
Robot and Human vs Alien war (part 2)

written by Yaswin , Shankar , Hari , Bhanu.

Jack-- friends we are so near to Mars.


(After 2 days)

Dhanush-- we are entering to mars it is full of CO2.

Jack-- yes.

Sam and ash-- Dhanush we can prepare oxygen suit and oxygen cylinder.

Dhanush-- ok.

Pica-- I will prepare guns.

Jack-- we came to Mars .

Ash-- Sam land spaceship slowly.

Sam-- ok.

Jack-- all members were spcesuit and take guns.

(after 15 minutes all members came out.)

Dhanush-- what are those?

Jack-- Those are satellite parts.

Sam-- Then our satellite is somewhere near to us.

Pica-- yes.

Jack-- Ash ,call Calvin.

Ash to Kelvin-- Kelvin where is a satellite

Kelvin go left by half kilometre but go slow.

Ash-- Thanks Kelvin.

(After some time they reach the satellite.)

Sam-- hey see there is kajiki.

Dhanush-- kajiki... you can't escape.

kajiki-- you also can't escape.

Jack-- why?

kajiki-- I have lot of army.

( kajiki told to army shoot them.)

Jack-- run run go to the spaceship.

Pica--I will go to the earth.

Jack-- ok and send 20,000 robots and Tony.

pica-- ok.

(Pica went to Earth so speed in UFO.)

(and 20,000 robots and Tony came to space)

Tony -- Hi friends how are you.

Jack-- We are half fine and half not fine.

Then robots human and alien war starts.

Tony-- Guys come let's go to war.

Jack-- ok.

Dhanush-- Sam land on Mars.

Sam-- We can go out.

Kajiki-- What ! you came again for dying.

Tony-- this is last day for you.

Kajiki-- come let's go to war.

Dhanush-- ok. kajiki.

Jack-- guys it's time to war.

Dhanush-- robots .... attack.

Kajiki-- aliens.... attack.

kajiki's general-- sir, we are only 18,000 aliens.

kajiki-- Then what is strength of robots.

Kajiki's general-- their strength was 20,000 robot and very powerful.

Kajiki-- ok.

The war begin an end after sometime.

The robots are only 4,500 and aliens are only 2,000.

(the Kagiki has injured his hand and he Has given the satellite.)

Dhanush-- Ok .thank you Kagiki.

Kajiki-- you are only winner in this war.

Jack-- It is a great war to us.

Dhanush-- Yes we done it finish.

Sam-- Ok friends, we can go to the earth.

Tony-- Ok.

( THE END. )

kajiki will back in part 3 return to earth.

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