

Anthony's pov

I  quitely and quickly went to my office before she could wake up .

What was I doing ,I thought to myself .

I went to Olivia's office to ask for a file I couldn't find on my desk .I got to her office and saw her sleeping so peacefully .I wanted to just leave and walk away but I couldn't .

I moved closer to her and couldn't stop myself touching her cheek .I was scared she will react and wake up but I noticed she was in a deep sleep .I moved away from her cheek to her nose and stopped at her lips .her lips was so small and soft on my fingers .I tried resisting the urge to kiss her her but I couldn't . before I knew what I was doing I kissed her so passionately .I wished her mouth could opened up to me and let me in, but I knew that was impossible .I was still trying to kiss her when I saw some moment from her .I hissed and quickly walk away .

Am supposed to hate this lady and not to love her .she was supposed to be in my past but why is she having this effect on me .I thought to myself .

I was still in thought when I heard a knock on my door .

"Come in "

She walked in with a sleepy smile on her face .

"You have another meeting in the next 30 minutes with Morgan group of companies.

"I thought the meeting should be next week ".I asked with irritation in my voice .I wasn't in the mood for any meeting.

"No sir,the meeting was scheduled for today "she reply back .

"Can't it be cancelled ".I asked 

"The CEO will be out of the country for the be  two months ".

"Seems like I don't have a choice then ".we will move out in the next 10 minutes,arrange the documents" 

"Yes sir ".with that she left my office.

Few minutes I left my office and met olivia at the elevator door .we walk into the elevator and ride on it .we got into my car and my driver drove off .I sat at the back seat while olivia sat at the front seat With the driver. 

When we got to the venue of the meeting, everyone was Already seated there.and it seems  like we were late .

Olivia apologized on our behalf for coming late ,even though it wasn't her fault.

I sat on the chair while she stood besides me .

"You can have a seat ".I look around and saw that it was Mr Morgan eldest son asking Olivia to take a seat .she smilled at him before taking her seat and I felt really jealous.

She quickly brought out the files and kept them in front of me .the meeting was going on smoothly but i noticed Mr Morgan eldest son was staring at olivia . whenever they eyes met she always give him a shy smile and look away.i felt irritated and couldn't focus on the meeting .

The meeting came to an  end and we finalized the deal .

"Nice doing business with you ".I spoke and stood up .Olivia stood up after me and was about walking out with me when I heard her name.

"Miss olivia right?".he asked with a genuine smile on his face.

"That's correct Mr grey ".she replied with a smile on her face .she even knew his name. 

He chuckled before walking closer to her 

"Just call me grey ,we are almost the same age "

"Alright grey "

"Can I have your contact ".he asked olivia.

She gave him an approving nod before typing her number on his phone .he collected the phone from her and was about to say something when I angrily spoke up 

"Are you aware that you are keeping me waiting ".I shouted at olivia .