

Anthony's pov

"Your woman". Ronald asked in shock 

"Yes my fucking woman".I replied back 

"Calm down tony ,I never knew she was yours ".

"And even if she wasn't my woman you have no right to drug any Lady".I shouted in anger.

Ronald hissed in frustration before replying me 

"Can you at least leave my collar and let's talk like responsible men". Ronald pleeeded

I gave him a hard look before removing my hands from him.

He hissed and arranged his cloths.

"Can you at least sit down".he asked 

"I'm not here to sit and chat with you ".

He hissed and sat down on his chair

"Look man I'm sorry ".he told me 

"No you are not ,I can get you arrested for this ".

"It's hasn't gotten to that ".he told me 

"It has "

"Come on man,i didn't even touch her ".

"But you would have ,if I did not notice you ".I told him

He hissed in frustration and lean on the table with his both hands 

"What do you want from me".he asked 

I gave him a hard look before walking closer to him 

"I'm just here to give you a hard warning,if I see you anywhere close to her or even hear her name in your mouth."consider me your worst nightmare".I spoke those words and angrily left his office .I told the driver to take me back to the hotel. When I got there I saw Olivia busy with some files

"You are back so early",.she spoke up

"I never told you I will be out late".I told her.she hissed and went back to with work.

"I have made arrangements for the meeting "

I nod my head and sat opposite her .I look at her and noticed she has lost a hell lot of weight.

"You've be overworking yourself ".I told her 

"That's because I have a lazy boss".she replied back still typing on her laptop.

"Your boss is definitely not lazy ".I told her 

"Really?".she asked 

"Yeah"I replied back 

"It's seems like you know him too well ".she asked still typing on her system.i chuckled at her words and went back to my room .few hours later I came back and saw olivia asleep on the couch with papers scattered around her .I picked up the papers and arranged them.i was About walking away when I noticed her phone was ringing.i wanted to ignore it but when I saw the caller I was tempted to pick it 

"Hello oli".came the voice

I hissed before speaking up

"This isn't Olivia".I replied in a quiet but angry voice .

"Why are you with her phone".he sounded angry

"Because am with her".I replied back 

He hissed and was quiet for a moment before speaking up

"Tell her I called ".

"I won't be doing that ".I replied back 

"What the fuck is your problem".he asked in an angry tune 

"You really want to know my problem".I asked in anger 


"Stay away from my Olivia".I shouted in anger 

"She is not yours".he shouted at me 

"She is mine and will always be mine ".I spoke up .he chuckled over the phone before replying me 

"You lost her five years ago remember?".as soon as I heard those words the memory of both of them kissing in front of my house five years ago flash into my brain and I felt really angry .

"You bastard".I shouted angrily

"It's just a matter of time and I will have her to myself".he spoke in a serious voice.

"I lost her to you five years ago and I won't loose to you again".I told him

He chuckled over the phone before replying me

"You never lost to me tony ".he spoke those words in A calm voice

"What do you mean?".I asked in a confused voice .

"You are a fool Tony,a very big fool".he said those words and ended the call on me .

I tried calling him back but he refused picking up.i hissed and left her phone with her .what did he meant when he said i never lost to him five years ago.is there something I don't know  I thought to myself