
Little fight

Anthony's pov

I felt small kisses on my cheek and fore head ,I know mum used to do this when I was little but I told her to stop that I'm no longer a baby.the fregrance coming from the person was so good and enticing .this was definitely not mom or dad then who is this .

With that thought I opened my eyes and met the most beautiful sets of eyes I have ever seen .right in front of me was my Olivia giving me the most amazing smile I have ever seen .

"Wake up sleep head ".she mocked 

I dragged her to the bed with me ,she feel on top of me trying to free herself.she gave me little punches so I could free her .I let her free from my arms and started laughing .

"Are you scared ".I asked mockily

"Scared of who "she asked with a devilish smile on her face

I got up from the bed and went to her ,we were so close that I could feel her breath.she moved away from me and went to the wardrobe .I went to her and wrap my hands on her waist

" get away from me you slut"

"A slut you love so much "I teased her 

"And who told this slut I love him "she asked 

"A reliable source "I replied back

She turn around so that she was facing me .

"Mr Man I have so much work that has to be done ,I'm not lazy and free like a certain someone "

"I thought we have today to ourselves "I asked

"Today is Saturday I can't just leave everything for the other maids to do

"There are three maids and they can handle it ,I will tell Mom about it ,you are my girlfriend now and I should have more time with me "

She noticed I was getting angry.i moved away from her and sat on the reading chair .she walk up to me and sat on my lap.i pretend to be angry and look away from her. She use her hands to turn my face to her ,she look at me straight in the eyes before giving me a little kiss on the lips .we've me been dating for a month now but we haven't kiss on the lips.this was the first we actually kissed..

It was a soft kiss but we went further and started using our tongue we started kissing deeply with our tongue.

She pulled away from the kiss and hid her face on my shoulders.after some time she look up at me and smiled

"Sorry I kissed you with permission

"You don't need any permission to kiss you boyfriend "I told her 

She smiled and look at me 

"I'm sorry if  I'mnot giving you enough time .but you know this is my work and I can't just leave it for others to do ,that will be so unfair "

"But mom already told you to cut down your work ,or maybe we should employ one more maid " I asked

"No need employing anyone  I can cope "she answered. I wanted to ague more but she shut me up with a little kiss on the lips

She stood up and walk up to my bed .she started arranging my room while I just sat there watching her .I knew I wanted to be with her but not in this way .I hate seeing her work this much and this hard .i tried helping her to clean the room but she warned me to stay off .

After she was done cleaning my room she told me to come down stairs and have breakfast ,before I could say anything she walk out of my room .now I noticed how angry she was .

I went downstairs, saw mom and dad were already eating,I took a seat and started eating.all the while I was eating i did not see Olivia

"Where is Olivia I asked aunt penny

"She went to the market with Anita to get food stuff

"Why must she be the one to get food stuff"i shouted

"It's okay Anthony ,it won't happen again "mom assured me

"No mom it's gonna happen again ,she is my girlfriend and I have already told you guys not to let her stress herself "I shouted

Everyone was quiet including dad ,I left the food and went up stairs to my room .I storm into my room and went straight to the shower .I took my bath and sat on my reading table .I want to do some work but was too angry and distracted .

Few hours pass and I heard a knock on my door

"Come in "I shouted

Olivia Walk in and I could see the stress in her eyes ,she must have really work a lot today,and I really hate to see this .

"Aunt penny told me you were really anger this morning "and diamond just called me on phone asking me why you were angry "

"I told you not to stress yourself " I asked

"This is my job ,you can't just tell me to stop working because we are dating "she responded"

"If you really want to work I can get you to work in dad's  office"

She angrily walk up to me and stood in front of me .

"Because we are dating doesn't mean you can control my life"she spoke angrily

I realized how angry she was ,I stood up and held her in my arms ,she tried moving away but eventually gave up.

"I'm sorry "I spoke up 

She was quiet and look away .I repeated it and moved her face so we could be facing each other .she kept looking at me before she hugged me and we remain like that for sometime

"I'm also sorry "she spoke up facing me .

I pulled her to the bed and let her sit on my laps.i gave her a soft kiss and asked her how her day went ,she gave me little details of it before falling asleep on my lap.

I made her lie on my bed and watch her sleep peacefully .