
Enjoying the Zombie Apocalypse

"Well, Humans and zombies feel the same." Kale Umbra, a very normal guy bashed a face in. 'I always thought, enjoying life is about appreciating nature. But now I know, appreciating humans can also be fun.' Kale thought with his appreciation for the Zombie Apocalypse.

SagelyVibes · Urbano
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3 Chs

A Bit Different World

The world is beautiful, isn't it? Sun is looking particularly warm and kind. Although I would prefer a cloudy sky, complaining only takes away the joy of life.

Birds are flying, the wind is blowing, and leaves are gently swaying. Truthfully it's meaningless. Although it's meaningless if I believe the world has a value to be appreciated then the world will have a value. 

"Ah... The wind is truly gentle today. As gentle as a mother's embrace. Although I don't how it feels. Let's just pretend the weather is great." With a relieved expression, I spoke out loud.

It is a little technique of mine to enjoy my life. Although I don't actually need to enjoy life. After all, I don't see the value in getting depressed.

Listening to music also goes well with the scenery. So I often have headphones on. But I can sense if someone has malice towards me from birth. Like for now...

'Ah.. A pest came knocking on the door.' I felt slightly annoyed as I turned right and entered an alleyway with a dead-end.

"Oi, bastard Kale, you asshole don't seriously think you'll be fine after going against us, do you!?" A somewhat handsome mob shouted as if he wanted to kill someone.

I turned around to see 20-some people rapidly surrounding me. I was just heading for school with a refreshed mind. Oh well, it can't be helped if some pathetic bastard asks for trouble. 

"Oi oi come on, it's only been 2 months I broke your bones and you're fine already? Look at you being a prick again. Watch out bastard I might kill you this time!" My average student smile slowly faded away as tranquility emerged.

'Ah.. I guess breaking bones wasn't enough. If only I could get away with killing, life would be much easier. Should I break his spine this time?' I seriously pondered.

"Don't think about running you bastard! Guys get him! Break his arm, his legs. BREAK HIS EVERYTHING!" The leader mob growled. 

I don't particularly enjoy or hate fighting, rather it is unbeneficial. Doing stuff without any benefit only hinders the joy I could have had in the meantime. Life should be enjoyed. I should finish them quickly.

It's almost two months since my debut as a high school freshman. On the first day of class, I was going about enjoying nature as some pathetic bastard came asking for trouble.

Why? Because other students were avoiding the good background delinquents with pale faces, and I was appreciating life with a smiling face, going about my life. But a small pest felt offended.

He said with a scowl, "What is funny, you clown!"

I was also a bit taller than the rest. I guess that added to his inferiority complex. Thus, I became his number one bulling target. Although that lasted till the evening. 5-6 mobs were sent to hospital. I was suspended for 2 weeks and given some harmless warnings.

I went on a vacation tour in the meantime to appreciate a new environment. It was fun and in this tour, I learned cheetahs die quickly if you stab their throat the right way. Stabbing the place where all nerves and spine are at, is quite efficient.

'I was missing going on for tours. Frequent classes became boring. But now that, I am beating mobs outside of school, the school probably won't give me a vacation.' I was a bit sad as blood spewed from the broken nose of the last mob. All mobs have fainted for good. Now only the leader mob is left. 

I should commend him for not running away. He has guts. Let's show him my appreciation by breaking his spine first.

"Y-you just w-wait!!" Leader mob shouted as he ran away. 

Ah my bad, he is still a pathetic bastard.

As the leader mob exited the alley into the road, a human came out of nowhere and bit his throat. 

Quite surprised at the turn of events as I kept watching the 'human' repeatedly biting and eating the leader mob.

'This new psycho is killing others, so it's probably legally fine to kill him.' I thought as 3 more humans with blood traces on their mouths emerged and ran straight towards me.

In such a situation, where I don't have to care about the legal stuff of killing, I unleashed my full punch at the face of the left-most human as his face was bashed in one centimeter and gave a roundabout kick to the middle human's knee, bending his leg backward. The last human jumped and missed me and fell on a mob's body.

"Ah!" Mob screamed. 

'Look at that, the fainted mob woke up.' I smiled as I saw, other than the human I punched in the face, concentrated on the scream, and started biting him.

'It's weird.' I thought as I felt humans killing others is weird. After all, I didn't kill anyone even though I had those urges.

I walked to the leader mob and the human who was biting. Leader mob is more than dead. I stomped on the head of the biter as his skull broke and his head dampened one inch. The biter went silent. It is better this way lest he becomes a bother. 

I looked at the street curiously as I saw people running and many biters jumping on people. And they were screaming? I put down my headphones as noises started to flood into my ears.

'Zombie apocalypse?' I looked at the scene that felt like straight out of a movie. Humans were screaming, zombies were jumping as if they were at a party. It's not like I don't understand the joy. 

'Is it only here or everywhere?' I thought. I already know the answer. This Opus town is still quite a distance from the capital Roedhelm. So, if it's a disease that turned humans into biters then it's safe to say Opus town shouldn't be the first place this disease appears.

Many people started to act weird at the same time without any notice. Is it really a disease or a Mutation? Natural or man-made? Much is unknown. Oh well, it doesn't really matter.

'Though, I am kind of looking forward to the reaction within school.' I felt a hint of excitement. Thinking about what kind of reaction the teenage students will have and what kind of decisions they will make, is kind of interesting.

I took the road to the school.

It's a known fact that people you know will interest you more than the people you don't. Studying in high school for a month, knowing a lot of people, and interacting with them made me interested in knowing what their desperate responses would be.

Will they break down in tears while facing biters, will their legs wobble seeing someone getting brutally murdered, or will they run away and sacrifice their 'friends', and finally say something like, 'I did everything I could!' I can't wait to know!

I reached the gate of Hoishin Highschool. It's still looking normal here. It is afternoon. The classes after break already started.

I guess the biter disease didn't reach here. Well, it makes sense, the school has a lot of free land around it. 

I jumped a wall, entered the school, and headed towards my class. Well, it's only a few moments left until everything goes downhill.

Perspective from,

Name: Kale Umbra

Age: 19

Occupation: Freshman of Hoishin High

Student Rank: unknown

Parents: Unknown

IQ: Unknown

EQ: Unknown

Criminal Record: None

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