
Just Enjoy

[A resolve that burns bright inside you..]

"Eh?" Cleo visibly perplexed by what he is hearing right now. He even sat straight in the side of the bed waiting for what the voice of the world would say.

"Would be this another gift? I can't recall if it is possible for someone to get two gifts, on back-to-back days nonetheless." His face brightened as he waited for the announcement. 

[To respond on your newly found way...]

"Yes?" his smile covered half of his face, and excitement rose more and more. Only a handful of people acquired multiple gifts in their lifetime. If he acquired another one, it would set his life practically in easy mode.

[Your gift is being reconsidered...]

"H-huh? What does that mean?" he tried to recall if there was an occurrence like this that had happened in the novel. Although he can still recall the main events that transpired, some things are bound to be forgotten.

"If my memory serves me right, I think there were at least 3 characters that have multiple gifts." he pondered. He decided to write everything he could remember later about the novel to be at least ready and not be caught by surprise. Preparation is half of the battle.

"The hero has a total of 3 gifts, but he didn't acquire them all at once. There was a series of events that pushed him to greater heights in order to awaken the other two." Still waiting for the voice to speak, he tried but couldn't remember the first two gifts he acquired. He didn't dwell on the idea and left it for later.

"The second would be the Grand Duke who led the Empire's forces to the north a year ago." the Grand Duke left a very strong impression on him because he was described as "The man who stands alone at the peak of swordsmanship." 

"He share the same talent with the hero, almost the same. Later in the story, the Hero acquires the skill [Transcended], a skill that pushes the hero to his utmost limits, and surpasses everything and everyone."

"Basically a cheat skill through and through" he mumbled.

"The Duke on the other hand has awakened the gift called [Sky Eater]." based on the name alone, the gift he received during his coming-of-age ceremony that he will become a powerhouse. It is a skill that ensures that the Duke would not be under anyone else, he should and must be always at the top. He propelled his household and etched his name on the history as the strongest man to ever roam the world."

"But it comes with great drawbacks." he stopped as the voice started to speak once again.

[As his wish to live his life to the fullest not only for his own volition but for another person's will, the individual's Gift has been modified successfully.]

Before he can react the Voice continues,

[Home-Maker: a talent to make others feel they are at home. Everything related to making someone considered as a guest feel at ease, recuperate, and recover would be easily mastered.]

After waiting for a few seconds, he spoke his confusion. "Isn't this the same thing? It was just said a bit more concise than the first one." Cleo scratched his head, every excitement he felt vanished replaced by questions yet he let all of them go away.

Disappointment was seen in his eyes as they dimmed.

"I kept my hopes up for nothing, it was just a freaking patch note!" he shouted.

"Well, I should kind of expected that." he lamented. "Besides, having two gifts would also has its own demerits that I don't want to think about. Also, by being essentially a big shot in this world, it would interfere with the story."

"I am just an extra." Cleo knows this fact. "That means that I can do everything as long as it doesn't affect the story, right?" he stand up to get the leather bag that his mother gave him for his 12th birthday.

"Yosh! I decided not to interfere much and just do things I want to do. Better write my plan now!" all worries was thrown out of his mind.

The leather bag that is almost as long as his forearm and hand combine has a pocket space inside that can store anything that can fit in the hole. Although not too big, it can still store up to 50 pounds. 

He gets his notebook and a pen used to take notes about his swordsmanship to take note of his plan and align it with his current situation.

[Plan: How to not ruin the story. 

Rules to follow;

Number 1. Interfere with the story as minimal as you possibly can. Remember that you can't avoid the characters at all times, it is bound to happen. So when the time comes, it is better to establish a connection with them to monitor if there are any changes in the flow. But remember being too close to them would surely put you in the map of the story, so practice distancing. ]

[Number 2. If changes happen, especially the other party is a major part of the story it is better to observe and not act rashly as it will complicate the situation more than it already should be. Changes are not always bad, but remember that changes are still changes. It would lead to unforeseen circumstances so be careful.] 

He felt that total avoidance would just come back right at him, so letting some leeway to make adjustments would be better rather than doing nothing.

[Number 3. Do what you want, but do not do harm. Now that you are part of this world, it also become your responsibility to make sure the world is safe. Like what he said, if he can't be part of those who protect, be the one who helps it. There are many ways to help the world.]

[Number 4. Know boundaries and your limits. My talent cannot be on par with the world's saviors and that is okay. They will do their own thing, and I'll do mine. If you can help the main cast feel free to do so as it would also help you. Remember, however, you are still an extra.]

[Number 5. Enjoy it to the fullest! ]

After cementing his five iron-clad rules, he spent the day writing everything he remembered about the story, the characters, the events, and the enemies.

The days passed, and the fateful start of the story arrived.

"Welcome new students of Millstein Academy!"