
Enjoy My Time in Another World

After leaving the castle Kotori begins her daily life in another world.

JokerGhost · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
12 Chs

5. Auction

「 Err. Thank you for coming to our company today 」

He begins his greeting with a smile, but he had a troubled look halfway.

「 As many of you have heard, due to certain circumstances, we have six slaves this evening, which is fewer than usual. However, they're all fine slaves, so I hope you enjoy the auction 」

About half of the guests looked dismayed rather than grumbling.

Six must be a small number to them.

「 Well then, let's begin with this man who served as a warrior chief in the now-defunct small country of Doran. He's a feather bearer, which is considered rare even among the beastmen. He's 34, with no illness, and no injuries that would interfere with his movement. He has three skills. Spearmanship 3, Light Armor 3, and Wind Magic 2. He's someone you can trust when fighting! 」

Woah, that's not even a human.

He's like a bipedal bird.

No wait, birds are bipedal from the start.

The bird man appeared on stage wearing an outrageously thin piece of cloth, which he fastened with a string wrapped around his waist.

「 We'll start with the bidding now. We're starting with 100 pieces 」

100? Do they mean gold coins?

Perhaps the bird man's rare, the audience was quite excited from the start, but one of the guests raised their hand and speak their bids.

After a while, the voices became sparse, and half fell silent as an obviously rich man wearing a ton of precious metals sniffled and speak…

「 Going once! Going Twice! Sold for 250 gold coins! 」

I heard that the minimum for slaves you can use as a guard would cost you 50 gold coins but this is five times that.

I'm not sure how much all my money is worth, but I can tell that it's a lot.

The audience was so amazed, the bird man is making a difficult face, yet he seems to be proud of the price he received.

As soon as the bird man stepped down off the podium, the next one's brought in.

The next slave climbed up the platform, and their expression turned grim.

Well, that's obvious.

The eyes of the old men in the hall were clearly lusting.

This time, the slave is a beautiful brown-haired woman in her mid-twenties.

She's wearing thin cloth, so her body curves and other stuff show. Her ample breasts and the tip were clear to see.

I'm sure she's going to cost a lot.

I feel like the upcoming bid is heating up too.

I don't know about this world's view of beauty, but she has a face and body that you'd see as a glamour model in Japan.

In the end, she's sold off for 150 gold coins.

The contrast between her look of resignation and the face of the successful bidder is too strong.

He's definitely going to do whatever he wanted with that girl tonight.

I'm jealous.

The bidding continued.

An adult male, a young boy, and an old person have some good few features, but the adult man and the boy had a good face anyway.

The adult man didn't have the skills to gather, unlock, or fight, but his toned body and sweet mask charmed the few lady customers got excited. Then the boy perhaps had their cute and frightened faces stimulate the others so that even old men joined the bidding.

Oh, the old man bid down.

They're definitely having a good meal today.

The last old man was a wizard and he seem to be able to use three magic skills, which made him exciting.

Even with such heated bidding, none of the prices exceeded 80 gold coins, which made me think again that the first winner must have some substantial property.

I've been watching the auction so far and had a general idea of how it works.

It seems that all you need to do is raise your hand and speak out your bid, say how many gold coins you have, and the minimum would be 100 and more.

「 The last slave we have today is a girl who was born and raised as a countess in the now-defunct country of Mugdam 」

Returning my attention to the competition which started before I knew it, I saw the crowd cheering

If you look behind, I'm one of the voices.

Because standing there was certainly enough to be called a girl.

Her golden hair is neatly trimmed around her shoulders, and her slender body hidden in the thin cloth looks like it might break. The ampleness of her breasts stretching out the cloth hints at eroticism, reminiscent of forbidden fruit.

Above all, what caught my eye was her overwhelming appearance.

Even from a distance, I can see the large eyes, long eyelashes, crisp golden eyebrows, straight nose, and moist lips that are so well sculpted.

It's hard to describe, but it felt like she was a blooming sunflower.

I've never seen such beauty before.

Unlike the female slave from earlier, this girl opened her eyes and is behaving firmly.

But, she's pushing herself hard.

A little poking around could bring tears to those big eyes.

