
Entitled In A Scandalous Way

"Mam! Please Look Here!!" "WAH!!! You Are A Picture Perect!" "Miss Zhao, Look this side as well!!" "She Is A Scorching Beauty! Perfect from every angle!!" Zhao Yuhui mailed her brightening smile at the cameras as she waved at them, which travelled through lenses and wireless connection as an arrow of love all the way straight at the hearts of countless males. They say little girls with dreams become women with visions when they grow up and...where is the lie?? Zhao Yuhui spent her whole childhood dreaming about becoming an actress, her teen years preparing for it while her university days working for it. Coming from a middle-class family, only she knew the hardships she had to endure to get here only to get into... "Bruh, she is the only woman with no scandals! Her future husband is going to be so lucky." "What it has to do with you? She will surely not marry you! Period." And just like that, a week later the trending articles were- "The trending beauty was captured in several photos with a mysterious man!" "The photos were posted with the caption saying- During the risky scene, Miss Zhao's boyfriend jumped right into the water to save his precious beloved *heart heart*!!!" "It was just last week she was seen in year-end awards where she was even praised for not being in any relationship!" "Could the current most searched actor be lying all the time when she denied having any boyfriend?" But a statement released by the company extinguished all the fire, "Well, in response to the 'rumors' surrounding our actress we only have one thing to say, it was merely a security man doing his duty!" And without any need to mention, the 'security man' in the picture just wished to bang the head of his friend onto the wall after reading the reference. Days Later. Trending articles were- "New photos of Zhao Yuhui were released last night but this time with a new man in black-suit!" "Zhao Yuhui in the arms of another man!!" "The face of the man is hidden but looking at the posture, they could be predicted to be gazing deeply in each other's eyes!" "Has Zhao Yuhui finally immersed herself in the ocean of love?" Zhao Yuhui: "..." What ocean of love! Only if she wasn't held by her company to not respond personally. Not to miss the top comments- "I am no expert but why does the profile of this man looks similar to the profile of previous man?" "Now that you mentioned it, even I can find the similarities!" "His back profile is the only thing visible but dude...look at those broad-shoulders!" This time, in response a paragraph was released by her agency, "These photos are from the banquet she had attended couple of months back and the man in these photos...is just a bodyguard. He was only catching her when she slipped, ignore the angle at which photo is taken! This was clicked right after the accident so this man is the same security guard who was promoted to a status of bodyguard as a result of his excellence." Bodyguard? Qin Lixin stared at his friend with a stare as good as a piercing knife. "Qin Lixin, glad to know about your promotion!" *laugh* "You were the only one who ordered to protect your identity. This was the only thing I could do." The great friend in the question replied as he brought his hands up in surrender. "I asked you to stop all these baseless rumors with that girl not to change my profession each time!" Qin Lixin growled as he held his forehead. "What if it reached my mom?" "It won't, trust me." However... "Assistant Fang, get Qin Lixin here and also the girl." The Vice-President of Qin Industries ordered while throwing daggers at the photo lightening the phone screen. -*-*-*-* Instagram - bellzla.za Cover is not mine. All rights to Original Owner/Creator.

bellzla_za · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
50 Chs

Late To The Event.

An aura of depression surrounded Chen Peiling when her soul was brought back to her body by the familiar ping of a message about an hour back. Without even bothering to change, she had rushed out in her pyjamas after taking the car keys.

She had been feeling gloomy since the day Sister Zhao started ignoring her. She had scolded her curiosity back and forth after that.

On her way to the university, she had stopped by a florist to buy a bouquet as a token of apology. Due to her bad handwriting, she even dictated the shop owner to write a sorry note for her.

Initially, the shop owner misinterpreted it being a matter of love and felt pity but when he filled 'Sister Zhao' in the column of the receiver, he was speechless.

The way her voice shivered in anxiety while dictating and tears had filled in her eyes, he had almost believed it was for her boyfriend. Who had thought she was making him write it for her sister?

