
The Dice of Destiny is rolling, new players!!

Alex PVs

After the plan was drawn up, everyone was at their posts, the rebel soldiers are also in position.

I'm on the tallest tower in the city, on my way to the hills behind the city, if I can't hold the rebels for four hours, the city behind me will fall, the men and children will die, the women and girls will be enslaved, I can't go wrong !

(Windly three hundred meters to the west, distance of one kilometer, this one is going to be tough! A bullet is forever!) after I finish adjusting, I shoot!



(One shot! my first kill!)!







After the tenth death, I lost count, something inside me shut down, I kept my head free from unnecessary thoughts, it felt like a well-oiled machine working nonstop, time didn't wait for anyone and neither did I.

Two hours later I was almost out of ammo, I asked Frankie, she was out too! I switched from a Sniper Rifle to an Assault Rifle, changed the sights and carried on.

After another hour the captain arrived with an anti-tank and a lot of ammunition, the rebels' chain of command had long since fallen, after everyone who had the ability to give order died or did not dare to stand out, the rebels retreated. In a little while, as we were about to let our guard down, something unbelievable happened.

More than five hundred men came, with cars, tanks, rocket launchers and all.

(Captain!!! See this? How long until Reinforcements? My ammo isn't infinite!!!) I asked the captain with a slight nervousness.

(Another half hour, they're sending air support, we just have to hold the rebels a little longer, I'll use the rocket launcher, Private Frankie, you support the Sodado Bell, the rest come with me, use it all, go away nothing, E kill or die! Men, do or die!!!) The captain shouted his orders with unyielding determination in the face of an almost lost cause.

(YES SIR! IT'S A BEAUTIFUL DAY TO DIE!!) Everyone shouted inspired by their captain's determination.

(Captain? Can I get this grenade launcher?) I ask immediately.

(Of course, all yours!) he answered back without looking at me.

I went to point B, just above the hill, between the bushes, only the rifle barrel was in sight, I wasn't going to let my comrades die, I was going to kill as many as necessary.

Heavy fire fell on my brothers, and I shot anyone and anything that issued any command, or had any large-caliber weapon, seconds feeling like hours and minutes like days, when the rebels were close enough to jeopardize the lives of my brothers, Air support arrived, I used the grenade launcher to mark the targets with red smoke and all hell broke loose on the rebels.

The captain wanted to issue a retreat order, but I asked that we use this chance and locate the other base, to launch a counterattack and, if possible, get our hands on the man behind this attack and perhaps find out who the informant is.

This rat knows a lot of information that can endanger the lives of many soldiers and also get its hands on many high-value supplies.

The Captain agreed and passed the intelligence to the command center, soon we had confirmation, the mission was now to track the leaders of the attack and extract information on the informant, and dismantle the enemy's intelligence network.

(Captain!! the rebels have passed through Rio, they are two hours ahead of us!) I tell the Captain, who agrees and says.

(They're not even hiding, it looks like they're so desperate to get away that they've lost their minds!)

(Yes captain, they are running like mice, little do they know the kittens are hunting hahaha) says Frankie with a laugh like a romance villain

(HAHAHAHAHAHA) Every unit laughs at Frankie's jokes

(Captain, they're ahead! A little more and we can see them!) After saying that, I feel my instincts alarm me.

(Sir, something's not right! I'll notify the central, and ask for backup, they're close, shouldn't take long to arrive.) I tell the captain, after thinking about it!

(Alright soldier, I also think things are stinking, we're tracking the rebels without too much trouble, at first I thought it was fear and carelessness, but now I think it's a trap!) says the alarmed captain.

(Sir! I go ahead looking for a high point to check the surroundings, there are many hills around us, an ambush is easy! I will find the enemies and make plans with the new information and act accordingly!) shortly after receiving confirmation I leave.

Five minutes on foot, I see a group of rebel scouts, they are laying mines and preparing the ground, I divert them, I tell them everything via radio, and keep moving forward, after twenty minutes of walking, I arrived in a small town, you can't even call it a city, it looks like a village, it was recently built, with the forest cut twenty meters from the village, they created a base village, it is between two hills and a plain in the back, easy to defend, difficult to attack and still has escape routes.

I reported everything and evacuated, when I was arriving at the meeting point, I hear shots, I ran fast and arrived where my brothers were, they were ambushed, the enemies know about us, now the situation is serious.

I passed the information along with our Coordinates and we have thirty minutes until reinforcements arrive.

A few bullets later and the enemies were dead, the captain wanted to retreat and group with the reinforcements, but the rebels were motivated and bullets rained down on us, arriving at a mountain range, we climbed quickly, looked for the best point of support and stopped, the captain didn't notice, but Frankie did.

(Alex, what are you doing? Why did you stop, quick the rebels are on our tail!) says Frankie nervously.

(I've done the math Frankie. Someone has to stay behind and delay the enemies, the way ahead is two kilometers of uncovered area, if we go blind, we all die!) I say with iron determination, this team is great, I would do the same. Required.

(Soldier Bell, I understand your point, but as the leader of this unit it is my duty to stay and give you the opportunity to escape!!) Captain says in a commanding tone.

(Sir, if I may say so, it's not a matter of who, or why! It's simply logical, I'm the only one who can do it, the longer we take it, the closer they'll come. I don't need to explain why I'm the option more logic to stay!), without looking back, I left those words.

I secretly called Frankie and said.

(Frankie, if you get out of this, I want you to text my little brother. I'm from Texas County, Arkansas, a little town called Blue Eye. Tell my brother Bob Lee Swagger, who's 17 this year. Little brother, your older brother is a failure, I couldn't take care of you and I wanted to be like your father, a hero and a good man, I failed miserably at both. I couldn't take care of you like your father asked, I didn't even see you grow, I'm a bad brother, I just want to ask you, don't care what they say about your father, or about me, follow your heart and remember A BULLET IS FOREVER, think before you pull the trigger, and if you're not unlocked is not lethal!) That's it, tell him directly, only him, I'm counting on you.

I turned off the radio so as not to disturb the concentration and I prepare to fire the first shot, I calculate the wind, the air temperature and the distance of the first enemy and then.






I was totally focused on the rebels and dropped them like puppets with broken strings, after who knows how long and a road of corpses, I ran out of ammo in the sniper, switched to assault rifle and backed off little by little, then a good distance and I realized that the rebels didn't have the courage to approach the road of corpses, I took advantage and retreated to the extraction point.

I looked at the time and managed to buy twenty-five minutes for my brothers, I'm sure they'll be fine, me on the other hand, depends on fate.

The extraction point is five kilometers away, if I do it right and with the anti-trace techniques I'll live, but if the enemy finds me and finds I'm alone, they'll sentence me to death.

The determined time to get to the extraction point is one day and one night, without too many problems, if I find the enemies I will have to change route, so the estimated time is two days and one night, I hope the destination is in my favor, it's now a race against time.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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