

Olivia's pov

"Thanks for dropping me home "

"You are always welcome "

"I'm sorry about what happened at the restaurant ".I apologized

"You mean about the kiss ".he asked 

"Yes that "

"You don't have to be "I enjoyed it even when I knew you were pretending".

"I'm sorry "

"You still love him right ?".he asked with sadness in his voice  .

"No I don't ".I lied 

"You can't denie it olivia , everyone can see it except for that bastard".

He was right ,I was still in love with Tony but I promise myself that I will stop loving him.

"I will wait ". that was Jude's voice .

"You deserve better than this Jude "

"You are the best to me ,and I will wait till your heart is ready to love someone else"

"What if my heart isn't ready to love someone"

"Then I will just be a friend to you "


"You don't know how much I love you olivia".Jude was now almost in tears 

"I have been madly in love since our first date five years ago."but I knew your heart was with someone else.

I walk closer to him and gave him a tight hug 

"I'm sorry Jude "I wish I can tell my heart what to do ".

"Don't blame yourself oli"it's not your fault"

I released my self from the hug and smilled at him

"Thanks again for the dinner,it's was great "

He chuckled and kissed me on the cheek.

"I should be the one thanking you "you made  my day "

"The pleasure is mine "

"I will be out of the country for at least a month ".he spoke up 

"Is everything alright "I asked 

"Yeah"I just need to to check on my new project in France "

"Wow,that's my favorite country"

"Have you been there ".he asked 


"I have a small apartment there ,"I can take you there whenever you are ready "

"I can't wait "

"Go in ,the weather is too cold "

Goodnight Jude".

"Night oli"

I went inside my apartment and took a warm bath .after bathing I lay on my bed and thought of what happened earlier today .

I did not know what came over me that I had to kiss Jude in front of Tony, and to make it  worst I saw hurt in Tony's face .was he really hurt or just jealous I thought to myself.i pick up my phone and wanted to call him and ask how the supposed meeting went ,but  I decided to let him be, seeing that he was already angry with me .

I pick up my phone and texted Jude letting him know that I'm about to going to bed .he texted me back and told me he was still up .I told him goodnight and left my phone on the bed stand .

 My mind wasn't at rest because I know there will be lot of trouble tomorrow at work for me .

The next chapter will have a little sex part , so beware ,or you can just avoid it .

I'm trying my best not to put much sex in this book so it won't be banned