

Ariana loughty and Martin Evans likes each other. But because of Ariana loughty 's step sister ivory Samuel They decide not to see each other. ivory Samuel knows about Ariana loughty's feelings toward Martin Evans so she came up with a plan to get close to Martin.

mariyam_lavza · Outros
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1 Chs

Chapter 1

A lot of time I feel discouraged that I haven't met the right guy or have never been in a relationship. especially when I see my colleagues holding hands with their partners so I feel like I am the only one who is still single at the age of 24.. I've never been in a relationship even though there are a bunch of guys who want me. however i also had a some kind of strange feelings for a guy. He used to be my friend but when i heard my step sister and him were getting married i was repulsed, truly a living nightmare.

I was in my office signing some documents sent by my father about office managing. my assistant had brought to my attention that he had come, yet again, a mischievous grin spreading across my lips as i whispered ' i knew he would come'.

i stopped my work and eyed the large figure infront of me. he was dressed in black from head to toe and reeked of wealth. " what brings you here?" i asked as i skimmed through the pages, slowly looking up at him. he shot a quick smirk. "i own half the share of this office, likewise you, im welcome whenever" he said, throwing a envelope at me. "our family is expecting you at the party tonight- or have you forgetten? its your step sisters engagement and please dont bring your nonesense youve brought enough shame on this family" thst was all i heard later followed by a loud slam of the door. i was left speechless amd i wasnt able to focus so i decided to open the envelope. i didn't realize i was crying until i saw droplets of tears forming on the envelope. 'we invited you to share in our joy and request your presence at our engagement party ' i read the caption written in the card.

I can only hear was my heels clack along the floor and people's talking walking voice. " Ariana loughty" I heard a familiar voice called. i turned around to see my father's business partner mr Evans. and it turned out to be my step sister's fiencee's father. " i am glad that you came to celebrate the joy with my family" he said while shaking my hands. " its pleasure to meet you after so many years mr evans" i said to him. " Dad" My heart stopped beating for a minute. ' i- it wass him' i try not to look at him. " Ms loughty meet My second son Martin Evans.. you two have met once at the business meeting." My heart started to beat fast. " Nice to meet you again loughty" he took my left hand and kiss the knuckle. i snatched my hands away and went to grab a drink 🍷.

" Why a beautiful girl like you doing here drinking alone ?" some one came and took the wine glass i was drinking. i stare at him for a minute. " Austin " i recognize him. i studied chemistry class with me when we're in highschool. i hugged him" its been ages since we last talked. happy to see you " i told him. i was happy to see him. " ahah hows life Ariana? " he asked me . " life is kinda ok... i now handle everything in office. " i said to him. " the way you answered me i don't think your life is okey.. is everything alright." he asked me. " don't mind my life .. I heard you got married.." i asked him. " yes my wife also here but she went to see the to be bride " He said. Our conversation was interrupted by a familiar voice. " it's been a while my dear step sister" Ivory came and hugged me. ' huh pretend to be a good sister ' " STEP SISTER" Austin was offended by hearing Ivory calling me step sister. " Ari ain't you going to introduce him to me" Ivory asked. " uh Ivory this is my highschool friend Austin and Austin this is my step sister Ivory the bride" I introduced them to each other. " friend" Ivory asked. She looks startled by my statement. " yes why " I said unintentionally. " I thought you guys are couple"

ivory said. " no we are just friends.. and he has a wife too" I Said. " um you guys talked.. I am going to find my wife" Austin said and walk away. " you dare to bring your self in to my engagement party " The moment Austin left that kind deed ivory change in to a bitch. " I came because your brother invited me to come" I spat harshly at her and walk away.

I saw myself in a bar drinking alone talking crying. " Why why this has happened to me? " I said to my self a d was going to drink the sixth bottle of beer someone came took it from me. I was so drunk that I didn't even recognize the face who took my beer bottle. " Stop drinking let's go home." I heard him saying. " Home... where... I don't have a home.. " I said and was about to take another bottle of beer. but I fainted before I take the bottle.