
Enjoying the Zombie Apocalypse

"Well, Humans and zombies feel the same." Kale Umbra, a very normal guy bashed a face in. 'I always thought, enjoying life is about appreciating nature. But now I know, appreciating humans can also be fun.' Kale thought with his appreciation for the Zombie Apocalypse.

SagelyVibes · Urbano
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3 Chs

Start of Mayhem in School

The school looks very calm. The guards are at the gate, and half the teachers taking classes while the other half is in the teacher's lounge.

'Humans became biters at random, so why is the school still fine?' I pondered as I through the stairs to the third floor.

I walked up to the second last room on the left wing, my classroom, and opened the door.

"Kale! Why are you late for class!?" Teacher A reprimanded angrily. Honestly, I don't remember his name. He is more like a mob in my perspective. Still, I am quite an expert in human interactions.

"Haha my bad sir, nurse Elsa had asked me to carry some boxes to the infirmary." I mildly laughed as I replied.

"Alright sit down quickly. Don't disrupt the class!" Teacher A still angrily ordered.

I know most teachers see me as an eyesore after getting suspended on day one. But most can't deal with me socially because I have a good attitude.

The magic trick for good sociability is being approachable. People tend to like people with whom they can talk comfortably.

Cold people are thought of as arrogant while being too much comedian will make you lose your worth. Then the best place where you can be valuable yet relatable is somewhere in the middle. Being friendly but not overly friendly.

Laughing at the time of possible punishment can also diffuse the tension and bail you out. Having a good excuse will simply justify your negligence and make it hard for the other party to take action against you. But of course, situations are different, and so are the solutions.

I eased my laugh as I walked to the back seats.

"Here are the notes of the first half of the class!" A girl in the first-row seat whispered to me as she gave me her notebook.

I took it casually as I kept on going. This girl was the first person to approach me after I returned after suspension. She gave me notes, told me to study, and often told me to ask her anything I didn't understand. She seemed quite worried the first time I spoke to her. After she saw me easily getting along with others and making 'friends', she looked relieved.

I already know she loves me. But do I love her? Not really. Well, she is quite pretty. She has red free-flowing hair with double-sided dutch braid in the back. Her skin sparkles without blemish. Not trying to flatter her but she does stand out from rest of the girls.

But the thing is relationship is a bother. Being a goody-two-shoes will only make my life miserable.

Why miserable? A relationship is created from, care, love, understanding, and most importantly sacrifice for your partner. Sacrificing my personal time to date or swooning her will make her happy while making me miserable. Then for my freedom and happiness relationship should be avoided.

But what about her? Just look at her... after giving me her notes, she puffed her cheeks with a smile and happiness... She seems to be doing well.

'Well, whatever, it's already 20 minutes. Where are the cute biters at?' I thought as if I was trying to find happiness in class but failing.



The sound resounded throughout the school almost at the same time.

Many students got up and went to the window to see what was happening. The mob teacher is shouting at the students to take seats.

I saw from the window many biters had gathered at the gate and bashing into it. The gate was mildly open. 2-3 biters are entering every second. One guard is being eaten while the other guard is not there, although there is a blood trail from the gate to the school building.

'It finally started.' I was relieved of waiting as I outwardly showed a calm attitude as everyone was screaming.

Now all I have to do is fade into the background and watch the fun.

"Kale! Something horrible is happening! Stay with me!" But the red hair stopped me with a grim expression.

'Well, I should be able to take less action while I'm with her. And I wonder what she will do in this situation.' I thought as I let her hold my hand.

The students have already started fleeing classrooms. Probably in hopes of leaving the school. The mob teacher is also nowhere to be seen.

"Please close the classroom doors and don't go out! Stay calm until the police arrive!" The school's central announcement system relayed. But it was already too late. The chaos has already started.

Screams started ringing from everywhere. The number of deaths started piling up.

Within a couple of moments, most students already left the classroom. The red-haired girl, Kale, and 6 other students didn't move away from the classroom. They heeded the announcement and closed the door shut.

'I am missing out on the live event. The slaughter must be a marvelous scene.' I thought while planning to leave the red hair behind behind.

The Redhaired looked as if she was pondering something and looked at me with determined eyes as if she decided on something.

"Kale, I have to tell you something important. There are many races other than humans on earth. I am also different from humans but believe me, I will protect you no matter what!" The red hair had a serious expression and her eyes showed a dangerous glint.

'Different races! What a revelation!' This new information ignited my interest once again. It's like viewing new scenery, or finding a new species of bird, or reptiles?

"Listen to me, we have to help each other if we want to stay alive! Bring the chairs and gather your bags!" The red hair commanded the other students.

The Redhead was the class monitor, she had plenty of authority and the students respected her. Thus although, the students were baffled they still put on bags and picked up chairs as weapons with difficulty.

The red hair told them to bring the chairs down and chanted some unknown language as her red eyes started to shine. She waved her hands at the metallic chair legs and they were cleanly cut as sticks. Again she waved at the top of the sticks and it became sharpened.

'Magic' Every gasped and I also was similarly surprised.

"This is a power I was born with but it has limited usability. Use these as chair legs as sticks, we'll still have to fight hand-to-hand combat." The red hair said as she gave me a stick and got one for herself.

Two of the four male students took the stick casually while the other four male and female students took the sticks with trembling hands.

"But I don't know how to fight. Please help me, Sya!" A girl begged to tearfully to the red hair.

"No one wants to fight willingly. If you want to survive you'll have to fight." Sya said in a commanding tone as looked at the doors. The banging on doors increased, almost as if the doors will break down.

'Now show me what will you do.' I thought as Sya approached the door.