
Old friend

Olivia's POV

After Tony left, I went back to my desk. I was angry at myself and also the way my body reacted to His Touch. I ran my fingers in my hair shamefully and went back to work. But I couldn't concentrate on work. I checked the time and saw that it was almost time to close up for work. I was about picking up my things when I heard my phone ringing I check the caller saw that the call was from Jude I smiled at myself before I pick up the call

 “hey what's up”. I spoke up when I answered the call

“ I'm fine I'm just about closing from work, what about you “I asked .he hissed over the phone before speaking up.

“Today has been stressful, but it was ok do you want me to come pick you up I'm almost done from work” .he asked

“No need for that I came with my car and I can drive home “. I reply.

“Very well then, I wanted to ask you a question”.he spoke in a calm voice.

“What is it” I asked. He was quiet for a while before speaking up

“ the thing is that Mum has been bothering me about you, and she has been asking to meet with you, but I have been giving her excuses this time I couldn't come up with any more excuses, so I promised her I will bring you to her “. I chuckled before speaking up “not to worry I will come see her tomorrow hope she likes me “.he laughed Softly before speaking up.

“ She will definitely like you, I'm sure of that”. “Alright then I'll talk to you later “I ended the call and I went back to picking up my things after I picked up my things I hurriedly left the office I got downstairs and noticed Tony's car wasn't there I hissed in relief and entered into my car I drove home took my bath and what about to take some rest when my phone started ringing I checked the caller and saw that it was from a strange number. With curiosity, I pick up to call.

“Hello “.

“Hello, who is this “. I asked

“so you don't know me anymore, you can't recognize my voice, oli is that how yove forgotten about me so soon”. I tried listening to the voice, but I couldn't get the voice

“ I'm sorry I'm not in a right frame of mind, can you please introduce yourself to me”. I spoke in a calm voice “.

He chuckled softly over the phone before speaking up.

“You're still the same oli, I know you'll never change”. The moment he said those words, I quickly recognize the voice.”

“Didi”. I shouted. He laughed over the phone for a moment before speaking up.

“So you finally recognize my voice, I thought you will never do”.

“ Didi, I'm angry with you, very, angry with you “. I shouted over the phone.

“I know, but I'm coming back to see you and to sort out things with you “.

“Really “. I asked 

“ yes I will be there in the next 2 days you just wait for a”. I was happy I haven't seen him for the last 5 years .we talked once in a while, but in the last two years I lost contact of him. I was happy now that I knew that he will be back Because I needed a friend like him in a time like this.

“ I can't wait to see you, please do come “. I told him with a big smile on my face.

“I know, I miss you oli I fucking miss you” he said those words like he meant it. We talk a while over the phone before we ended the call. I took in a deep breath and lay on the bed, allowed the darkness of the night to take over.

 I was awoken by my alarm when I checked the time it was a few minutes past 7 a.m. 

“shit “. I shouted.

 I was late for work I quickly went to the bathroom I took my shower I quickly put on my clothes and left my apartment. I drove my car to the office and saw that Tony's car was already there. I ran a finger on my hair in frustration before getting out of my car. I walked straight into the company and took the private elevator, I got to my office and was about arranging my things, when Tony walked in.

“I was about calling you, I thought you wouldn't come to work”. He said those words while locking eyes with me. I tried to look away, but I was lost in his gaze. I realize myself and quickly looked away.

“Sorry I woke up late, but it won't happen again”. I apologized.

“No need for that”. He said those word while smiling at me.

“I sent you a file, to check on it and tell me what you think about it”.

“Yes sir”. I replied while switching on my computer. I started working on the file, but I noticed he was still standing there, I raise my head and look at him.

“Anything else”. I asked.

He stared at me but did not say a word “Anything else” I asked again, this time he did not say a word, but instead he moved closer to me. I quickly stood up and shifted away from him.

“ What are you doing “. I asked

“ you what does it look like I'm doing”.he replied.

“ Stop this, Tony, stop this”. I spoke in anger.

“I'm not doing anything, I just want to see a better view of you”. He spoke with a big grin on his face.

“ You are not serious, “I replied and went back to my seat. He chuckled evilly and left my office. I released a sign of relief when I noticed he was out of the office. I started working on the file he gave to me. After some hours, I was through with it .when I was through with it, I went back to his office, I knocked twice before he asked me in. I got in and saw him busy with some work.

“Hello sir, I'm done “.he raised his head and look at me.

“ Bring it here” I went over to his table and placed it on his table.

I was about moving away when he dragged me to him and made me sit oh his lap.

“What are you doing “. I asked in shocked. I looked at him and saw a mischievous smile on his face.

“What I should have done a long time ago”