

Olivia's pov

I was shocked when Tony apologized to me .I wasn't expecting him to do that .I felt all the anger in me left as soon as he said those words.

I was sorting out a file when Tony walked to my office.

"I will be going to the hospital to see Dad,"do you wanna come ".he asked 

I really wished I could go with him but what Happened with his mom yesterday was still fresh in my head and I don't wanna experience it again .

"They are lot of work to be here ,"so i will just stay here ".I told him 

He noticed I was lying but decided to let it be .

As soon as he left the office I got a call from an unknown caller 

"Hello "

"Hello oli,".spoke the voice .

I quickly I recongise the voice .

"I have been expecting your call for the past two days ".I spoke angrily

He laughed over the phone before speaking up .

"Sorry I was busy with things ".

"Things that are more important than me "?.I asked childishly

"Nothing can ever be more important than you in my life"

"Stop flattering me ".I spoke up 

"I'm not".

"So how are you doing ".I asked Jude

"Everything is fine ,"just that I misses you".

"If you misses me,"you should have called earlier".

He chuckled over the phone before asking how I was doing . I told him I was fine and decided not to tell him about my fight with Tony's mom .he promised he will call very often this time till he comes back. I ended the call I went back to my work .

After work I was on my way out when I saw grey standing outside the gate besides his car .I walk up to him with a smile on my face .

"You never told me you were coming".I told him 

"I just wanted to surprise you ".

"Well you succeeded".I chuckled

"Get in ,"I will take you home .

I entered his car and he drove off .

"You never told me he was your ex ".that was grey voice .

"We dated five years ago and I think it was a childish relationship,"so I saw no need of telling you ".I lied 

"I think he still like you ".grey spoke up

I laugh really hard before answering him 

"You are wrong grey,"in fact he hates me now".

Grey wanted to say something but held himself back .

When we got home he stopped his car and was now looking at me.

"What?"I asked shyly

"You are beautiful"

"Stop it".I spoke with shyness.

"Are you shy".he asked 

"Why should I be".I lied 

"Can I ask a question".he asked 


"Have you been with another man after Tony ?"he asked with all seriousness.

I wanted to lie and avoid the topic but grey seems like a man who loves honesty.

"No".I whispered

"It's very obvious".he replied back with a grin on his face .

"You wont Tell him"

"I'm not gonna tell him,"so you don't have to worry about that .

"Thank you ".I told him

"Don't thank me yet ",I'll need a favour from you ".

"What is it "

"A date with you ,"that's all "

And here I thought he was going to ask for something big 

"Alright"I replied.

He hugged me before I left him car and went inside my apartment