

Anthony's pov

It's been two weeks since dad had the  attack,d but he as been recovering from it.

Things with Olivia has been the same ,she has been pilling her self up with work and doesn't talk much to me .I was thinking of setting up a friendly dinner when I got a call from her desk 

"Hello sir "

"I'm here "

"I think your girlfriend is here to see you ".she spoke with a little bit of anger in her voice 

"Who ".I asked 

"You know who am talking about,"should I let her in or not "

I hissed before telling her to let her in.

Few minutes later she walk into my office with a seductive smile on her face .

"What do you want ".I asked with anger

"You are always angry".she replied back with a smile before sitting in the visitors chair.

"What do you want ",I spoke in annoyance this time .

"I have a good news for u".she spoke with so much joy on her face 

"I don't wanna hear it ,"now leave my office ".I shouted

"You should stop using that tune on me now that I am carrying your child "

I must have heard her wrong ,I thought to myself.

"What did you say again".I asked in anger while standing up 

"I'm two weeks pregnant".she spoke with a big grin on her face .

I walk up to her and held her on her kneck.

"You must be joking,"how can this be".I shouted 

She freed herself from me and  moved away .

"The night you were drunk we had sex remember?"

"I was unconscious,"I can't cum inside you ".I spoke angrily.

"You weren't fully unconscious,"you even thought I was her ".she replied back .

Then the realization hit me . I wasn't dreaming that night but I was actually having sex with someone else .

I walk away from her and sat on my chair .she smilled a victory smile before sitting down.

"What do you want".I asked in a calm voice 

"Nothing".she replied back 

"Get rid of it ".I spoke in anger 

"I will do no such thing ".she replied back 

"So what do you want".I asked 

"You have to take responsibility for this baby ".

"I can't have a baby with a woman like you ".

She stood up angrily and walk over to me .

"I don't care how you see me ,"but this child is yours and you will have to take full responsibility of it".she spoke those words and left my office.

I picked up my phone and called diamond.the line rang a few times before he picked it.

"What's up ".

"I'm in a big situation ".I told him 

"Dose that have to do with you and olivia".he asked 

"Worst than that ".I told him 

"What is it ".

"A lady I had a one night stand with ,is pregnant for me "

"How can you let that happen".he sounded angry

"I was drunk ".I told him.

"Fix it yourself".he spoke those words and ended the call .

"I'm in big shit ".I told myself