
Messed up

3rd person pov

Tony couldn't concentrate at work for the whole day ,his thoughts was on Olivia and who was the friend she was with. he tried his best to concentrate but realized he couldn't do it .he hissed stood I'll and left his office .he told his driver to take him home .when he got home he was relieved that his mom wasn't at home .if not she will be asking him to tell her the secret he was keeping from her.he went up straight to his room and started checking on some files since he couldn't work at the office.he was still working when he got a call from a strange number.

"Who is this ".he asked 

"Hello baby". came the voice .

Imediately he knew the voice .

"Why are you calling me ".he shouted 

She chuckled over the phone before speaking up .

"When are you introducing me to your parents".she asked with devilish smile on her face .

"You must be dreaming,if you think that I will introduce a whore like you to my parents". Anthony was now getting furious with her .

"Don't talk to me in that tune ,not when I'm having your baby".she replied back .

"How am I sure that this baby is mine "he shouted back .

She chuckled over the phone before speaking up

"That's why there is a DNA test ,we can do that if you want ".she spoke with confidence.

"Fine ,where should we meet 

"Any hospital of your choice ".she replied back 

"I will meet you at the theory hospital in the next one hour ".

She smilled a victory smile because that was the hospital she was praying for him to choose.

"Alright then" she replied back 

He ended the call and pray the results comes out negative .few hours later he was at the hospital waiting for her .she walked in majestically like she knew what the results would be .she gave him a devilish smile before walking next to him .they met the doctor and conducted the test .the doctor told then to come back for the result the next day.

"You will definitely be disappointed with the results".she spoke with a devilish smile on her face ."because I know that the baby is yours".

He hissed and walked away .

Anthony's pov

I got a call from diamond

"What's up bro ".I greeted 

"I'm not happy with you Tony".he spoke in annoyance.

"I know you are not ,even dad is angry with me and I dont need you to add up to that ".

"How are things with you and olivia".he asked 

"She didn't come to work today ".I told him

"Does she know already ".he asked 

"I have no idea ".she just told me she was drunk last night".

"What will you do then ".he asked 

"I will just have to wait till I see her at work tomorrow ".

"You messed up big time ". diamond told me 

"Yes I know that ".

More chapters will be updated by tomorrow 💙