
Make it stop

3rd person pov

Olivia and Tony left the hotel and went to the venue of the party.when they got to the party they noticed it was a mask party.olivia and Tony we're given a mask to put on before they went in.

As soon as olivia got into the Hall she left tony side and lost herself in the crowd.tony noticed what she did and decided to let her be.

Olivia was taking a sip of her drink when she felt a hand tapping her.she turn around but couldn't guess who he was because he was putting on a mask 

"Olivia".came the voice

"How did you know it was me ".she asked

He man in the mask chuckled before answering her.

"Your skin color sold you out".he replied back 

She roll her eyes and look away 

"Desmond?".she asked 

"That's correct"

"Nice party".she told him

"Thank you "

"So where is Tony ".he asked 

"He should be somewhere around ".she replied nonchalantly

He chuckled at her behavior and walk closer to her 

"Come let me introduce you to my friends".he spoke those words and held her hands .he introduced her to some of his friends who admired her beauty.all this while tony have been watching both of them with jealousy and anger in him.he made sure he was far away from olivia but never did he left her sight.since he walk into the party he had been feeling uncomfortable and restless.for some strange reason he felt like something bad will happen but he doesn't have a clue.

He nervously took a sip of his drink and watch as Olivia was interacting with different men.he hissed in frustration and ran his hand in his head .

Few minutes later he saw Olivia dancing on the dance floor with a man .he couldn't recongnise  the  man because he was putting on a black mask.

They danced for a long time before he noticed the man handling a drink to Olivia.she innocently drank the drink and kept on dancing.

Tony was  about ignoring them when he noticed a strange movement from olivia.he gave her a closer look and noticed she was becoming uncomfortable.he watched the guy closely and noticed he was having a devilish smile on his face .

Tony quickly stood up and walk over to their table .

"What's going on here"he asked in an angry voice.

The man walk up to Tony and stood before him.

"How may I help you ".he asked 

"What did  you give to her". Tony shouted 

The man laugh a devilish laugh before walking closer to Tony.

"Get lost and mind your business.

Tony look around and saw that olivia was becoming sweaty

"You drugged her ".he shouted bringing the attention of few people to them .the man was about to say something when Tony punch him directly on his face.he left the man on the floor and quickly went to Olivia.

"Help me ". olivia whispered

He look at her and noticed she was becoming weak.he hisssd and carried her bridal style out of the party hall.he got  inside the car and asked the driver to take them back to the hotel.during the drive to the hotel he noticed olivia was mumuring how hot the weather was.despite how cold the weather was.he hissed and shifted her closer to him

"You are going to be fine oli,you are with me now ".he spoke those words with care and Love.

"The dress is becoming uncomfortable for me ".she told him 

"Don't worry we are almost there".he spoke those words while rubbing her shoulder gently.shd hissed and kept her head on his shoulder.

The car stoped at the hotel ,Tony brought her out of the car and took ther to their suite.when they were in the suite Olivia started undressing herself.

"What are you doing".he asked in a confused voice 

"It's painful please make it stop ".she told him with a pleading voice.then and there he knew that she was drugged for sex.he went to the fridge and brought out a can of water for her 

"Drink",. He told her 

She took the water from him and drank all.

"Are you alright ".he asked with care in his voice .

She was silent for a moment before she started crashing her body.

"What's wrong ".he asked with worried

"It's hurt, please make it stop ".she pleeeded with a tearful eyes .