

Special Jude's POV

I left the bar and angrily went to my car. I hit the car wheel with frustration and poured out my anger and frustration on it.

I calm myself down and drove out of the bar to the hospital where mom was.

I got to her room and met her watching a live show. She saw me and noticed my mood 

“Come here son”.she tapped the bed besides her. I moved towards her and lay my head on her legs .she caress my hair gently without saying a word 

“Is Olivia again, right? “.she asked 

I did not say a word instead I closed my eyes and my memory of five years flashed to my memory.

I recalled how diamond asked me to go out with his friend that she was bored at home. Not only that, but I also remembered how I told diamond that I couldn't go on a date with anyone. After much pleading from him, I accepted to go on the date with this girl.

I remembered how I reluctantly sat in the sitting room waiting for this girl to come out, so we could go on this date and be set free from diamond.

I remember how I was still in thought when I saw her walking down the stairs. I froze the moment I met eyes with her .she smiled shyly at me and I felt my heart beat increased. then and there I knew it was love at first sight.

The date with her was the best date ever in my life, and I wished it never ended.

Through the date, I realized she was the most realistic person I have ever come across. 

When I dropped her off I wanted to ask her again for a date, but I was scared of she turning me down, so I decided to keep it to myself.

After that date with her, I realized she was everything I think about, and I wanted to make her mine, so I called diamond and told him my feelings hoping he would help me, but what I heard from him torn me apart

He told me Olivia and Tony were now dating thanks to me tony was able to tell Olivia how he felt.I did not allow diamond to explain everything to me before I ended the call.

I was so heartbroken that I stayed at home for a month and mom was worried .she tried her best for me to open up to her before I did and told her everything.

Mom advised I leave the county and stay far from her that way I could be able to forget her and kill the feelings I have for her.

Few days later a friend of mine begged me to attend his party since he knew I would be leaving the country.I accept and went to the party. I was at the party, but I wasn't feeling the fun of the party, so I decided to go home.

I was about leaving the party when I saw Olivia leaving the party in a tearful eye.

I hissed in pain and wished I could take the pain away from her.

I took her home, and we agreed to go on another date.

I was happy and told mom, at least I still had a chance with her .the day of the date came, and I was of high hopes.

We went on the date, but I was with a date with a different Olivia.

She wasn't herself and her thoughts was somewhere else .then and there I realized she was in love with Tony. I felt my heart clench, but I refused to show it.

After the date I took her back home and told her I would be leaving the country.I needed something to hold on to her memory So I asked for a kiss.

We kissed and to me, I knew the kiss meant a lot, but I knew she never felt what I felt.

I left the country and did what mom said. I buried myself with work and my relationships weren't long or strong.I thought I would be able to forget her, but I was wrong.

Five years now I met her in a meeting and I realized my feelings for her was still the same. I still felt my heart beat rapidly whenever she smiles at me.

I felt happy to see her and thought maybe this time thing will work out between us but then again there was Tony, but the only good thing was that there weren't dating.

I took a deep breath and hissed in frustration.

“You have to let her go son”.mom spoke up .it was obvious she was worried about me.

“I wish it was that easy mom “.

“Find some other girl, and try to love her”

“I can't mom, I can't see myself loving someone else unless I know Olivia is married .but as far as she is still single I can't see myself with someone else “.

Mom made a soft sign before stroking my hair 

It's been five years son, a whole five years “.mom spoke up 

“I thought I could do it mom, but it turns out I couldn't" 

“It's okay son, everything will be alright”.

I took.in a soft breath and stood up 

“I'm sorry for bothering you with my personal problems”. I told Mom while kissing her forehead

“A mother cannot be bothered by her son's problem, your problem is mine”.she smiled at me.

“Thanks Mom “. I told her and kissed her again 

“Where is your nurse”. I asked 

“She went out, but will be back soon 

. Mom replied, "I should go get us drinks, I will be right back “. I told Mom and left the hospital.

I went to get some drinks for I and mom and was on my way back to the hospital when my phone started ringing.I checked the caller and saw that it was Chris 

“Hello, Chris". “Jude are you busy “.he asked 

“Not really, I'm just on my way back to the hospital”

“Can you come over to Olivia's place “.he asked 

“What's wrong, is she okay”. I asked sounding worried

“She's fine, please just come" .“I'm on my way “. I replied him and quickly turn around and drove to Olivia's apartment.