
Enjoying the Zombie Apocalypse

"Well, Humans and zombies feel the same." Kale Umbra, a very normal guy bashed a face in. 'I always thought, enjoying life is about appreciating nature. But now I know, appreciating humans can also be fun.' Kale thought with his appreciation for the Zombie Apocalypse.

SagelyVibes · Urbano
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3 Chs

Students' First Fight for Survival

'She is quite determined. Is she fighting for me? How cute." I inwardly smiled as she walked to the door while trying to repress her slight trembling.

"Kale is just behind me, I have to protect him!" Sya approached the classroom door with heavy steps.

Sya stopped right before the door. She is feeling fears creeping into her heart.

'By the sounds, the door won't last long. If the door breaks the last bit of defense against those monsters will be gone! I must make the situation advantageous for me and Kale.' Sya thought as she turned around to see Kale.

Sensing her unease in her gaze, Kale gave her a relaxed smile to reassure her.

'Well, a little encouragement gift for you, redhead. Don't die too soon~' Kale felt if a simple smile could make things more interesting then why not?

Sya took a deep breath as she loosened the grip on her sharpened stick, held the door, and readied herself.

The sounds were coming at a heavy but rhythmic frequency. So between the sound of banging, with a fluid movement, she opened the door at the right amount for one person to enter, unveiling one biter.

The biter seemed to jump at Sya. Sya suddenly struck the biter right in the middle of the forehead as if she were using a rapier.

'Come join the battle! Just aim for the head, hitting any other part is useless.' Sya said in a commanding tone to the students as with a fluid movement she brought out her stick.

'Did she practice any martial arts?' I wondered as I saw two male students go forward beside Sya.

These two students were also mentally steady while receiving the sharpened sticks. I and four other students were behind without participating in the battle. Well, I just want to watch the show from the background.

As the first biter fell to the ground, another biter that was just behind, suddenly paused and jumped at Sya with its mouth open.

Sya stabbed the second biter the same as the first biter.

'Andrew pulls the dead monsters in the classroom to free up space. Fredy take position beside me and stab the monsters every next turn." Sya commanded.

The Andrew guy pulled the monster corpses into the classroom. He is a buff guy. While the redhead and Fredy guy are taking turns in killing the biters. This gave them time to recover the breaths.

'Redhead is quite good at directing people. Her orders are also precise. Well, it could have been worse.' I thought in interest as Redhead and her group kept killing biters.

Does being a class monitor teach one such skill? Not really. Being a class monitor tasks one to organize and direct students but whether the student will follow, still depends on the personal ability of the class monitor.

Within a couple of minutes, more than thirty monster corpses gathered in the classroom. As the corpses started piling up, I could see, the mob students getting more and more terrified.

'They are trembling like a vibrator.' I inwardly laughed.

After killing five more bites the flow stopped. Seeing no biters coming, Andrew guy pulled the last monster corpse into the classroom as the redhead closed the door.

She returned back and sat beside me. She looked at me and I looked at her. Her breaths were rapid, indicating her tiredness.

Without saying anything she dropped her sharpened stick and held my hand. I also didn't say anything. We both maintained our silence.

"What are we going to do now, Sya?" One of the mob female students asked the redhead.

"I am thinking right now." The redhead replied. The whole classroom became silent except for the occasional noise from outside.

Although Redhead is saying she is thinking right now, I could see, she already had a plan in mind.

'Does her plan involve something dangerous that others will disagree on?' I wondered.

A couple of minutes of peace passed, and as I was enjoying the moment, she got up.

"Let's head outside." The redhead said.

"W-what!? why? We can wait for the police to arrive!" One of the female mob students asked.

"T-that's right!" A male mob student chimed in.

"Police would be here already if it could. Everyone is getting attacked by these monsters. You can stay here if you want. Let's go." The redhead said as kept on walking to the door.

The two guys from earlier casually followed her. I also got up and started walking. The mob students looked conflicted and terrified but eventually got up to chase after the redhead.

We are in the third floor's second-last room. There were no biters at the site, only a few corpses and blood stains here and there.

The redhead headed to the last room that was beside our own.

The room didn't have any living being, only blood stains.

The redhead checked the other room beside our own, it was the same. She went to the right wing of the third floor as I followed behind.

The first room had a few biters in it. The redhead signaled the group to get ready. A timid girl held her sharpened stick tightly as she went forward to the redhead, indicating her desire to fight.

A mob male student suddenly held her wrist and held her back. He looked at her with tensed eyes, trying to stop her.

The timid girl shook her head, broke free of his hand, and went forward. The mob student looked downward with a slump back. 

The redhead nodded to the timid girl as she nodded back, conveying that she was ready.

Redhead also made eye contact with the other two male students who actively fought, they also nodded back.

The redhead slowly picked up the door handle and suddenly closed it but not all the way, just enough for one biter move.

The biter turned head to the sound as the started to slowly walk towards the door.

As soon as a bitter was seven feet away from Sya, it jumped. Sya fluidly stuck its head similar to before. The group followed the previous workflow, only this time the timid girl was given a chance to hit the last biter.

The timid girl almost fell down when striking but as she closed her eyes in fear while she plunged for her attack, it was her luck that the sharpened stick connected to the face of the biter.

The classroom beside the one we were attacking was closed shut. The sound of our assault seemed to attract biters from the last class. Biters started coming out one by one. The hallway was enough for two or three biters to pass at a stretch.

"We'll fight face to face. Take care of yourselves." Sya said as she walked forward

The timid girl barely got up with a manic but satisfied smile. After pulling her stick with difficulty, she chased after Sya to join the battle in zeal.

'She is definitely dying.' I thought as I saw the timid girl influenced by an adrenaline rush. Reality will sink on her soon.