


2 years ago

/"son, I'm tired,/" my father said leaning back in his office chair. Mom suggested I bring dinner to his office tonight since he was working on a really important project.

/"have a rest then dad, I'm sure you can carry on in the morning/" I said standing up.

My father grabbed my arm /"no, that's not what I meant Leon. I'm tired with fighting you on this./" my eyes moved up to stare at his expression. Did he really mean what I think he did.

/"ever since you told me about her, I have fought you in every turn, but I see how happy you are with Charlize and I can no longer gather the strength to fight you/" I listened carefully, scared that I would miss anything.

For years dad has hated my relationship with Charlize. He refused to allow me to have a girlfriend and when I got with Liz he would try and get me to go on dates with women that weren't Liz.

He wanted a career driven woman by my side.