
Wanna be friends

"oli you are late again" aunt penny shouted

Oh my God not again ,after the incident with Anthony last night ,I find it hard to sleep through out the night .I stayed all thinking of what Anthony must be planning to do to me as revenge .the thought of that made me shiver .

I quickly went to shower and went downstairs .I picked up a duster and started doing my own portion of work ,the time was already 6am .by 8am I was done and went back to my room ,so I could change my clothes

On my way downstairs I saw diamond with Anthony sitting on the couch.diamond smiled at me ,while Anthony gave me the same look I saw last night 

"Good morning diamond". I greeted

"Morning beautiful Olivia"how was your night ".he asked 

I thought of my night and lied back to him 

"It was fine,and yours .I asked

"Perfect ".he replied

I quickly went to the kitchen so I could get some food I will eat at lunch since I'm already late .

When I got to the kitchen ,my aunt had already prepare a flask for me and handed it over to me .I kissed her goodbye and made my way back to the sitting room .

"See you later Olivia". diamond waved at me 

I gave him a smile and walk out through the front door ,I was on my way out when I heard a familiar voice ,but this time it was gentle.

"You can join me if you want to ".I look back and saw Mr ass guy looking at me ,this time is eyes were different and his expression was cool ,wow I never knew he had such Expression on his face .

"Do you want me to join you "I asked .

He kept quite for a few seconds before nodding his head .men he looks cute I Must say. 

I followed him to the garage ,when he opened his car and I sat down at the front seat .the drive was quite and tense .

"I'm sorry about last time "he spoke 

"Which of the last time " .I asked 

He focus on the road and kept driving 

"See you don't even know ".I spoke up 

He was still quite and kept on driving .

We were close to the school gate when I told him to stop.he stopped and look at me .

"I don't want people to see us together ,you know I don't wanna spoil your image ,since we are not the same class.before he could speak,I open the door and went out 

"Thanks for the ride ". I shouted with a fake smile on my face and Walk away. 

I know he wanna mend things with me,but I won't give in easily,not after everything I went through .

I made it to class and sported Anthony already seated ,we lock eyes with each and I quickly walk away .I sat in a seat far from him and focus on the lecture