
Strange behavior

Olivia's pov

The drive to the restaurant was quiet and tense.i looked at Tony and noticed he was nervous. what was he nervous about I thought to myself.i brought in little conversation and he just replied back odily.when we got to the restaurant we sat on the table reserved for us .we ordered our food and ate in silence.each time we eat I look at Tony and noticed he was nervously eating and was too quiet for my liking.

After eating he paid the bills and we just sat there staring at each other

"Do you have something to say ".I asked while staring at him .he gave me a quizzical look before taking a sip of his water 

"I have something to tell you oli ".he said those words almost in a whisper 

"What is it ".I asked

He was about to say something when I heard someone called my my name from behind.i looked around and saw that it was Jude .I smiled at him and waved him to come over .I looked at Tony and noticed he wasn't happy seeing Jude .

Jude came over to our table and kissed my cheek

"How are you Oli".he asked with a cute smile on his face 

"I'm fine,what are you doing here".I asked while pushing out a chair for him to sit .he took the chair from me and sat besides me 

"I'm here for a meeting lunch but it's seems like my partner is late ".

"Oh , things like that do happen"

"Yeah".he replied back .

Jude looked away from me and focused on Tony

"Hey man ".he greeted tony 

Tony ignored him and just took another sip of his water .

"Seems like you are done already".Jude asked me 

"Yeah ",.we just finished I replied back 

"How is Mom".I asked while staring at him so I could notice his facial expression.

"You know the word mom sound really good on your lips".he said those words with a big grin on his face .I chuckled softly and hit him on the chest 

"Stop joking".I told him even when I knew I was happy he was doing okay .he smilled at me before replying me 

"She is getting better ,the doctor said she would be out of coma within the next few days"

"Wow,that's good news"

"Yeah it is"

All the while we were talking I could notice how Tony was giving Jude a death glare but Jude kept on ignoring him 

"Once she wakes up let me know ,I would love to meet her ".I told Jude 

"Yeah you should definitely meet your soon to be mother inlaw".he said those words while looking at Tony with a mischievous smile on his face .I chuckled and hit him on his shoulder.he pretended he was hurt and made a hurt sound .we were still laughing at his behavior when I noticed Tony angrily standing up from his seat 

"I give you one minute to meet me outside ".he said those words as a command and left .

"What was that ?".I asked 

"Man is jealous" Jude spoke with a big grin  on his face .I was about to say something when someone called Jude .we looked around and noticed it was his partner.jude kissed me goodbye and I left the restaurant.