

Olivia's pov

"You have to be there in the next one hour ,you cant keep going late to every meetings".that was me knocking at Tony's door .

He groaned over the room before opening the door reveling his sleepy face .his hair was a bit messy, his eyes were still sleepy and to crown it all he was shirtless reveling his upper body .I quickly turn around so I won't be able to see him 

"Why do you have to come out naked ".

He chuckled and walk out of his room .

"You were barging on my door and I couldn't help it ."and besides it's not like you haven't seen me like this before".he spoke with a mischievous smile on his face .

I quickly left him and went back to my room .

"We have only an hour left ".I shouted from my room  .

Few minutes later I was all dressed in a black plan trouser and a suit.i walk into the sitting room and met him adjusting his ties .I looked at him and noticed we were dressed the same.i quickly went back to my room and changed my cloths .this time I wore a black short dress and a navy blue hill to match up my dressing .I checked on the mirror and saw that the dressing was cool.i went back to the living room and met Tony having breakfast .he look up and saw me and kept on staring at me and he wasn't even hiding it  .I sat on the chair opposite him and took some pancakes.

"Stop staring".I told him without looking at him .

"Do you realize that we are going for a meeting and not some fancy date of yours ".he spoke those words in a plane voice .

"So?"I asked 

"You are too overdressed for it ".

"Are you scared ".I asked with a devilish smile on my face. 

"Scared of what ".he gave me a serious look 

"That I may attract a good looking man over there "

He laughed at my words before taking a sip of his tea 

"No man will dare look at you ,not when you are with me ".he spoke with all seriousness.

"Hey I'm just your assistant and not your property ".I spoke in an annoyed voice .

"We see about that ",.he replied back and stood up from the chair .I quickly left my food and followed him out of the hotel .when we got outside, a car was already waiting for us .we got in and went to the venue of the meeting .I kept on checking on documents on my palm top so I could avoid his gaze because it was becoming too much .when we got to the venue I checked the time and noticed we were already ten minutes late .

"We are late again".I told him .

He just hissed and went inside the room.when we go to the room I saw different CEOs already seated .some were staring at me and I wished I followed Tony advise .he saw how they were staring and gave them a furious look.they might have seen that he was so possessive of me and decided to back out .I was still trying to check the faces when I saw a familiar face seated at the right side of the table.

"Jude".I whispered.

He gave me a big smile before standing up from his chair and walk up to me .

"You are here ".he asked 

"I thought you are in Dubai ?"I asked

"Yes ,I'm just here for this meeting".he replied back before going back to his seat .I was still smiling at him when I heard someone whispered my name .I look around and noticed it was Tony .I went closer to him so I could hear what he was saying.

"While you are here ,you are not allowed to talk to anyone but me ".his voice came with a command.i gave him a hard look before looking away .the meeting started and I started taking details of the meeting.

During the meeting I noticed Jude and Tony sharing angry look at each other. it was so obvious that others could notice it .I ignored them and kept on keeping taking information about the meeting.few times Tony will ask for my opinion in a matter and I will tell him which he approves .the meeting lasted for three hours and was adjourned till tomorrow evening as a dinner.after the meeting Jude wasted no time in walking towards me .

"You never told me you will be coming to turkey with him ".

"It was unexpected ".I told him.

"Are you guys a thing now ?".he asked in a calm voice .but I could see the fear in his eyes 

"Why will you think that".I asked 

"I don't know,just curious",. he replied back 

"We can never be together not now that he is having a baby ".I whispered so I could hide the hurt in my voice .Jude noticed my mood and decided to drop the topic.

"Are you free tonight".he asked 


"Then let's meet up "


"Tell me your hotel so I could come pick you up".

I told him the hotel and kissed him a goodbye on the cheek .I left him and went in search of Tony. I spotted him talking to one of the guys .they noticed me and stopped talking .

"I'm Desmond and you must be beautiful olivia".the guy with Jude introduced himself to me with a big smile on his face. I gave him my hand which he took and kissed .

"Nice to meet you Desmond".I told him with a big smile in my face .

"Jeez your voice is so sexy ".the guy commended

"Stop flattering me".

"I'm not, you are a hell of a beautiful ,and I'm surprised Tony hasn't have you to himself".he spoke with a mischievous smile in his face 

"Why do I get the feeling that you guys have met before".I asked diamond.

Diamond chuckled and looked at Tony 

"Let's say this dick head here was my friend back then in school ".he replied back 

"No wonder".I replied back .

"We have to get back to the hotel so we could check on the deal,I will see you tomorrow evening".that was Tony's voice .

"You still haven't changed Tony".that was Desmond voice .

Tony gave him a hard stare before walking away .I smilled at Desmond before walking away with Tony .we got to the car and he didn't say anything throughout our way back to the hotel . I looked at me and noticed he was really furious but was doing his best to hide and control it .when we got back to our  suit, I was about going to my room so I could change up when I felt a hand holding me back  .