Zhao Yuhui was startled. Watching the big drops of tears continuously oozing out from her eyes, she massaged her forehead helplessly. "Why are you such a cry-baby? I didn't even scold you yet."

Hearing the soft tone, Chen Peiling cried harder and threw her arms around Zhao Yuhui's neck. "I am sorry! I wouldn't repeat it ever again!!"

Wrapping her arms around Chen Peiling, Zhao Yuhui smiled lightly. "Alright, alright! Stop crying now, I am not angry anymore." She pulled back and wiped the tears from her cheeks. "When you are this much scared of my ignorance, why dont you just follow my words?

Zhao Yuhui took the bouquet. "Now, lets hurry up."

Chen Peiling sniffed and briefed the message Manager Liu had sent her while moving to driving seat. "We need to go to your home instead of the salon. Manager Liu asked the makeup artist to reach there. She would pick us up from there at half past six."

A sound of acknowledgement came from Zhao Yuhui before she opened the door. On the seat was a small gift bag. "What is this?" She asked as she settled herself on the seat.

Chen Peiling sent a glance at the expensive chocolates she bought and replied meekly. "Chocolates...for you. Early Christmas present."

If she had known there would be no need of them, she wouldn't have spent such a huge amount on them. Sigh!

Zhao Yuhui felt happy as she peeked inside. She knew they were expensive and for that reason, she used to buy these just once in several months. "Thank you, Lingling!"

She ignored the sullen face of Chen Peiling as she put those in the dashboard. She deserved this much.

The makeup artist was already there when she got inside her apartment. I am sorry for making you wait.

"I haven't been waiting for that long, Yuhui." Lucy, a quite familiar makeup artist smiled. She was one of the first persons Zhao Yuhui had known since she debuted.

Lets go to my room.

After Lucy had finished putting makeup on her, Zhao Yuhui changed her dress and came outside. Lucy didn't stay for long and right after throwing some compliments, she hurried back to attend her next appointment.

Zhao Yuhui went to look for Chen Peiling who was discussing her favourite dramas with Mother Zhao. She had already changed her dress and was sipping tea. "Sister Zhao, you're looking pretty."

The dress had perfectly fitted her that day, but today along with makeup and her straightened hair, she looked breathtaking!

A look of acknowledgement flashed through Mother Zhao's eyes as she scanned her daughter's form and commented. "After a long while, you are looking like a lady. Over the years, I had forgotten that it was a girl whom I gave birth several years ago." Her voice turned emotional.

She had spent a few months with her daughter, and it won't be an understatement to say that her eyes went blind watching her daughter wear the same black combo of sweatshirt and pants every other day.

That made Zhao Yuhui throw a strange questionable look at her mother. "Sister Liu hasn't arrived yet? It is more than half past six now." The question was thrown at Chen Peiling.

"She called when you were getting ready to inform that she would get late."

Zhao Yuhui nodded thoughtfully and made herself comfortable on the couch to wait for her. Right before the hour hand was about to strike seven, they received a call from Manager Liu.

Zhao Yuhui wore her black heels and waved at her mother before going down, followed by Chen Peiling who hugged Mother Zhao.

The car was parked right in front of the building. Chen Peiling sat in the passenger seat whereas Zhao Yuhui went in the back seat.

"Are you both comfortable?" Just as they finished nodding, Manager Liu brought the car to life.

Even knowing they were getting late, Manager Liu drove at her own pace.

It was the first time for Zhao Yuhui to leave for an event at the expected time of arrival in the venue. Usually, she was among the first ones to arrive.

On top of that, it was Manager Liu driving her to the place of dinner. Though it was the duty of managers to drive the car around, still it felt unreal and unfair when Manager Liu was the one doing it. It almost made her feel...guilty.

Manager Liu might have seen through her thoughts when she spoke. "We would only be late by twenty-thirty minutes. There is nothing to be worried about." Following what she had stated earlier, she pulled the car into the parking lot of Third-Heights Restaurant right after twenty minutes.

By the time they reached, the whole parking lot was filled with several vans. It was then Zhao Yuhui realised their car was the only sports car among the sea of celebrity's black vans.