
Never meant to be together

Anthony's POV

Bam, I hit the small tea table on the wall. Mom heard the noise and came rushing to my room. She looks terrified but held her ground 

“What's going on son “.she asked in a scared voice 

“Mother go away “. I shouted angrily.

She noticed my anger and ran out of the room .a few minutes later, Linda majestically walked into my room.

“What are you doing here “. I shouted angrily.

She gave me a hard look before sitting on the chair opposite me, 

“She has rejected you right”.she spoke with a devilish smile on her face.

“Get out”. I shouted angrily, 

“And if I don't “.she asked in a challenging tune.

I hissed in frustration and moved away from her.

“You have to start accepting me in your life now “.

“I will never accept you in my life, never”. I shouted angrily and threw the wall clock on the floor.

She did not flip or react to my action, rather she just sat as if nothing happened.

I stare at her with hatred and disgust ,my life would have been the way I wanted it if not for she coming into my life and destroying it.

“You have no choice, we will be getting married in less than a month”.she spoke with so much confidence.

I angrily moved closer to her and held her neck .she tried to release my grip,, but it was too tight for her.

“You will get married to me,, but I will make sure your life is a living hell “. I said those words, staring directly into her eyes.I noticed her flip and saw fear written all over her face. I hissed in anger and let go of her.

“Get out “. I shouted.

Without wasting more time, she quickly rushed out of my room.

I ran my fingers in my hair in frustration before sitting on the bed.

Olivia, I have lost her forever.

I got to work really late the next day .when I got there, Olivia was standing at the front of my door.

“Morning sir “.she greeted and act like nothing happened last night, 

“Morning”. I whispered back.

I was about entering my office when she called me back 

“We need to have a talk”.she spoke in a serious tune, 

I stared at her and noticed there was no emotion written on her face.

“Come in “. I told her while entering my office.

We walked in while she sat at the visitor's sat.

I took my seat and focused on her.

“What do you want to talk about”? I asked

“I want to talk about us “.she spoke with no emotion on her face,

“What about us “? I asked.

She took a deep breath before she spoke up 

“We need to kill and let go of whatever happened between us ,if you want me to keep working here “.this time her voice was full of command,

“What do you mean ". I asked confused,

“What I mean to say is that I will no longer work here if we don't let go of what happened between us “.

We both kept quiet for a while before I spoke up, 

“So you are letting go of our love “. I asked 

She chuckled softly before speaking 

“There was no love between us, we were not meant to be together from the beginning, we shouldn't fight nature”.

I stared at her, and she did the same too. I noticed she was serious, and she wasn't joking about it.

“This is it, then “. I felt my heart clench the moment I said those words, 

“Thank you for understanding”.she stood up and left my office.

The moment she left my office, I removed my jacket and loosen up my tie, so I could be able to breathe properly.

I felt tears threatening to fall down my eyes,, but I quickly held down back.

I picked up a document but couldn't concentrate on it. I hit my desk angrily and felt pains in my hand.I looked at it and noticed there were bruises.I hissed and ignored it.

A few minutes later Olivia walked in .she avoided my gaze and stood in front of me, 

“I'm here to read your schedules for the day “.she said those words without looking at me.

“Go on “. I told her.

She read them slowly and loudly without looking at me.

“That is all, sir “.she said those words while avoiding my gaze.

“You can go “. I told her and looked away.

She was about to leave when she turned around and stared at me, 

“Anything else “. I asked, 

She ignored my question and walked directly to me .she stood beside me and took my wounded hand 

“How did you get injured”.she asked with a concerned voice.

“None of your business”. I replied angrily.

She let go of my hand and walked out of the office.

Maybe I was too harsh on her, I thought to myself.

I was still in thought when Olivia came back to my office with a first aid kit box in her hand.

She walked over to me without saying a word and took my wounded hand.she applied spirit and some ointment before putting a bandage on it.

“Send any typing job to me, you shouldn't stress your hand.

She was about to leave when I held her back.

“Thank you “. I told her.

She gave me a little smile before speaking up, 

“You are my boss, and it's my duty to make sure you are okay “.

I felt my heart torn to pieces when she said those words, indeed I was nothing to her than just being her boss.

I gave her a fake smile before letting go of her hand.

She left my office and walked over to her desk.

A few hours, we were at a meeting. During the meeting I caught another CEO staring lustfully at Olivia.I felt jealous and wished I could tell him she was mine,, but that will never be possible.

After the meeting, the CEO walked up to me and exchanged greetings with me. I felt irritated by his presence but decided to hide it, 

“Your personal assistant is beautiful”.he spoke up with a big grin on his face.I knew he would go for her and I have to stop it 

“Yeah, but too bad she's not into men “. I spoke with big smile on my face,

“Oh, really”.he spoke with dissapointment written all over his face.

“Yeah”. I replied, "Next time Mr. Luciano”.he said those and left my side.

A few minutes later, Olivia picked up our things, and we left.

We got to the office, and I was about to walk towards my office when she spoke up 

“I never knew I was into ladies “.she spoke those while walking over to her desk 

Shit, she heard me.