
Misunderstanding 1

Anthony's pov

I could feel my the pains in my head and ,the light coming from the window was making my eyes uncomfortable .where I am I thought to myself ,I opened my eyes ignoring the pains I feel in my head .

I opened my eyes and realized I wasn't in my room ,where am I I thought to myself .I stood up from the bed but realized I was a little bit dizzy ,before I could process what was going on.  the door of the room opened .there I saw Jennifer standing in front of the door with just a pant and bra smiling seductively.

I stood up with anger

"What am I doing "I shouted with anger 

"C'mon don't be a drama queen "she my spoke mockily

I angrily walk up to her and held her on the kneck

"Talk before I kill you "I demanded

She was quiet and look scared I bet she hasn't seen this angry .

"Did you drugged me "I asked 

She was now shaking and was about to cry 

"You are hurting me tony "she spoke up almost shooking 

I released my hands from her and move away from her

"Tell me everything "I shouted

"I drugged your drink "she replied

"And "I asked 

"I took you home and we had sex"she replied

"You have to guts to drug my drink and have sex with me without my permission"i shouted with anger .

She kept quiet and move away from me .I move around the room looking for my cloths phone and shoes .I saw them and put on

"You will pay for this "I told her and walk out of the room

I spotted my car and drove home .I got home and realized Olivia has already gone to school .I went to the kitchen and saw aunt penny in the kitchen dinner prepare lunch.

"Good day Aunt"I greeted 

She turn around and gave me a weak smile

"You did notcome home last night "she asked 

"Yeah "I replied

"Did you and Olivia have a fight "she asked .

I was shocked at the question .I quickly check my phone and realized I had few miss calls from Mom Dad and Olivia but all were not answered except the last call from Olivia.i did not remember answering any of Olive' calls .then I realized Jennifer must have done it .

I left my phone and went back to Aunt penny

"No we didn't fight "I answered

"She wasn't herself this morning.i tried asking her what the matter was but she told me she was fine before she left "are you sure you guys did not have a fight yesterday"she asked again

"No we are good "I replied.

I went back to my room and try calling Olivia but she kept on declining my calls .

I took a quick shower and drove to campus .I search for Olivia everywhere but couldn't find her .I asked her few friends and none knew where she was .

I gave up the search and went home .when I got home i saw Olivia coming out from the storage . I went to her but she pushed me away 

"Stay away from me "she shouted