

Olivia's pov

"What did you say"?.I asked in anger 

"Calm down oli,rumor has it that you have been sleeping with Mr Tony, that was why he  employed you imediately even when you weren't fit for the job".he said those words directly to my face .

"Who started this rumor".I asked in anger .

He stare at me for a moment before speaking up 

"A Lady came here the other day ,she  introduced herself as a soon to be wife of my Tony."she was the one who started the rumors".

"A soon to be wife of Tony ".I asked in confusion

"Yes she said her name was Linda".

Of course it was definitely Linda .

"Those rumors are wrong right "?.he asked with a questioning look on his face .I looked at him and noticed he was doubting me .

"I would have love to clear my self of these rumors but I see there is no need for it".I said those words and angrily left him standing there.

I got to my office and angrily sat on my chair .I picked up a document but could concentrate .I felt anger rush through my blood and I have to do something about it .I walk up to the mini fridge in my office and took a bottle of water.i drank all and closed my eyes so I could subdue the anger in me .I walk back to my desk and sat on it .I picked up a document but still couldn't concentrate,I hissed and stood up from the desk and walk over to Tony's office .I knocked at the door twice before he asked me to come in .I opened the door and walked in.i moved closer to him so that I was standing before him

"What is it".he asked in a confused voice, after he must have noticed my mood 

"Where the fuck is Linda".I shouted

"Linda?".he asked with a confused look

"Yes Linda,where the fuck is she ".I asked in an angry voice.he stood up from his chair and walk over to me .

"What did she do".he asked with a concerned voice 

"It's doesn't matter what she did ,all I want is to know where the fuck I can find her ".I shouted.

Tony gave me a hard look before moving closer to me and place his hands on my shoulders.

"Calm down oli".he spoke in a calm voice .I looked at him and noticed he was putting on a worried expression on his face .

"Take a deep breath".he whispered

I stare at him before closing my eyes .I shut my eyes for moment before opening them.i opened my eyes and met a worried looking Tony .

"What's wrong".he asked with a caring voice 

I hissed and looked away from him,he brought back my face with his fingers

"Tell me what's wrong ".he pleeeded

"It's Linda".I spoke up

"What did she do".he asked 

"She has been spreading rumors about me being your whore ".I replied back with anger 

He hissed in anger before speaking up

"Let me handle it".he pleeeded


He hissed in frustration before removing his hands from my shoulders.he walk back back to his desk and sat on it 

"What do you want?".he asked 

"Give me her number,I want to speak to her ".I demanded

"I can't ".he replied back 

"Why ".I asked in anger 

"Because I don't want to ".he replied back without looking at me.i walk up to the visitors chair and sat in it .

"Then I won't leave this office".I said those words and sat properly on the chair so he would know I was serious.he stare at me for a moment before going back to typing on his laptop.i relaxed in the seat and kept on looking at him.i look at him and made sure he knew that I was looking at him.i looked at him and noticed he was becoming uncomfortable .

He hissed and stopped typing on his laptop 

"Stop that".he spoke up

"Stop what ".I asked

"Stop staring"

"I won't till you give me her number".I replied back .

"Why are you this stupid oli"

"Don't call me that ".I replied back 

He hissed before picking up his phone from the desk .he unlocked his phone and wrote a number on a paper

"Here, this is her number, please don't do anything stupid".he demanded

I took the number from him and stood up from the chair 

"Thank you ".was all I could say before walk out of his office.

When I got back to my office I picked up my phone and dialled her number.the phone rang a few times before it was picked

"Hello".came her voice 

"This is Linda right?".I asked 

"Yes this is Linda ,who is this ".she asked 

"It's me your worst nightmare".I replied back 

"Who is this ".she sounded irritated

I chuckled before speaking up

"You have the guts to spread fake rumors about me ".I shouted 

The line was silent for a while before she spoke up

"Olivia?".she asked 

"Who else ?".I asked in anger 

"That wasn't a rumour but it's the actual truth."stay away from my man ".she shouted

"Your man?".I chuckled and asked 

"Yes my man ".she replied back 

I laughed loundly before speaking up

"And what makes you think he is your man ".I asked 

"Because I'm having his child"

"So?".I asked 

The line was silent for a moment before she spoke up 

"So he is mine".she spoke up

"Just because you are carrying his baby you think he is yours?".I asked her 


I laughed loundly over the phone before speaking up

"Don't dare me Linda, don't you fucking dare me ". I spoke in a serious tune 

"Or else what ?".she asked in anger .

"I can take that man of yours with just a tap of my fingers ,don't you fucking dare me ".I spoke those words with a serious tune .

She hang up the call without saying a word

"Wise choice".I told her.