
Entertainment started in Youth Pi (Hiatus)

When Ye Bai saved his girlfriend and childhood friend from a speeding vehicle, he traveled through the parallel world of Youth Pi. This is an entertainment/fanfiction novel started on TV. Show "Youth Pi/Growing Pain." This novel and its characters are purely fictitious.

NeeekoShin · TV
Classificações insuficientes
75 Chs

Chapter 35: Sleeping Together

Lin Miaomiao and Ye Bai entered to his room, closing the door behind them. Lin Miaomiao felt a bit flustered after the exchange with Wu Qian, her heart still racing from the unexpected question about Ye Bai.

Ye Bai noticed Lin Miaomiao's unease and asked, "Are you okay, Miaomiao? My mom didn't make you uncomfortable, did she?"

Lin Miaomiao shook her head. "No, Auntie Wu is very nice."

Ye Bai chuckled. "Yeah, my mom really likes you she cooked the food you like when you visit our home. Anyway, let's focus on studying for now."

Lin Miaomiao nodded, she enjoyed the dishes Auntie Wu cooked for her. She looked around Ye Bai's room and found a photo of them sitting on the sofa. She couldn't help but smile.

Ye Bai saw her looking at the photos on the shelves. "Time really flies so fast."

Lin Miaomiao nodded. "Yes, time flies so fast. By the way, your birthday is coming. How will you celebrate it?"

When Ye Bai heard his coming birthday he didn't know if he would be happy and celebrate it or not. "I don't know yet, I'll ask my mother about that. Come here."

Miaomiao took a seat at Ye Bai's desk, and he handed her some textbooks.

"Let's review the material for the upcoming exams. We need to make sure you're fully prepared," Ye Bai said, flipping open one of the textbooks.

As they delved into their studies, Ye Bai couldn't help but glance at the serious girl studying beside him. He stood up and grabbed a snack from his bag. "Let's eat this while we study."

Lin Miaomiao's eyes lit up, and she gave Ye Bai a thumbs-up. She snatched the snack from his hands and opened it. "I like this snack."

Ye Bai helped Lin Miaomiao review what he thought would be the most likely questions on the exam. As a former high school student in Bluestar, he had some experience with how exams worked.

By the afternoon, Lin Miaomiao's energy was drained. Ye Bai knew that she wouldn't be able to learn anything more in this state. Her focus had dwindled, and she would likely doze off.

"I'll get some food from the kitchen," Ye Bai said, standing up and leaving the room.

Lin Miaomiao, feeling exhausted, sat on the bed and noticed a guitar nearby. She started strumming it for a while before lying down and unintentionally drifting off to sleep.

Ye Bai entered the room carrying a tray of snacks, carefully placing them on the table. His gaze shifted to the sleeping figure lying on his bed. Quietly, he approached Lin Miaomiao and gently removed her glasses, setting them aside. He then gazed at her peaceful face. Lin Miaomiao shifted slightly in her sleep, adjusting her position on the bed. Without thinking much, he lay down beside her, his eyes fixed on her serene expression, his thoughts wandering as he watched over her.


Two people sat on an old chair under the starry sky. The night was peaceful, but their thoughts were not calm.

"It's cold out here; why are you still outside?" Ye Bai asked the person who sat on her side. She was wearing a fitted black sweater and gray pants, with long hair tied in a low pigtail down their back.

"Nothing; I can't sleep, and I saw you, so I came. Did you enjoy the road tour?"

"It's okay, I'm not the lead in this movie, so I can relax. I just want to experience it." 

"Zifeng was very tired when I walked out of the room; she was sleeping deeply. She was so cute." 

There's a long silence between both of them. "I really enjoy this movie with you, even if we don't have many scenes, not like when you helped me as an assistant; now you are a full-time actor."

"Haha, I also enjoy this film too. Thanks, Maimai, for supporting me in getting this role." Ye Bai spoke from the bottom of his heart.

"It's not just me; Zifeng also helps you get this role." After Maimai said this, there was a long silence, and they looked at each other.

Ye Bai broke the silence, looked at the stars, and said, "Should I accept Zifeng's feelings?"

Maimai also looks at the distance: "You're so lucky to catch Sister Zifeng's feelings. Why not? What are you worrying about?"

He looked at the girl beside him and sighed. He stood up and said, "Thanks, Maimai, I feel that my thoughts are clear now."