「 Err, her name's Euphiliteユフィーリット 14. Virgin. No Disease. Her skill is Sewing 1. And, we'd like to draw your attention to this. She's the eldest daughter of Adiciltonアディキルトン I'm sure that everyone knows the Adicilton family but I hope that you'll bear that in mind.

Seems like there's something about that name.

The air in the venue had begun to heat up with the appearance of the beautiful girl got quickly subdued.

「 I see. Adicilton. That's a bit… 」

「 It's regretful but I don't think I'm up to this. I'm going home now. 」

A few people got up from their seats and are ready to leave.

The manager saw this and looked like he had no choice but to continue speaking.

「 However, I'm sure you already know but her looks are impeccable! There's no doubt she'll grow into a beautiful woman in a few years. Of course, if you prefer someone who's budding, this is the best time for you! If you're interested in taking her as a pet, then let's start bidding! We'll start with 30 gold coins! 」

Is she seriously that cheap?

You can do this and that with her?

Wait, I came here to buy myself an escort.

No matter how beautiful she is and she's in my strike zone, I shouldn't buy her.

But, if we don't take this opportunity, others will take the chance, right?

Right, I could just grab one from the market for 150 gold coins.

Then, after I get her, I could just hire someone else or buy another slave.

I can just start making money now.

After some brainstorming. I already had the answer from the beginning. I used my teleport skill and returned to my room at the inn.

I hastily unlocked the safe and grabbed the two bags of coins inside.

「 Okay. It's really heavy but it shouldn't be a problem if I can teleport! Wait, I forgot about the cooldown! I have to run then 」

I left the room, and ran out, holding the bag of coins with both hands.

「 Dammit! I should've run back to the inn first and come back with teleport 」

These golds are too heavy to run.

But that didn't stop me from leaving the inn and running to the slave market.

I returned to the hall, and the toad-faced man presiding over the auction furrowed his brow for a moment, but soon opened his mouth as if nothing happened…

「 We're currently on 180 gold coins, correct? Oh, that one's bidding for 190. Ooh?! 200? My, my… Anyone else? 」

The bidding is well underway, and the prices have gone higher than expected.

But, I no longer have any course of action but to join the bidding.

「 Haa, haa, haa, 210 Gold Coins! 」

「 Oh! That's a new person bidding! Adding 10 gold coins! Is that it? Are we ending the bidding–Yes, that's 220 Gold Coins 」

My amount got quickly topped up, and the price went up even more after that.

「 Two…250! 」

「 I heard 250! Any more? Yes, 260… 」

The guy who just outbid my 250 was a greasy old man with a nearly bald head.

He noticed my gaze, grinned, and moved his hand.

Looking closely, I see a cat-eared girl, who looks like in her early teens accompanying him.

He's groping around the body of the cat-eared girl.

You have good taste.

「 We've reached 260, anyone? 」

「 270 」

「 Our guest raised his hand once again. This is now a battle between the two 」

His smirk doesn't change in response to my bid.

He speaks to the manager while rubbing the cat-eared girl's small breasts.

「 Oops, another bid! What do you think, dear guest? Can you bid 290? 」

Wait, wait, how much do I have again?

I gave the innkeeper one gold coin so I should have 299 left, right?

Is this okay?


I've been lost in thought but I caught sight of the beautiful blonde girl on the platform.

She's super cute.

I definitely won't back down.

Dammit! This is the last one.

「 I'm bidding 10 more! 」

「 Ooh! That's 290, correct? What will the other guest do? Would he give up on the girl or not?

I declared 290 and gave a spirited look.

He's looking at me, grinning. Then he shook his head.

「 Is it over? Any other bids? Well then, it's sold to the guest over there!

He looked like he still had leeway, but it seems that he's run out of funds.

The bidding was over, he got up from his seat, and approached.

「 Fufufu, you seem younger now that I had a closer look. I can see the passion you had for the girl was genuine. Fellow kindred soul, it's my loss, but it's been a while since I had a heated battle. I hope to have a chat with you someday and we reminisce about this auction 」

「 R-Right 」

In response, he turned his heel and walked away with a grin on his face.

Wait, did he just give in?

Well, I don't get it, but I'm just glad he didn't seem to resent me.

After the auction was over, I was escorted to another room.

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