
Ensnared By Shadows: A Tale Of Love And Vengeance

Isabelle's life changes when Adamine Icarus walks into her life. He seeks for his treasure and will stop at nothing to get it. After witnessing the mad tyrant kill her people, Isabelle is abducted by her worst nightmare. Hidden within her is the cure to the illness that threatens Icarus's life, but it cannot be extracted unless she gives consent. Determined to get revenge for her people, Isabelle swears to never give up the cure. She would endure every torture just to make sure that Adamine Icarus meets his death. Will Isabelle be able to hold on until Icarus's life diminishes, or will she yield to his ensnaring darkness?

Aniagboso_Martins · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
23 Chs

The Party II

Isabelle flashed him a smile, but he didn't return the gesture. His eyes remained on her as she descended the stairs, a look of pure astonishment on his face, one that he didn't bother to hide. Icarus has always been blunt with his approach and words, and the same applied for his expressions as well.

She walked to stand directly beside him, her eyes steady on his as she took every step.

"Is there something wrong?" Isabelle questioned hesitantly, a look of genuine curiosity plastered on her face.

Icarus turned to steal one final look at her, his mouth dry of the appropriate reply. He knew she was beautiful, but the dress, and the additional touches to her face and hair elevated her own level of beauty. The dress held up her luscious breasts in a seductive manner, the silky fabric caressing them as though it were a man's tongue. It hugged tightly around her curves, highlighting her equally luscious buttocks.

She had asked if there was something wrong, but he didn't know how to compliment her right now without airing the lustful intents lurking at the back of his mind.

"You don't like the dress?" She asked, and he shook his head to reply.

"The dress is beautiful, you're beautiful—" Icarus paused as though his last words had unintentionally slipped out. He turned towards her before finally announcing their leave.

Isabelle stood still for a moment, he had called her beautiful, but she had no idea how to react to those words. She didn't expect the compliment, and even while he looked breathtaking as always, she had no intention of complimenting him. She didn't value any words that came from him, especially not words of validation. She knew she was beautiful, and had received tons of compliments for her beauty lots of times. But why, why did his words suddenly hold some kind of weight to her?

"Are you coming?" His cold voice stole her away from her thoughts and she hastened up her steps to meet him. Julian walked behind us, a proud smile on his face. This was the first time I'd seen him change facial expressions in the last twenty four hours. And it was honestly a weird experience.

This party was held once every year. The seven noble families gathered to celebrate the oneness and prosperity of the realm. And also to dance away the bad times. Unlike the pure realm, demons walked amongst men in this realm. They blended perfectly with the population, and occasionally would wreak havoc at the most unexpected hour. Although demon attacks have reduced significantly since Icarus ascended the throne, it hadn't been permanently curbed.

The noble families were not only representatives of their clans, they were also protectors. It was for this sole purpose that hell had gifted more strength and magical energy than the average human. With their strength, they were able to face demons and stand a chance against them.

As Icarus and his 'supposed bride' made their entrance into the room, all activities ceased for a moment. Heads turned and ultimately lowered in respect, while a few redundant fellows were stolen away by the beauty beside the king. Icarus marked their faces, she might not actually be his bride, but casting lustful stares at the king's woman was a grave offense.

Isabelle had seen a lot of ballrooms in the twenty one years of her life, but none held the same air as the one before her. It seemed as though the room was one straight out of a fairytale, a breathtaking expanse of opulence and splendor. Gilded chandeliers, suspended from the lofty ceiling, cast a warm, golden glow over the room, their crystals refracting light in a dazzling display. The walls, adorned with ornamental orbs reflected the warm lights of the chandelier, giving the room an even beautiful glow.

The polished marble floor stretched across the ballroom, reflecting the soft radiance from the chandeliers.

Along the perimeter, tall windows draped in rich fabrics allowed the moonlight to spill into the room, bathing everything in its silver light. Velvet curtains, the color of midnight, added a sense of intimacy, creating pockets of shadow and mystery that contrasted with the overall luminosity.

In the center of the ballroom, a grand staircase led to an elevated platform, where an orchestra played enchanting melodies. The musicians were ensconced in a lavish alcove adorned with cascading flowers and soft, billowing fabrics. Their music billowed into night, wrapping the room in a graceful symphony of sounds.

Tables adorned with crystal vases held bouquets of fresh flowers, their fragrance mingling with the subtle scent of polished wood. Guests, adorned in breathtaking attire, swirled across the dance floor in a rhythmic symphony, their laughter and conversation adding to the richness of the evening.

Her people were rich, but this was beyond wealth. Not only was the room itself a wonder to behold, the people in it were all beautiful and were dressed in the best clothes. She thought that her dress seemed too expensive, but now Isabelle felt as though she was on rags.

"I know you hate me, but just for tonight, do not act out of line." Icarus cautioned and pleaded at the same time. He didn't know her well just yet, but he was already well acquainted with her stubborn side. Since she knew he couldn't kill her, she might decide to walk on stage and expose his secrets.

"What's this? Is the great Adamine Icarus asking me for a favor?" Isabelle taunted. Now it was her turn to smile like a maniac. She didn't plan on acting out of character, but she wasn't going to pass on an opportunity to torture the man beside her psychologically.

"Yes. Do whatever you want with that realization." Icarus replied coldly before returning his gaze to the approaching figures up front. Alexander and Christopher were walking towards their direction, and Icarus knew they wanted nothing more than to check out the imposter who they thought would be their queen. Christopher wore an expectant expression on his face, while Alexander approached with an expressionless face, and a malicious aura.

The two lowered their heads in respect but Icarus rolled his eyes in response. Isabelle on the other hand curtsied to show her respect. Icarus took a second to cast her a well-done glare, she was really playing along with this, and he was grateful to her for one thing.

"You must be Isabelle, princess of the pure realm. It's nice to finally meet you." Christopher began. He took Isabelle's slender hands into his and kissed it gently. "I'm Christopher Callias, head of the Callias family."

"It's nice to meet you Christopher." Isabelle returned with a warm smile. Looking around, Isabelle soon realized that the men here were breathtakingly handsome. And unlike Icarus and Julian, she was certain that the man before her was pure hearted. She resonated with him even though they were from different realms.

Icarus reflexively tightened his grip on Isabelle's finger, a reaction he never expected to make. Just now, he had felt a tinge of jealousy when Christopher kissed Isabelle's hands. Although he was a little possessive of his lovers, this wasn't the same feeling.

"Aren't you going to greet your future queen, Alexander?" Icarus questioned, his voice cold, and the look in his eyes colder.

Alexander had only walked up to Icarus because he wanted to see the lady who was soon to be the king's bride. He had no intention of offering her his respect, but at the moment, it seemed like he had no choice.

"Alexander Plutarch, nice to meet you, princess Isabelle."

"It's nice to meet you too." Isabelle forced out. Unlike the first man, this one had no business with hiding his hatred for her. She had no idea who he was, but for some reason, he already hated her. Maybe it was because she was from the other realm. It didn't matter to Isabelle, and she honestly had no regard for this man's hatred. All she wanted was for the night to end so she could find comfort in her fantasies.

"He's here..." Julian whispered from behind, and Icarus immediately turned in response to Julian's words. It's been five years since they last saw each other, and although they weren't exactly friends, they weren't enemies either. He had expected him to show up, but Icarus wasn't exactly sure if he wanted him around. It didn't matter now, Adamine Maximus was here, and there was nothing he could do about it.