
Chapter 7 : white's crush 2.0

He woke up with a sore back. It was almost dinnertime. He woke up groaning. He was pretty hungry and in great need of water.

He stepped into the kitchen, poured water into a glass, and proceeded to search for food in his cupboard. He pulled out a packet of instant noodles. He chopped the carrots onions tomato and after 10-15 minutes the noodles were ready. He went to the dining table and while eating he was searching for Anya but he didn't find anything suspicious.

As he took the last bite of noodles, suddenly the bell rang. Ajin went to the door to see who it was as soon as he opened the door. "White!"

White walked into the room, holding vodka, and appeared intoxicated. Ajin could see that she was in a joyful state.

White said suspiciously, "Why are you in my room, Ajin? Huh"

"White, you are in my room, not me, nevermind why are you so drunk?," Ajin replied.

White said after taking a sip of vodka, "Why? Can't I get a drink alone?"

"Ah-Ah, you can do well. Why are you drinking so much and that too in happiness?"

Ajin sat on the sofa while white replied to him smiling in shy, "Nai! You know what? today he was flirting with me. He is handsome and cute, perfect"

She continues adoring him, "A guy with both handsome and cute face and a pleasant personality is a blessing. "

She slept there on the sofa while talking to Ajin about Nai. She got drunk, and it made Ajin think about their love. However, Ajin's dangerous job and fa being a high school student prevent them from being together. Fa needs to prioritize studying for the future.

Ajin lifted white and lay her on his bed. He covered her with a blanket and went to the kitchen to wash dishes, cleaned the kitchen and went to sleep on the sofa.

It's morning now, Ajin woke up early as he was going to meet Anya, finally!! He was making breakfast when White came downstairs in the kitchen, rolling her eyes all over the house.

"I have made a hungover juice for you, "Ajin said lazily. "Does your head hurt too much?"

White made a painful expression while hitting on her head. She made her way towards the table and gulped the whole glass in one go.

"Ah! Much better, thanks" White said. "What are you making?" she jumped excitedly on the counter.

"Just bacon and toast, go sit on the chair, I'm bringing the plates," he said

They ate breakfast while Ajin told her about what he had to do with Anya and his new mission.

"O.M.G! Why didn't you tell me about it earlier? I'm such a big fan of Anya! I want to meet her. She is so. Beautiful. Let me see her once, please na kha," she said, pleading with him.

Ajin inserted the toast in her mouth and said, "First, let me see her white. I will take you there twice, but first, wait for me to meet her."

"Ok! White replied while rolling her eyes. They finished their breakfast and got ready for their work. White went first.

Ajin was excited to meet Anya for the first time. He made sure his hair looked perfect and wore a stylish black outfit. With his open buttons and confident demeanor, he could captivate any girl.

He was confident about that.

Hi hello!!!

and back with a new chapter

hope you enjoy it!!

Brightwin_creators' thoughts