

Anthony's pov

I was about entering the lecture hall when a hand held be back .I turn around and saw the one person I wish never to see in my entire life .

Standing before me was my nightmare and ex girlfriend Jenifer she was looking at me and smiling seductively .

"What are you doing here"I asked

"I was transferred in last week "she replied back 

"So why are you stopping me "I asked with anger 

She walk up to me and kept her hands on my shoulders

"Don't you miss me darling"she asked 

"I don't "I replied back to her

"Of course you do"she replied back

"Listen to me me I'm not in the mood for this game of yours and I'm almost late for lectures,can you please excuse me "with that I left her and went to class .

After class I called oli and told her I won't be attending classes because of the work I have to do with Dad .

On my way to the school car park I saw Jennifer standing  beside my car ,I ignore her and went to open my car when she held the door and stood in front of me 

"What do you want "I asked with anger 

"I want us to talk "she replied

"I having nothing to discuss with you "i replied back 

"I know you still miss me "she said walking closer to me 

"And what make you think I still love you "I asked

"Because you said I'm your first love "she replied 

"Its over between us "I told her 

"You can't get rid of me that easily Tony "I know you still  love me .

"What I feel for you is nothing but hate"get out before I do something both of us will regret"I warned her .

She saw how serious and angry I was ,she moved aside and allow me drive out .

Why must she show us in my life now my life is getting back to place .I went to Dad's office and help him sort out some personal documents

When I got home it was already pass  dinner time I walk up to my room but saw oli on the way ,she kissed me and hugged me .how I miss her so much .I kissed her on the lips and hugged her back .

"I tried calling you but your lines were switch off"she spoke up

"I'm sorry the documents were too much and complicated and dad said it was confidential ,so I had to put on my focus on it "I replied her 

"It's okay ,are you hungry"she asked 

"No I'm fine "

"Alright you need to rest "she told me 

We went back to my room I sat on the bed and told her to sit on my laps .I always love it when she sits on my laps .I gave her a small kiss on the lips ,she kissed me back and we started kissing passionately .she quickly stood up with a smile on her face 

"We should stop here before it's get out of hand "she told me with a shy smile on her face  .

I stood up and kiss her on the forehead she kiss me on the cheek and went out of the room ,I check my down below and realized I was already hard.oh my God she saw it .no wonder she stood up and was really shy .I went to bath and allow the darkness to take over me .