

Earth was a very peaceful and bright planet. Technology was becoming more advance and humans were becoming smarter. Everything was great until suddenly, a huge dimensional crack appeared on the surface of the earth. This crack polluted the environment of the earth causing the animals to turn into mutants, plants to evolve, and finally changing the body system of all humans.

Alalibo_Samuel · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
37 Chs


"Your squad shall set off from the capital's northern borders into the Beast area called Vortex" Lucas spoke to Dave as only the duo were seen back at the front entrance of "BHPC", Dave sent his squad members back to their base to prepare for the mission in three days.

"I called you back because I have something very important to discuss with you," Lucas said as he looked at Dave solemnly.

"Ok am listening" Dave replied with a calm look on his face which made Lucas solemn look to be more relaxed as he asked.

"Do you know what is leadership?"

When Dave heard that question, he quickly arched one of his eyebrows as he looked at Lucas with a confused expression.

"Don't look at me with that expression. I want you to tell me seriously what leadership is" Lucas eventually said as he looked at the confused Dave seriously.

"There isn't a need for me to tell you because I pretty much know why you asked me that question" Dave quickly replied as he suddenly had an expressionless face.

"If you know why I asked you that question then you should also know how you should complete this incoming mission" Lucas then said with a questioning look toward Dave.

But Dave didn't answer as he began to walk away, after making a five meters distance between himself and Lucas, he finally answered.

"Of cause"






In the next three days, Dave and his squad were seen standing right in front of the capital's northern gate while facing Lucas, a slender female, and Lord Xavier.

"If you find anything strange in the cave, quickly rush back and report to me or this lady beside me," Lord Xavier said as he patted the left shoulder of the slender woman beside him.

The female wore a simple business suit for ladies along with a face mask that hid her facial features. But they could see that she had long black hair which glowed as it followed the wind, and dark pupils as she stared at them expressionlessly.

When Dave and his squad members saw the female Lord Xavier told them to report to if he isn't around, the latter was slightly surprised while the former had a stale expression on his face.

But both Dave and his squad members calmed down when they saw the female give them a slight nod.

"Ok now that everything is ready, The mission has officially started!" announced Lucas as he did a strange spell on the crystal Steve used to inform the squad of their first mission.

When they heard that announcement, Dave quickly set off with his squad into the thick forest.

"Are you sure he is the one?" the female suddenly spoke with a cold but charming voice.

"100% sure" Lord Xavier answered with a calm look on his face. When the female heard that, her eyes suddenly flickered as an intense look appeared on her masked face.

Although Lucas was completely clueless about what Lord Xavier and the female beside him were talking about, he simply ignored it as he thought.

'I hope you know what to do in this mission'.

Dave and his squad ran through the thick forest for up to an hour before Dave quickly told them to halt.

"Right now we have left the human domain and are now in the beast domain where danger lurks in every corner" whispered Dave when the divine beast hunters gathered together.

When he saw that everyone in his squad now had solemn looks, he continued with a satisfied expression.

"So firstly, who can scout among us?"

"I can fill that spot" Jake replied seriously. Dave quickly said after giving Jake a simple nod.

"Ok we form a circle among ourselves as I and Jake stay in the front, Viona and Jonah stay at the sides, while Muzi will be at the back of the circle. Is that ok with you guys?" Dave finally asked as he stared at his squad members.

After seeing that everyone was ok with his survival formation, he quickly said.

"Ok then, move out!"

And so, the divine beast hunters resumed their journey to the underground cave. But not long after, Jake quickly raised his hands as he suddenly stopped.

"What's the problem?" Dave asked after seeing Viona, Jonah, and Muzi approaching them. When the trio finally met up with them, Jake eventually spoke with a battle intent radiating from his body.

"There is a pack of volcanic wolves fifty meters away from where we are now"

"Can you differ their ranks from this range?" Dave quickly asked as the rest of the squad had similar battle intent radiating from their bodies.

After a moment of silence, Jake eventually said with a tired look on his face.

"I couldn't see what ranks they were but I noticed that one of the wolves radiated energy more intense and dangerous than the rest"

"That must be their leader," Jonah said after hearing the report Jake gave them.

After pondering on the matter for some time, Dave finally said as a new pair of ranked sabers suddenly appeared in his hands.

"Ok, this is how we are going to do it, I will face the leader alone while you guys try to take out his underlings"

And so, the divine beast hunters dashed toward the pack of volcanic wolves not knowing that things were going to out the opposites when they eventually clashed with volcanic wolves.

(To be continued...)