

Enslaved princess Halimat Nassir is a princess,captured from her kingdom,through which she lost her title as princess and her family,taken to another kingdom she's sold off as a slave. And it only gets worse,from there. She meets an arrogant prince who lusts over her and will stop at nothing but to lay with her. Will Halimat succumb to his desire ? Will she ever be free from this slavery ? What are the things that'll happen to her in this new place she finds herself ?

Oluchi_Sara · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
10 Chs

Chapter 8

Halimat's pov

This party reminded me of the last celebration I had in my kingdom,it made me feel sick and I wished not to do anything but a slave has no say,I noticed Fatima approaching and saw that her eyes was on my necklace.

This type of necklace was worn by royalties and nobles,since it couldn't be afforded by all.

"That necklace where did you get it ?" Fatima asked in a jealous tone.

"My sister gave it to me," I said putting my hand on it,more like concealing it,any problem ?"

"No it doesn't suit a slave like you,I hope you and your sister aren't thieves ?" she said and flashed me an evil grin.

"We're not,now please excuse me,"I said in a pissed tone.

"Who do you think you're talking to ?" She gasped and pulled me back slapping me then poured water on me making me gasp,I was about to slap her back and seeing me do that made her gasp in fear,I withdrew my hand remembering status.

"What's going on here ?" Murad asked pulling Fatima away glaring hardly at me.

"This stupid maid of your's Murad,she disrespected me !"

"Don't worry darling I'll punish her later."

"I'll do it myself."

"OK sweetheart,but for now let's focus in the party,she's drenched," he said pulling Fatima along.

Fatima's POV

What the hell is wrong with Murad ? if it had been other maids he'd have scolded them.

"What's with the long face Fatima ?"

"Why didnt you treat her like other maids ?" I asked in a jealous filled tone.

"I gave you permission to deal with her right ?"


"Fatima can we drop the topic ?"

"No we wont Murad, she's a maid so why not treat her like others ? I feel like she's being given special treatment.

"Of course not Fatima,look that maid is actually a...or was a princess."

"Princess," I repeated surprised.

"Yes and I also want to make her life hell on earth just like you."

"Why Murad,what did she do to you ?" I asked slightly jealous.

"Let's just forget that and go for the party,",Murad said brushing the topic away but I still felt uneasy.

Murad's pov

The celebration went well with all the performers showcasing good events,I noticed Fatima was extremely happy,I was glad she was until my eyes landed on Halimat, I tried looking away but couldn't help myself from stealing glances at her,she was extremely beautiful and had the perfect body,don't get me wrong I'm not admiring it just my lustful feelings.

         I noticed some men of my age maybe younger or older staring at her,some of them even tried starting a conversation with her which she ignored by simply covering her face with her hijab,I dont know what happened but I had this feeling in me like I wanted no man to talk to her,forget that Murad,the only thing you want is to see her suffer.

The celebrations ended well and Fatima along with her family prepared to go home,I wished she could stay,even in the same room with me, but to hell with those traditions especially if you're a fucking prince,we bid each other byes and I headed to my room.


"Prepare my bath," I told a maid.

"Yes my prince,she said and left not looking at me but I could see her cheeks turn red which made me chuckle slightly as I thought of the maids crush on me,your highness your bath is ready",the maid said and I hummed in reply.


I got into the bathtub and sighed as my whole body felt cool,I closed my eyes and when I opened them,I saw Halimat in front of me.

'What the fuck !' I groaned but her view was still flashing in my head,this only means one thing,I wants the maid on my bed,I laughed at my own stupid thoughts,I usually flirted with the palace maids but didn't have sex with them,first was my reputation,secondly these maids could feign pregnancy just to become the Prince's wife,besides who doesn't want the title of princess.

I got out of the bath and laid on the bed,I groaned in frustration as I couldn't get some sleep.

'Damn I fucking need to taste you'.

I whispered and wished I had a sex doll,or Fatima or even a slut,just to forget this.

"Prince Murad,prince Murad,"I heard a voice call and I could tell it was that of a girl.

"What is it ?" I frowned with my eyes closed holding the bedsheets tightly.

"Um,I was asked to call you for breakfast,"the girl said and I quickly opened my eyes upon recognizing the voice,it was my personal maid,she tried to leave but naughty me couldn't let her go just yet .

"Where do you think you're going ? are you dumb not to know your duty starts now ?" I asked and she looked at me with so much hatred,"what do you have something to say ?" I asked dryly my gaze not leaving her and I noticed she felt uncomfortable,I gave her instructions for the day and she was prepared to start to start working,"before you start prepare my bath," I ordered and she left.

'I'm gonna play expensive jokes with you later,but for now I have to pray.'

Yeah don't be surprised a sinner like me prays as per religion demands,sometimes I wonder if God answers prayers.


Pls note this particular shit prince Murad said,pls no one should think I'm an atheist,I'm a Christian and I believe in God,I'm just a writer,writing my character's perspective,also if you're an atheist and you were excited about the last part,pls don't,know that we all are nothing without God,tnx.


I had my bath and entered my room,Halimat wasn't there,where could that sneaky rat have gone,anyways not to worry,I dressed up and went for breakfast.

"Good morning mother,father."

"And why are you late ?" Father asked frowning.

"How was your night too father ?" I asked sarcastically with a smirk,which caused a shock on my parents faces.

"Murad,you know better than to do that,why are you late for breakfast ? you are always late for important palace duties but never for your parties," Mother said and I rolled my eyes.

"I dont expect this from you son,you are the future...," dad tried saying as I interrupted.

"Spare me the crap dad,oh ! come on you two,it's too early to nag me about this and that ," I said and left.