
Still a dick head

Anthony's pov 

What are you doing here "I shouted

She was shocked and quiet for sometime before she walk towards my desk and sat down at the visitors sit 

"I'm here for the job".she replied back 

I walk to my desk sat on my chair .we were  quiet for sometime before she spoke up

"Look like I won't be getting this job"she spoke up

"I'm not done with your interview"I replied her 

She  look away and kept quiet .I took her file from her and went through it .

"You have no working experience".I told her 

"I have to get employed before I can have that "she replied back .

"You still haven't change a bit" I told her 

"I'm not a chameleon" .she replied back 

"You don't talk to your boss like that ".I shouted 

"Does that mean I'm employed"she asked 

"I haven't said that "I replied back 

"Then why call yourself my boss "she asked .

I gave her a devilish smile and walk up to her so our face where few miters apart.

"Because you are still  my maid "

"I'm not your maid ,I stop being a maid five years ago "she spoke with anger this time .

"Five years ago I was your boss and today I'm still your boss. You will always be below me "I told her 

"She angrily stood up and came closer to me ,I could feel her breath and her intoxicating fregrance.

"You are still a dick head "she shouted 

"Repeat that again "I shouted

She came closer and I could feel our bodies slightly touching each other .see look at me straight in the eye and then I realized she still has that amazing set of eyes .I became weak for a moment and hated what my body was doing to me .

"I said you are still a Dick head " she shouted .she pick her file and bag ,and was about leaving my office when I held her hands .

"You don't talk to your boss like that .and I expect to see you at work by tomorrow.make sure you are not late.i let go  of her hand .she gave me a questioning look before walking out of the office.

As soon as she left I released a deep breath I never knew I was holding.i went back to my chair,call the receptionist and told her I was done for the day. I took a drink from the bar and started drinking .

I thought my feelings for her was now hatred but I think I was wrong .she still as that effect she always have on me five years ago .

I got home and saw aunt penny preparing dinner

"Welcome "she greeted 

I replied her greeting and went straight to my room .I went straight to the shower and took a quick bath .I went downstairs and saw mom and dad already sited .

"Did you get a good assistant"mom asked 

I wanted to tell her it was Olivia but decided to keep it to myself for the time being