
The Next Battle

Age 1991

Hero very quickly jumped up to his feet as he pointed ahead of him. "Alright!" He announced loudly. "We'll march-"

A wave of flames slammed into the teen as he was thrown back crashing into one of the fallen buildings. He hit the ground with a soft thud as stars rolled around his head.

"...Right..." He said slowly. "I forgot the city is still exploding with fire."

Sera made a small face as she stared ahead of them as more flames danced around leaving large black marks on the stone.

"Oh, dear... Ken and I would certainly be reduced to less then a crisp in mere seconds if one hit us."

"Ahh! I see where you're going with this." Ken said giving a nod.

"What?" Hero asked jumping back up. 

Both girls slowly turned to look at the young Seraphin. A shiver went down his spine when he saw the look in their eyes. He let out a small sigh as he folded his arms.

"You're going to use me as a shield again-"