

Anthony's pov

I spoke those words and angrily left the table .I couldn't imagine Olivia going out with Jude not when she was with me .I went back to the  room so I could calm my anger .few minutes later I went back to the sitting room  so I could relax myself when I noticed olivia wasn't in the living room.i knocked her room door and got no response from her . I knocked again but still no response.i slightly  open her door and noticed the room was empty .I angrily shut the room door and went downstairs .I went to the bar and search for her but I couldn't see her.i hissed in frustrating and sat at the bar . I ordered for a whiskey so I could relax my nerves.i was taking a sip of my drink when I noticed olivia walking into the bar with Jude .they both look so happy and in love with each other ,that I couldn't help but felt jealous.i angrily stood up from my seat and walk over to them.as soon as olivia saw me I noticed the fear in her eyes.

"You have the guts to disobey my order".I shouted at her .she playfully roll her eyes and sat at the available seat close to her .Jude ignored me and sat besides her .

"What do you want to have ".he asked her not minding I was standing there .

"I'll take whatever you are having ".she replied back .

I ran my hand on my hair on frustration before dragging olivia out of the seat .she was suprised at my action and gave me a shocked look

"And what is the meaning of this ".she shouted

"Meaning of what?".I asked in annoyance

"Get your hands off me".she shouted angrily and removed my grip from her.i wanted to held her back when I felt a stronger hand holding me . I look around and saw that it was Jude angrily holding my hand

"Stop this drama".he shouted angrily.i look at him and noticed he was really furious .the  color of his eyes were now darker,then and there I knew that this was a different Jude.

"Get your hand off me".I shouted .he refused and still held my hands . Olivia came between us and held Jude's hand.

"Let it be Jude".she spoke with a calm voice that could melt anybody's heart.i noticed how Jude felt relaxed and calm after olivia said those words.he left my hand and turn around to face Olivia.

"Let's go ".he held her hand and they both walk away from me .I just stood there and wasn't able to move .I ran my hand on my hair in frustration and walk out of the bar .

I got to the suite and sat in the sitting room so I could cool my frustration and anger .I thought of what I did at the bar and realized I overreacted.i hissed and went back to my room .few hours later I came back to the sitting room and noticed Olivia hasn't returned .I check the time and saw that it was pass 9pm.i felt restless and concerned.i left the room and went downstairs to search for her.i Scan around the bar and noticed she wasn't there.i sat at the bar and ordered for a drink still waiting for her .I sat for hours but still couldn't see her .I checked the time and saw that it was pass 11pm.i became frustrated and angry at myself for behaving that way towards her.i was still in thought when I noticed Olivia walking into the hotel .she lock eyes with me and ignored me . before I could meet her she had already taken the elevator.i went back to the room and noticed she was Already in her room .

"Can we talk".I asked Olivia with a calm voice while knocking on her room door .she ignored me and kept quiet.

"I'm sorry".I told her in a whisper 

"Go to bed Tony ,we have a long day tomorrow".she replied back with a calm voice but I knew she was angry with me .

"I won't leave untill you say something".I told her with a serious voice .the room was quiet for a while before I heard her door open .she walk out from her room and stood before me with a folded hands.

"What do you want this time ?".she asked in an angry voice.

"I'm sorry".I told her in a sincere voice .she gave me a hard look before speaking up .

"Why are you apolozing ".she asked 

I hissed in frustrating and moved closer to her .

"Because I was wrong ,.I told her 

She angrily roll her eyes at me and look away .

"Goodnight Tony ".she spoke those words and was about walking away when I held her back .she shiverd under my touch and gave me a shock look.

"Let me go ".

"I won't , unless I know I've been forgiven ".I told her in a pleading voice .

She noticed I was damn serious and wouldn't back out unless she forgives me .

"Alright ".she spoke out

"Alright what ?".I asked 

"You've been forgiven,can you let me go now ".she asked in an annoyed tune.i left her hand and watch her walk back to her room .I went back to my room and allowed the darkness of the night to take over