

‘Eovatall the game, a world full of magic and dreams!’ An open world dating sim Zack was well acquainted with. Now he has the opportunity to get to know it on an even deeper level! As if by magic, Zack wakes up to find himself in the game as Adrian Von Silver the villain! With no way of going back, Zack must find a way to change his fate by the end of the game's story, or else end up on the chopping block! What awaits Zack now known as Adrian? Hopefully not the same as the original!

Ribbolt · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
26 Chs

A Swordsman's Dungeon

After a few seconds, our eyes adjusted to the difference of light in the dungeon. We found ourselves standing in front of a giant double door with torches on either side lit up. The door has a giant engraving of a Katana. I looked behind us to see if anyone else was coming in, but no one did. 

"Ready?" I ask Scarlet.

She only nods in response. We walked over to the door and pushed it with a decent amount of strain before it opened. Once the door opens, torches start lighting up inside showing a new path for us to take. We walked inside and once we were fully past the door, it closed with a loud rumble. I followed the meditation pattern and pulled out my Spirit Katana. I then looked over to see that Scarlet had done so as well. We continued walking down the path.

I hear different steps and other noises as we continue going deeper. I try to listen more intently for what the sound is and see if I can feel anything.

"New Skill acquired" The system speaks up, nearly startling me.

"Are you alright?" Scarlet asks me chuckling a bit.

"Yeah! Just...you know, got too zoned in on something!" I laugh embarrassed. 

I look at the system and pull up the skill.


New Detection Level 0'

'Detection'? That sounds pretty useful! I try again to notice anything around me while focusing energy throughout my body. As I channel, I focus on my hearing. After a few seconds, I hear a slight whoosh sound like something was sent flying along with a gleam. I quickly use Swiftness and tackle Scarlet down as I hear a crash sound or more like...a blade stabbing into a wall! I looked over where the sound finished and saw a basic sword sticking out of the wall in line with where we were standing. Quickly we get up and look around. I focus Detection on my eyes and see a slight small figure coming at us. I activated Swordsman's skill and ran at it, after getting a little closer I could finally make out that it was a slime-like creature. I took a swing at the slime as it jumped at me, cutting it down the middle and having each half of it fly on either side of me.

I turn around to see it slowly dissipate. After it fully dissolved, I noticed a shard on the ground. I started making my way over to it when the shard flew right into my chest. Before I could try to figure out what just happened, Scarlet ran behind me.

"Watch out!" She yells as she cuts another slime behind me.

As what happened to me, another shard appeared from the slime and flew into Scarlet.

"What are those things?" I ask

"I don't know," She says as she pats herself a little checking for anything major.

"Shard of [Legend] Swords Acquired!" The system announces to me.

Wait what? That wasn't in the game! 'System, what is that?' I ask in my head.

"Shard of [Legend] Swords is an item either acquired through rare drops or from killing a monster you haven't killed before in the [Sword Dungeon]. They are used to make one of the Legendary Katana's" The system explains.

Woah, one of the legends? That sounds really cool! I will have to check more about that later. After checking out the surroundings, we continued down the dungeon. As time went on we ended up fighting more and more slimes. I haven't seen any other shards since the first one but we cleared quite a bit. After some more exploring, we found a small door with gold outlining it and what seemed to be a slime with a crown engraved on it. Although tired and hungry, more so me with hunger from using swiftness, we decided to poke our heads in. We open the door and look inside.

When we opened the door, we saw a chest in the middle of the room and a giant door behind it with the same symbol as the door we just opened. Curious, we walk in and check things out. Oddly, nothing happens. We walk to the chest, and I open it up. Inside we see different bits of what looks to be a cheap kind of food. Disregarding that my stomach growled loudly as I looked at the food.

"Maybe we should be careful about eating stuff we just found." She says cautiously

"I have an idea," I say looking at her. Without breaking eye contact, I grabbed what seemed to be a rice ball and stuffed it into my mouth.

Scarlet gives me a slightly disturbed and concerned look. Quickly looking back at the chest, I grab a couple more food and start stuffing my face with it.

"Ish sho good!" I say as I happily eat.

After a few moments, Scarlet reaches in and starts munching a little bit herself. While we are eating I decide to check my skill levels.

'Skills -

Swiftness level 3

Swordsman level 1

Dagger Master level 0

Detection level 1'

'Not too bad!' I think to myself. After a while of eating, I look inside the chest and find two pieces of paper. I pull them both out and set them in front of us. Scarlet looks at the papers with a puzzled look.

"What are those?" She asks slightly tilting her head.

I try to read the paper but they are indecipherable. 'System what are these for?' I ask holding a paper.

"[Rare] Swordsman Skill scroll level 1, used to give the user a rare skill for swords. [Use]?" The system explains.

"What? What is it?" She asks getting a little excited. Judging from her reaction, I must have made quite the expression!

I hand her one of the pieces of paper. "Trust me on this one, and use it. "I say with a smile on my face. 'Use' I think holding the paper. The paper then almost instantly burns up in a small flame.

"[Rare] Swordsman Skill scroll level 1, used. New Skill acquired." The system chimes.

"Skills - 

New [Rare]Flash Strike Level 1"

Now that seems interesting! 

"Warning: New Skill can cause a short loss of consciousness until level 3. Sub Warning: unconscious user might keep fighting" The system warns.

Huh, so I have to use it to get it to level 3 so that I don't have that drawback...but I will constantly have that drawback possibility every time I use it. Also what's with the sub warning? What does that mean? I will have to be careful with that one. After we finished eating, we decided not to go into the other room as it might be something like a boss. So we used our Crystals and went back to the exit of the dungeon. Once we finished using our crystals we found ourselves in front of the gate near the cave entrance.

We walked outside and saw that we were one of the last ones to arrive back. Some appeared to be quite injured while others just enjoying a leisurely chat. After walking closer to the group Henry notices me and starts to walk towards me but before he can say anything Mr. Fang calls out to everyone.

"Alright, good to see you are all alive." He smiles "I have one more thing to tell you about the dungeons here. For those of you who live in the Dorms, the dungeons are open 24/7 to you but be warned - there won't be anyone here looking out for you if you go too far in." His stare seems to penetrate everyone. "But for those of you who live at home, they are not. You are not allowed to come onto campus after hours, and if you are caught doing so, will receive punishment according to your actions." He then starts walking away "With that, have fun!"

'So if you live here you can go in as often as you want? Then maybe that might be better for me. I might even be able to get myself out of the Silver family's shadow a bit.' I amuse to myself. Regardless, this was the last class for the day. That one teacher told us to check out guilds. If I want to change my future, I might want to look into what my possibilities are.

I look over to see that Henry started making his way over again. I quickly give him a wave and then pull Scarlet with me.

"Where are we going?" She asks confused.

"That was the last class, I wanted to check out something about guilds quickly," I told her as I continued to drag her.

"Oh okay, why do you need me to come with?" She asks

Well, actually I just want you to stay away from Henry as well. "I just thought it would be nice to have your company" I look back at her.

"Well, you could have just asked!" She says with a smile on her face. "Do you have a guild in mind that you might want to join already?"

"Not quite" I smile.