
Entrapped In His Deadly Charms

~Excerpt~ "Excuse me, Mrs Blackwood." He said to me as we stepped out of the courtroom. My feet halted on the spot, my face reddening with so much rage I tried to conceal it to no avail. The sound of the word Mrs sounded sour in my ears, especially having him call me that. Not that I was not at the age I should have gotten married, but because I had betrayed my boyfriend by marrying another man. "I am your husband now, at least I deserve a kiss from my newly wedded wife. That is the norm after couples get married, right?" Now what was he saying? He must be totally insane! It felt as if my fist cracked because of how much it clenched. Wasn't it enough he made me betray my boyfriend? He is not even ashamed of his greediness. Not even a bit of it showed on his face! "I've given you what you want, Liam Blackwood; a signature of my marriage to you. Now if you know what's good for you, it's left for you to give me what I want as we agreed." "I never said I was not going to keep to our agreement. Agreement is an agreement!" He exclaimed, chuckling as if I had said something amusing. "However..." He said and paused in a way that made me feel my heart also paused and started beating again, racing with anticipation when he began stepping closer to me. I instinctively moved backward, trying to create some distance between us, but he kept advancing, his eyes locked on mine with an intensity that made my breath catch in my throat. He continued until I felt my back hit on his godforsaken car. I could feel his red blood eyes bore into mine and his hands trapping me against his car as if caging a cat that fought to escape. "It seems you have forgotten the meaning of marriage, my Little Bunny. Maybe I have to remind you." I could see that playful smile return on his lips, it irked me so much that the need to smash it off his face irked my hands. He then leaned in closer, his breath whispering against my ear. "Marriage means a legally recognized union between two individuals," His voice was barely audible, but his words resonated deeply into my ears as he began to explain what he knew as marriage. "characterized by emotional commitment, legal responsibility, and social recognition, often involving mutual respect, trust, and a...deep emotional connection." The way he stressed the last words made my heart skip remembering the state of the contract. Was the deep emotional connection going to happen between us? This was killing me already. The next I saw was his hands trailing down the angles of my neck, going towards my cheeks and... "Can't we...do this...some other time? I mean, we cannot just do it here...in front of people." I tried to speak some senses into him, feeling so embarrassed and flushed at the touch of his hands. I didn't know why it made my heart beat so fast again, like it did before. "Yes, we can my darling. We are a couple, after all, so it's nobody's business. No law is against husband and wife kissing in public. It's only a kiss, I didn't ask you for sex here." He returned his hand to my neck again. I couldn't get over the sensational touch that tingled in my stomach. We can't do this now for goodness sake! People are looking! "Now, make me feel the sweet touch of your lips, my Little Bunny." As he finished speaking, his lips brushed against my ears sending a thrill through my entire body. Next, he lowered his face until it was just an inch away from mine. ~~~ I joined the contest "Viral Book Call" with this novel. Please support me. Thank you so much.

PenDora56 · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
18 Chs

Face To Face With Him After So Many Years

I agreed on the spot even without thinking a second about it. There was no time to think when a solution like that could be possible. God works in wonders, Gina assured me.

Immediately, Gina and I began posting it on the internet, but I never knew this act would bring out the beast in Felix.

"Didn't I warn you, Olivia?" His voice came deep when my phone rang and I thought he changed his mind to good not knowing things had gone from bad to worse.

"I give you two minutes from now to bring down all the posts you made from every nook and cranny. You will no longer have access to your social media handles, also forget anything that will have to do with bank transactions because I've ceased your account. That will be your punishment for disobeying my order." He cut the call without even letting me say a word.

Now I wanted to die.

"Gi...Gina..." Tears...tears couldn't stop falling. "Why is he doing this to me...?" I was confused to the point I couldn't even feel that hot shiver. This time, I was freezing. "Why is he suddenly being cruel to me? I did my best to forget about what he said to me and find a way to save my daughter myself now he is doing this?"

"Come, come here, my friend." Gina gave me her hands. "Now listen, Olivia. You should remain strong. You have your own life to live with or without him. I won't let him do this to you. I know he had done so many good things for you but to become this way now...I will never accept it. I will continue what I was doing to make sure we save your daughter."

"How...? How are we going to do this when he stopped all of my transactions? He is taking back all he gave to me."

"Shhh..." She whispered, wiping my tears. "I will keep the post anonymous. I will keep posting. Someone will surely find it even in that way. Miracles can happen, Olivia. I strongly believe that." She drew me into a hug. "Now stop crying and believe in me please."

Two days of frantic searching had passed, with posts on social media, registrations on blood donation websites, and doctors' and nurses' tireless efforts to find a compatible donor.

