

Anthony's pov

I went back to my room and  dressed up.after dressing I left my room and went back to the sitting room.when I got there I noticed olivia  was still in her room.i sat on the chair while waiting for her.

Few minutes later I heard a sound of hills approaching me .I look around and saw beautiful Olivia walking toward me .she was putting in a long black dress, little make up on her face and a silver hill to match her dressing.the dress fits her so well that it brought out all the shape in her . instantly I felt  jealous because I knew other men at the dinner will have to see her like this.

"Are you done staring".that was olivia voice bringing me back from my thought.

She walk towards me and stood in front of me giving me a hard stare .

"Can we go now ".she asked 

I stood up from the chair and walk out of the room with her.we got to the elevator and got downstairs.when we got out of the hotel ,a limo was already there waiting for us. We went into the limo and the driver took  us to the venue of the dinner.when we got to the venue the other business men were already interacting with each other.olivia walk besides me with a big smile on her face .I look around and noticed how those hungry guys were staring at my olivia . whenever she caught them staring she will just replied them back with a smile .I felt anger and jealousy run through my blood .I angrily went to the bar to take a drink when i noticed my worst nightmare.standing before was Jude .he was looking amazingly handsome in the black suit he was wearing.he gave me an emotionless look before looking at olivia,when they both lock eyes with each other I noticed how happy he was.he walk up to her and kissed her on the hands.

"You look like a goddess oli".he told her with a big smile on his face .

She chuckled and stood besides him .

"You look good yourself as always".she replied back .

He had a big grin on his face while she says those words .the meeting started and we all sat on the meeting table .the meeting took hours before it was concluded. After the meeting I exchanged handshake with other CEOs

The party started fully and everyone were enjoying themselves.oliva sat beside me while taking a sip of her drink.she was still taking her drink when I saw someone stood before her.

"I'm mellford ".he brought forth his hand to her .i knew this guy he is a croni womanizer.

"I'm olivia,nice meeting you ". olivia replied him with a genuine smile .

"Can I have a dance with you ".he asked 

She hesitated for a minute before standing up from her seat and followed him.he walk her to the dance floor and held her waist.i felt jealousy and anger watching them dance .I ignored them and walk over to bar .I sat there and focused in the drink .I was still drinking when I noticed she was now dancing happily with Jude .I hissed and took another sip of my drink.

"Can I have a dance with you".I look back and saw a beautiful lady not as beautiful as my Olivia smiling before me .I nod my head in approval, drank my last drink and followed her to the dance floor .I held her waist and we started dancing.all the while we were dancing I was occasionally looking at Jude and I felt really jealous of him..I felt distracted and decided to stop dancing.i apolozied to her and went back to my seat .

"You really look jealous".I heard a voice behind me .I look around and saw that it desmond.he smilled at me and sat besides me .

"So she was the one huh?".he asked 

I just gave him an angry look and took another sip of my drink.

"If you love her this much ,then why don't you let her know ".I hissed and shake my head.

"It's not as easy as you think ".I told him


"It's complicated".I told him.

He shakes his head and drank his drink .we sat there in silence untill he left me.

I watch Olivia interacting with different CEOs Assistants and mangers .she was so free and comfortable with them .I look around and saw that Jude was with her all this while like she was his girlfriend .he had the smile of a proud boyfriend on his face and I really envy him.the party came to an end and people started leaving.i saw Jude kissing olivia good bye and walk away with his assistant.olivia search the room and found me .she walk to me and sat besides me .

"We should leave now".she told me .I ignored her and kept on drinking .I sat there for the next ten minutes and refused to stop drinking.olivia kept on giving me a confused and concerned look,I ignored her and kept on drinking.when I noticed I was a bit drunk I stood up from the chair and walk out of the room.she quickly stood up and walk after me .we got inside the limo and the driver drove us back to the hotel.