Jinmai also stood up and said, "You are welcome; that's what we friends are for," and she punched him in the chest. "I'm going back too." 

They walk closely to the hotel, but you can feel the distance between them.

Becoming more than friends can be scary when you care a lot about the friendship. You don't want to mess it up by trying for something more. So, you end up feeling stuck, unsure whether to take the risk or not.


Ye Bai didn't know when he fell asleep but he found that Lin Miaomiao was hugging him like a pillow. He carefully took Miaomiao's hands and legs out of his body and stood up.

He took his phone and checked out the time. "Miaomiao wake up."

Lin Miaomiao stretched her body and sat up. "What time is it?"

Ye Bai shows her the time. "It's already 5 pm. Let's eat first then I will send you home."

Lin Miaomiao walks to the table and eats happily the snacks Ye Bai picked. She secretly looks at Ye Bai eating on her side. A while ago she woke up and saw Ye Bai sleeping on her side. She didn't know why she hugged him and slept beside him.

After they were done eating Ye Bai walked out of the room carrying the food tray they used and washing it in the kitchen.

Lin Miaomiao follows him and goes out of the room, she sees Aunt Wu preparing a lunch box. Aunt Wu saw Miaomiao and called her. "Miaomiao here take this, Ye Bai said he will send you home. This food you like share it with your parents."

Lin Miaomiao happily accepts it. "Thank you, Aunt Wu." she hugged her.

"Visit me if you have time Miaomiao." Aunt Wu reminds her.

Lin Miaomiao felt that Aunt Wu was more affectionate towards her this time and she loved it. "Yes, Aunt Wu."

Ye Bai took a jacket and gave it to Miaomiao "Here take this, it's already cold outside use it."

Lin Miaomiao took the jacket and wore it it's a little large for her but it's comfortable. "Goodbye Aunt Wu see you next time."

Both of them said goodbye to Wu Qian and walked out of the apartment. While walking outside the apartment they saw Qian Sanyi with his bike.

Qian Sanyi saw Ye Bai and Lin Miaomiao and his eye was surprised. But before he can react Ye Bai explains. "My mother wanted to see Miaomiao, and I also helped her review for this upcoming final exam."

Qian Sanyi nodded. "I didn't know your mom came back?"

"She just came back yesterday. Let me introduce you to my Mom, later." Ye Bai suggested.

Qian Sanyi looked at Lin Miaomiao and nodded. "Good luck with your exam," he said to Miaomiao.

Lin Miaomiao was surprised this guy suddenly cheered her up. She looks at him cautiously thinking he will make a blunder. "Hmp, Ye Bai teach me efforts of course I'll do great tho coming exam," she said full of confidence.

"We will go first Sanyi, see you later." Ye Bai said goodbye.

"Sure see you later." Qian Sanyi waved to them.

"Don't be too bitter to Sanyi, he is a good person." Ye Bai said to Miaomiao.

"I don't know how you two became close. You two are both smart but there's a big difference in personality. Okay, I'll listen to you," Miaomiao said.

"He just doesn't know how to express himself but if you know him enough you will see his sincerity." Ye Bai explains.

Now and then Qian Sanyi also comes with him to run at the park and exercise they also play games online so their friendship has been good this past 1 year.

While on the bus Lin Miaomiao took her phone "Ye Bai let's take a picture." Ye Bai also follows.

Lin Miaomiao took several photos, and looking at the photos on her phone she was satisfied. "I'll send you a copy."

"Sure send those where I am handsome." Ye Bai said.


Leaving the bus station Lin Miaomiao and Ye Bai walked to her community. Miaomiao turned to Ye Bai and asked "Why you didn't record the song last time? I want to hear it again."

Ye Bai forgot to record the song last time "I'll make time after the final exam to record the song."

"Yes and let's hang out after the final exam with Haozi and Xiaoqi." Lin Miaomiao excitedly suggests. Her last suggestion to hang out was not successful now she hopes that this time it was a success.

Ye Bai nodded "Sure, let's schedule it after the exam." He also wants to hang out with them and enjoy.

"How about let's celebrate your birthday with them how's my idea." Miaomiao jumped excitedly.

"Okay let's do that." Ye Bai smiles at the lively girl in front of him.

In front of Lin Miaomiao's apartment, Ye Bai stood and waved at her. "Say hello to uncle and aunt for me."

Lin Miaomiao also waved goodbye and ran upstairs with a lunchbox in her hand.
