

‘Eovatall the game, a world full of magic and dreams!’ An open world dating sim Zack was well acquainted with. Now he has the opportunity to get to know it on an even deeper level! As if by magic, Zack wakes up to find himself in the game as Adrian Von Silver the villain! With no way of going back, Zack must find a way to change his fate by the end of the game's story, or else end up on the chopping block! What awaits Zack now known as Adrian? Hopefully not the same as the original!

Ribbolt · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
26 Chs

Shard of a Man

I observe the Samurai Apprentice carefully. He is a little taller than I am, standing almost as if he was a statue. I hold my katana out as I slowly approach. The only thing moving from him was his eyes as they followed me. I stop just a little bit ahead of him. The Samurai Apprentice then nods and slowly unsheathes his katana. He then takes a fighting stance. We ended up staring at each other for what felt like forever. Almost as if the fight had been announced to begin, we both ran towards each other. Clashing swords we pushed back on each other.

I then use blink to instantly get behind him. When I am behind I swing down, but all my blade hits is his as he holds his sword from over him. He then lifts the katana, pushing me back. Just as I got my balance back, he appeared in front of me. I managed to get into stance and block one of his attacks. Again we ended up in some kind of staring contest. We then started backing up and started going faster with our hits.

Pushing each other each time we clashed blades, we moved throughout the room. Every time I tried to move faster, his reflexes kept him up with me. 'How is he doing that?' I grumble. He isn't particularly faster than me, but it's almost as if he knows exactly where I am going to be. After a while of clashing, we both backed off for a moment. I watched him closely as he took a deep breath. I could see his breath as he breathed out a deep breath. 'He is calming his mind!' I thought to myself. He is fighting on instinct when he can't see me, his experience seems to out ways mine but I need to do the same. Remember what Mr. Fang said!

I take a deep breath myself. Though when I breathe out I notice I don't see my breath. 'How did I see his but I can't see mine?' I wondered. I then snap myself out of it, what does that have to do with a fight? Just go! I then blink rapidly to get closer to him. The sword clashing resumed once again. This time I started to try to focus on letting reflex take control. Which didn't go quite as planned. I started to slow down while I tried to focus on reflex. He got the upper hand and was able to land a couple of cuts throughout my body.

He then shoulder bashes me, pushing me back. Before I knew it, I was slashed on the side. Although healing helps a lot, it still hurts! Before I could do anything, the Samurai Apprentice used the hilt of his katana to hit me in the face launching me backwards. While on the floor, I continued to try to control my breath. I then suddenly felt a tug to the side. Without thinking I rolled in that direction only to find that a katana was brought down right where I was!

'So that's how it works? A tug?' I ask myself. I try to relax my muscles and control my breathing for a bit. The Samurai Apprentice then comes swinging at me and without thinking I try to follow the tugs that my body has. Although I managed to dodge half of them, I got hit and scratched because I was too slow. While he swung down, I felt a tug to use my sword but jumped back instead out of worry. That could have been my chance! I need to trust my instincts if I want to win. Healing won't help much if he hits me with too many dangerous hits. 

We get stuck in another round of clashing. This time we are both getting cuts in here and there. I am able to get some chips off! Seems we are more similar in strengths, just he is better at reflex. Slowly but surely as we continue our clashing I relax a little, as I get more confident in my skills. We start to move faster and faster both now unable to land a hit on each other.

My body starts reacting on its own, allowing me to focus more on just his weaknesses and patterns. I think I am getting the hang of this! I finally managed to figure out his pattern, and then when the opportunity I take my strike, and pierce his armor. The Samurai Apprentice then backs up and with a hand holds the wound.

"Ha! How do you like that?" I ask proudly.

"Warning: Samurai Apprentice has entered the second phase - Demon Rage" The system warns me.

'What...?' I ask in my head with the feeling of impending doom. Before I know what happened, The Samurai Apprentice disappears. I felt a tug behind me as I swung my blade to block an attack like the Samurai Apprentice did earlier but in the end my katana just swung in the air, crashing into nothing. Then I feel a sharp pain in my stomach as I get lifted. As if out of nowhere the Samurai Apprentice's face was right in mine as he lifted me, throwing me into the air. He just punched me?! I cough as I hit the floor. I wheeze trying to catch my breath.

I barely manage to get to my feet when I am kicked in the back. As I am flying, he appears in front of me and knocks me flying again. He keeps going in this manner almost juggling me. If this keeps up...! Unable to catch my breath, I just focus on where he is. Before I know it, I am taking a swing in front of me. Our blades end up clashing again. I use the opportunity to push myself off and gain some distance. As soon as I land, I use blink to travel around the room. It seems the Samurai Apprentice won't let me go so easily. He starts running alongside me, taking his swings. I barely manage to dodge them as I try to gain more distance.

Looks like I won't have much to work with. I take a deep breath, I will have to use Flash Strike and make it count! I only have one chance. Doing the best I can to buy time, I wait for the perfect opportunity. Suddenly he appears in front of me swinging down with what seems to be all his might. 'He wants to finish me with one last hit as well!' I panic. I quickly regained composure and dashed towards him. I then use Flash Strike to strike him in the torso. As I get a bit of distance, I start to fall. I notice the Samurai Apprentice, turns around slowly. He definitely was in pain but he was going to make me pay first. Man, my luck is really not good huh? I haven't used it once without passing out.

"Warning: Special low chance of passing out from Flash Strike has been activated!" The system chimes before I pass out.

I groan as I slowly wake up but when I wake up, I am standing straight up with my katana in my hand. I turn around to the sound of sizzling. I then see the Samurai Apprentice disappearing, leaving behind his gear, crystals, and a black shard...? I walk over and grab the crystals and his sword, sheathing it to my waist. I then walk over and grab the shard, or upon closer look, half of a mask. It seems to be the lower half of a mask, with sharp edges at the top obviously missing a top half. I pick it up.

"Congratulations! Special Conditions met. You have acquired Unknown Mask Half [Bottom Half] [Properties - Shadow]" The system congratulations me.

What the heck is this? I couldn't use it to hide my face very well. Maybe I can get the top half? I will need to research this later. I decided to shelve that thought for a bit. I then turn my attention to the Samurai Apprentice's armor on the floor. 'I have never seen that before' I think to myself.

I then walk over to it and put my hand on it. 'System can you give me details on this?'

"Samurai Apprentice's Armor - A reward for those who uniquely kill the 15th-floor boss. The size will change to fit the wearer." The system informs.

Oh? I then pick up the armor. A little heavy for my liking but not bad! I then try it on, and as the system promises, it shrinks to fit me perfectly. 

"Nice!" I exclaim.

Suddenly, the armor starts to turn black.

"Warning: Samurai Apprentice's Armor has been used by a user of a Special Shadow Mask" The system warns.

"Wait what?!" I ask.

I pat myself down on the armor. Suddenly the Armor changes into more of an assassin's clothes. A black coat with a hood, black pants, shoes, all of it! "System, can you explain please?" I ask out loud.

"Suit of armor has been worn by a user with at least half of a Special Shadow Mask. Allowing the armor to take on properties of the mask." The system informs me. "It can now take different shapes. Shadow Assassin is the main body, but it can also become part of your everyday clothes to be kept hidden while still having its effects though to a lesser degree."

Confused, I look at the mask in my hands. Yeah, I definitely need to figure out more about this mask but first things first. I need to take this sword to Mr. Fang!