
Something else

Olivia's pov

The meeting started and I saw how Tonia has been staring at Tony. She was so transparent and wasn't hiding it.the meeting was supposed to be a quick one but Tonia kept on bringing up things that wasn't necessary.i noticed she was purposily wasting  our time and I have to do something about it 

"Is there anything we need to know ".I asked  in a calm voice so she wouldn't notice my anger. 

Tonia gave me a hard look before looking at Tony.

"We have another meeting to attend".I told her in a polite voice .

"Very well then ".she smilled at Tony before standing up 

"I was thinking we could have dinner tonight".she spoke those words looking directly to tony.

"That will be nice ". Tony replied her.she smilled at him before walking away with her assistant.

"Seems like she likes you ".I told tony while standing up from my seat .he gave me an angry look before walking out of the hall 

We drove back to the company and noticed we were already late.we went to the meeting hall and saw everyone already seated.

We took our seat and the Meeting started.the meeting took longer than expected . the meeting ended and we went back to the hotel.i was about going back to my room when I got a message in my message.i checked it and saw that it was a message from Tonia assistant giving me the  address of the dinner 

I walk up to Tony's room and told him the time and venue of the dinner.i look at him and noticed he wasnt really interested in the dinner.

"You could have told her you weren't interested in the dinner".I told him 

He ignored me and walk straight to his wall drop.

I left his room and went back to my room to rest .I was almost falling asleep when I heard a knock on my door.i stood up and went for the door.i opened it and saw tony coperately dressed and looking hot as always 

"What is the meaning of this ".he shouted

"Meaning of what".I asked in confusion

"Why are you not dressed".he asked 

"Dressed for what ?".I asked in confusion

He ran his hand on his hair before replying me 

"For the dinner". he replied back with annoyance

"Oh that ?".I replied back 

"Get dressed".he ordered

"That's a personal dinner between you two .I have no business with it".I replied back 

He hissed and closed his eyes for a moment .I think he was trying to control himself from whatever he wanted to do .few seconds later he opened his eyes and I noticed he was a bit angry.

"Get dress oli,I won't repeat myself". the voice was full of command and had no place for aguement. I hissed angrily and closed the door on him.i angrily went to my wall drop and picked a simple black dress .I reluctantly wore it .put on a simple shoe and left my room .is not like it my dinner so there is no need of me dressing too much when I will just be a third wheel there. I thought to myself.

When I got to the sitting room I noticed  Tony was looking at me .

"Why are you dressed like this ?".he asked 

"What is wrong with my dressing",.i asked 

"You are really something else". Tony spoke those words and walked out of the hotel.