail Aria!" Uchi roared and started to transform into her dragon form.

Wings appeared on her back and dragon horns grew from her head. A dragon tail grew on her body. Uchi let out a roar. Everyone on the battlefield stopped and looked at Uchi. Uchi's heart thumped and a second element was added: Dragon. The sclera of her eyes turned black and she roared again then her energy disappeared.

"Uchi..!" Aria said. "Uchi can you hear me?! Uchi!"

Uchi dashed to Ina and grabbed her face and threw her to the wall and roared. She could not control herself in dragon form.

"Dammit!" Aria ran to Uchi.

Ina panicked and got up quickly then ran off dodging a blasts that were coming from Uchi's mouth. Ina dodged an explosion and rolled on her side. Tadakatsu dashed to Uchi and slashed. Uchi caught his lance and palmed his chest and his armor cracked a lot then got blown away into a wall. Aria grabbed Uchi's arm then Uchi pushed her away and grabbed her neck. Aria struggled and gripped her wrist.

"Aria..!" Hideyoshi said.

"Stay..back.." Aria said.

Uchi let out a low snarl and her red eyes emitted an ominous red aura. Aria reached forward and held Uchi's cheek and gave a weak smile.

"Uchi..if...you can hear me...please...control your power..." Aria struggled to say. "Uchi.."

Uchi looked at Aria and her grip on her neck loosened. Aria pulled her closer.

"This isn't who you are..remember who you are Uchi..you aren't a beast.." Aria said.

Uchi's eyes started to slowly turn back to normal. Aria placed her forhead on Uchi's and slowly lowered Uchi's arm.

"You are Uchi..My Uchi..not a beast.." Aria said then gently kissed her lips.

Uchi's eyes widened and her berserk dragon energy vanished completely. She blushed uncontrollably. Aria pulled back and stepped back and looked at Uchi.

"A-Aria..?" Uchi said and saw markings on her neck. "I-I did that to you?!"

"Do not worry..This is nothing.." Aria smiled.

Uchi touched her lips and nodded. Aria looked at Uchi's new dragon form and smiled.

"We have a battle to finish! Let's show them the pride and power of Auroria!" Aria said.

"R-Right!" Uchi said and her wings spreaded wide.

"Hmph." Ieyasu smiled.

Uchi looked around at her hands. Ina walked and picked up her bow and looked at Uchi. She was amazed at this dragon power.

"A Dragon and Thunder element. Lord Nobunaga is the same.." Ina said. "Father was defeated in one hit..it's up to me!"

"Sorry about earlier, but now I have control over my powers I can show you my strength!" Uchi said.

"Good! Warrior Skill Activate! Vicious Storm!" Ina bellowed and her blue aura surged.

"Warrior Skill Activate!" Uchi bellowed and her lightning surged a silver color. "Supreme Awakening!"

The two maidens got in a stance. Uchi dashed to Ina and went for multiple strikes. Ina dodged them and shot multiple arrows at her. Uchi dodged and blocked the arrows. Ina summoned three arrows and rapid shot them. Uchi blocked them and bellowed.

"Ultimate Skill: Supreme Cosmic Bolt!" Uchi bellowed and a barrage of lightning bolts rushed at Ina. Uchi let out a roar.

Ina dodged them and jumped back and white and black aura surged into the Crystal of her bow.

"Fury Arts: White! Death!" Ina bellowed and her arrow surged with golden aura and she released the arrow that blitzed towards Uchi.

Uchi's eyes sparked and she bellowed as white and black aura surged around her body. She extended her arm to the front of her body in a circle motion.

"Fury Arts: Divine Eclipse!" Uchi bellowed and a huge energy blast was released from the circle.

The blast incinerated the arrow. Ina's eyes widened when the blast reached her. The blast then hit her and she was blown away. The blast caused a huge shockwave. Aria was surprised. Uchi now matched her in power. Ieyasu looked around at the battlefield.

"I know when I lost. There is no point in this battle as you have shown me all I need to see." Ieyasu said.

"This wasn't quick in my calculations..but it still worked out. The end result was the same, to force you to surrender." Aria said.

"I see.." Ieyasu smiled. "Here..one of the three keys needed to unlock the gates of Lem Castle."

Aria took the key and smiled. Uchi turned back to normal and fell on her knees and her dragon element disappeared also. She panted and Aria walked to her and smiled. Hideyoshi was also impressed. Uchi looked up and smiled.

"We did it..the first key." Uchi sat up.

"That's to you two, we got the key." Aria looked at her.

"Only two more.." Uchi stood up slowly. Aria stood up also.

"Aria, I shall watch your final showdown with Omu..you better win." Ieyasu said. "Save all of Genten from an unfortuante fate."

"I will win at all costs." Aria said.