

Anthony's pov

The drive back to the hotel was tense and quiet.i looked at Olivia and noticed she was in deep thought andwas really looking angry.when we got to the hotel room she quickly went into her room and shut the door,I hissed in frustration and went back to my room .I picked up my phone and called Dad 

"Hello ".

"How are you son".he asked 

"I'm doing alright,how are you ?".I asked 

"I'm fine".he replied back 

"How is Olivia".he asked

"She is fine".I replied back 

"Have you patch up things with her ".dad asked

I hissed in frustration and sat on my bed

"It's not that easy dad".I told him 

He hissed over the phone before answering me 

"I thought this trip will patch things up with you guys .but I guess I was wrong".dad spoke up 

I ran my hand in frustration before speaking up

"Olivia is different dad ".I told him 

"I know, that's why I wanted you guys together".dad spoke up

"Unfortunately we can't be together anymore".I spoke with sadness in my voice.

"And why do you think so".dad asked

"Because she doesn't love me anymore ".I replied back .

Dad was quiet for a moment before speaking up

"Did she say that to you ".he asked 


"Then why do you think so".he asked 

"Because it's pretty obvious".I replied back 

"You don't go about guessing what other people thinks ,and you should talk to her about it".

"There is nothing to talk about dad".I told him 

"You don't love her anymore?". he asked.

It was pretty obvious dad loves Olivia and will wish we end up together.but I can't just see that happening.

"It's not about love Dad".I told him

"Then what is it about".he asked 

"We are just not meant to be together"

"Why say that "dad asked in a concerned voice

"Because of the circumstances surrounding us"

"You mean your baby with Linda ".he asked 

"Not just that dad,we are just not meant to be ".I spoke in a low tune

Dad noticed my mood and decided to keep quiet.

"What do you plan on doing?".he finally spoke up

"I'll just have to let her go,maybe she deserves someone better".I spoke those words with sadness in my voice .I couldn't bear to see olivia ending up with someone else .I hissed and closed my eyes so I could control the pain in me.

"You will be fine son you will".dad spoke up

"Yeah sure".I whisper

He hissed before ending the call .I kept the phone on the bed stand, before going to bed.

I woke up the next morning and met olivia in the sitting room typing on her laptop

"Good morning ".she greeted without looking at me 

"Morning ".I replied back 

"You have your last meeting today with the company and after that we should be able to go back home , should I book our flights back home ?".she asked

I realized today was the last day I will have to be with Olivia and I wish it doesn't come to an end 

"When is the time for the meeting?".I asked 

"1pm , after that we should be leaving for California".

"Don't book the flight yet". I told her 

She gave me a questioning look before speaking up

"Why?".she asked 

"Because I still have things to deal with"

"Things like what?".she asked 

"Personal stuff". I replied her

"Then I see no reason why I should still stay here".she spoke in annoyance

"You are my assistant",.I told her 

"Not on your personal matters ".she replied back in anger .

"We are still staying her and that's final".I spoke those words and left her in the sitting room