Despite contacting blood banks and hospitals nationwide, every lead seemed to end in disappointment. My anxiety grew each day as I watched my daughter's health was deteriorating. And Felix was not talking to me, waiting for me to come with his positive response.

In these two days, with Gina's persuasive talks, she compelled me to stay away from him for now, that way it would give him space to calm down. But it took all in me to do that. I couldn't just bear it, I couldn't bear to know the man I loved was not talking to me. He did not visit the hospital too, he stayed away from me and me from him.

Then, suddenly, as I was replacing the flowers in Christine's hospital room, my cell phone rang.

"I have good news!" Gina exclaimed over the phone. "Someone saw my post and offered to donate blood. He said he has the same rare blood type as your daughter and is confident it will match."

Tears of happiness filled my eyes at the moment as I asked Gina, "How can I meet him?"

"He wants to meet you first, in his office."

"Meet him in his office?" I was taken aback. "Why doesn't he want to come to the hospital?" I couldn't help but wonder. A mix of emotions swirled inside of me - fear, skepticism, and desperation. The donor had an unexpected request. Could I trust this stranger?

But one thing was certain - I would do anything to save Christine's life.

But with time running out, I knew I had to take the risk. I need this sacrifice for the safety of my daughter. "O... okay," Was my response through a shaky voice. I had to make it quick. Every minute counts for my daughter.

"I'll send you the address then," Gina said, trying to sound calm.

A few minutes later a message popped up on my screen, it was the address Gina sent me.

I got myself prepared immediately for the meeting, my mind raced with questions. Who was this mysterious donor? And why did he want to meet me in person? All these thoughts swirled in my head as I drove my BMW to the address Gina had sent me.

A few minutes later, I arrived at the place. After making a good clarification to make sure I was in the right place, I went towards the entrance of the building.

The skyscraper spelled only wealth and I was to go to the residential floor.

"You are Olivia Montes right?" The receptionist spoke to me the moment I got the direction I was told to go.

"Yes, and you..."

"I am Anastasia. Come with me, my boss is waiting for you already." The average height beautiful woman said.

"May I know a little about him before I see him? I...I help but think you guys might know a little about me." The strange feeling was there. No one was to be trusted in these days. My Bluetooth was on and in case of anything, Gina would be my hope of saving me. She was keeping track of my movement.

"He will explain everything to you when you get to see him." She said and gestured for me to follow her.

I slightly nodded and followed without speaking any other word. Her skirt was at good length; an inch above the kneel. Hair packed in a beautiful bun, parted by the side with good-lined edges. Skin color asian and attitude polite; the same as the secretary she handed me over to who now led me towards whoever this boss was.

As I worked through the eyes that gazed at me as I entered, I became self-conscious. Some were looking at me with admiration while some had a look of, 'Who is she?' which was the same question that went through my mind. Who are they? And what do they do?

My spirits were at great heights, I couldn't help but feel a sense of nervousness and vulnerability, but I had to buckle up and act strong at least in front of this boss. I needed not to show him that weakness everyone found in me.

As I walked behind the secretary I remembered to take a second look at my attire. Funny how it's only now I remembered to do that. But who cares when I have something more important to be worried about? Gratefully, I was wearing something presentable. I was in a blue jumpsuit with short sleeves and thick material. It covered my despair situation a little.

"Don't worry miss, my boss is a good person. There is nothing to be afraid of." The secretary told me as if she sensed the unease look on my face. My face revealed my instincts even as I tried hard to hide them.

"Alright, miss." I plastered a smile as we came to stand in front of his office door.

The secretary rang the doorbell and a deep masculine came from the inside.

"Come in,"

Quickly, I mustered courage as the secretary opened the door.

"Go in, ma'am," She gestured to me.

I made sure to be alert. Slowly, I stepped into the office, keeping my scrutinizing gaze everywhere.

There, I saw a man, probably in his late 20s, standing with the back of his elegant well-tailored suit facing me and him gazing out through the window. His hair twirled in the gentle breeze that came in through the window. He didn't move until he probably knew the secretary was out and had gone far away.

"Good day, Mr." I greeted him, having my hand tightly on my purse as if it was a weapon in case he...

He finally, slowly, began to turn his face towards me and I was stunned to see the face of the man I had hidden myself from for so long. Liam Blackwood.

I was shocked to see the face of the man I had tried to prove my worth to. One who I had run away from years ago. The father of my child.

I had hidden when I saw him at the mall a few days ago, now he stands face to face with me after so many years had passed.

With his silver eyes that now observed me from head to toe, I felt shivers all over my body. His silver eyes glinted at me, in an expression I couldn't tell.

"I have for so long waited to see you again, my Little Bunny." His voice echoed into my head.

Woohoo! What a surprise for Olivia!

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