
Your place

Olivia's pov

I was woken up by my alarm ,I switched it off and went to the bathroom. For some strange reason I felt like today was going to be an important day and the feeling was so strong.

I took my bath ,dress up and went to the bus stop, without eating breakfast . luckily for me the bus came early and I ride on it .

When I go to the office tony hasn't come and I felt relieved.

I checked his appointment for the day and saw that he wasn't have any serious apartment as of today .I was still working when I noticed some footsteps .I quickly stood up and step out .I look around and saw Anthony walking in .

"Get me some coffee".his voice was so cold and full of command.he quickly left before I could greet him .I'm definitely in a big mess I told myself.

I went downstairs and got some coffee for him and took it to his office .I knocked twice before he allowed me in .

"Good morning sir".this is your coffee .I walk quitely and place the coffee on his table .

"What is good about the morning ".he asked with a cold voice .his voice was so cold that it sent shiver down my body .I tried to compose myself before speaking up.

"I don't get you sir"

He stood up from his chair and walk straight to Me.

"Do you know I can sack you now ".his voice came with anger .

I flipped on hearing that tune from him .I have heard and seen Tony when he was angry ,but this time the anger was different.i moved back from him so I could gain my balance. 

"What do you mean sir ".I asked with fear in my voice .this was definitely a different Tony. 

"Don't you dare act dumb with me ".he shouted "we were supposed to have an official dinner with some clients ,but what did you do .you choosed your silly date over it "

"But there wasn't any date on your schedule".I tried defending myself.

He groaned and walk close to me .

"You think because we were in a childish relationship five years ago,you can do whatever you like and go free?".he asked with anger .

I shifted away from him before looking at him straight in the eyes

"That wasn't a childish relationship to me ".i replied back with a calm voice .he looked At me like he was trying to say something but held himself back .

"If it wasn't for you ,well it was for me ".he replied back .

I felt anger in my blood when I heard him say those words .

"Since it was childish ,maybe we should stop talking about".I told him.

He walk close to me and then I there I saw how angry he was.

"You won't fucking tell me what to do olivia ,you were my maid five years ago and now you are just my assistant .don't you ever forget your place .