
Repeating it's self

Anthony's POV

“Get out “. I shouted, “Why are you shouting”.she asked, 

“If you don't leave now, I might decide not to care about this child “. I spoke in anger, 

“You won't dare”.she replied to me, 

“Get out “. I said those words and walked over to the door. I opened it and faced her in anger, 

“Leave”. I told her with anger written all over my face

She hissed and walked over to me, she placed her hand on my chest, but I slap her hand away 

“See you at home “.she smiled seductively at me before walking out of the office.

I hissed in frustration and closed the door. I walk back to my seat and sat on it,

I've lost her this time for real and there is nothing I could do about it,

I went back to my laptop but couldn't work. The sad look on Olivia face has been flashing in my head. I closed my eyes for a moment, so I could forget all that happened just a moment ago .but the memories kept flashing in my head.

I hissed in frustration when I realized I couldn't get her out of my head. I switched off the laptop and took my things and left the office. I walk over to Olivia's office, but noticed she was already gone. I took the private Elevator and went to the first floor .my bodyguard was already waiting for me. I entered the car and the driver drove us back home.

When I got home I met Linda and mom sitting in the sitting room .mom saw me and smiled at me 

“You are back early”.mom told me 

I star at both of them without saying a word and went straight to my room 

“Are you alright”. I heard mom voice but did not reply her .when I got to my room I removed my clothes and took a hot bath .few minutes later I was sitting on my worktable. I picked up my phone and dialed Olivia's number, but she wasn't picking up. I hissed in frustration and pick up a file to work on it, but my mind wasn't focused. I ran my hand on my hair in frustration and stood up, 

I picked up my car keys and left my room. I went downstairs and saw mom and Linda still there 

“Going somewhere”. Linda asked, 

I stare at her in disgust before walking away. I went to the garage and entered the car .my driver and bodyguard offered to come along, but I done them it wasn't necessary.

Few minutes I was in front of Olivia's apartment.I felt uneasy and felt my hands becoming sweaty.I rang the bell few times before I heard footsteps from the room.

The door opened reveling an angry looking Chris, 

“What are you doing here”.he asked in irritation.it was obvious that Olivia have already told him I'm getting married. I made a soft sign before speaking up 

“Look man I know you don't like me, but I'm here to speak with Olivia, just let her know I'm here “. I spoke in a calm voice,

“She's not at home “.he quickly replied to me.

I stare at him and noticed he was lying, 

“Look man I know you care for Olivia, but I need to speak with her “. I was now losing my patience.

“You have no right to come here and speak this way, not after all you've done “. Chris spoke in an angry tune.

I realized he was right and I was wrong. I took a deep breath and spoke up this time in a calmer voice, 

“Can I please just have a minute with her “. I pleaded, 

He stared at me for a moment debating if he should give in or not

“Wait here “.he told me and went inside.

Few minutes later the door was wide opened but this time it was Olivia standing at the door 

“Is there a problem sir” she spoke in a professional tune.

I looked at her and noticed there was no emotion in her facial Expression 

“I'm sorry oli”.was all I could say 

“Sorry about what “.she asked in annoyance.I noticed she was losing her calm. I hissed softly before speaking up, 

“I wanted to tell you, but I was scared of losing you “.

She laughed softly and clap her both hands 

“Oh really “she replied 

“Believe me oli, I wanted to “. I spoke in a calm voice,

“You avoided me like a virus after what between us, you acted like the sex we had meant nothing to you “. Olivia shouted, "How can you even think that oli, that night with you was the best night of my life “.

“You lier “.she shouted 

“Believe me oli, I'm getting married to Linda because of my baby".i told he . “I prefer not to hear it “.she shouted angrily 

“You should have told me you were getting married, but instead you played with my feelings, you played with my feelings five years ago, and again I let you, I'm a big fool”.she shouted

“That's not true, I never played with your feelings Oli, you just couldn't trust me “. I told her while trying to take her hand, but she moved away 

“I have a question for you, and I just want a yes or a no “.she spoke in a calm voice

“What is it “. I asked 

“Did you know you were getting married to Linda before that night “.she asked while staring at me, 

I froze the moment I heard those words from her.I became speechless because I knew what the answer was.

“Answer me “.she shouted 

“Oli”I whispered 

“Yes or no “.she shouted 

“Yes”. I whispered .she stares at me before speaking up

“Get out “.she shouted 

“Let me explain”. I pleaded

“I say get out “.she said those words while trying to close the door, but I hold it with my hand 

“I swear it not what it seems like “. I pleaded 

She stared at me with anger before speaking up 

“Chris”.she shouted.

Within a second Chris was standing at the door, 

“Show him the way out “.she said those words before leaving me with Chris. I tried to go after her,, but Chris blocked the way.

“I think you should leave “.his voice was calm, 

“Please I need to explain things to her “. I pleaded 

“I think she feels it would be better not to hear it, it's best you leave”.

I nod my head in surrender and left the apartment.I got into my car and drove off,, but I wasn't going home.