

3rd person pov

Tony was preparing for his evening date with Tara .his only intention on the date was to make Olivia jealous.he smilled at himself for his plans. He dressed causally in a black jean and blue shirt and a black shoe to match .he check himself in the mirror and saw that he was hot and ready to go.he left his room and met olivia at the sitting room .

"How do I look".he asked with a mischievous smile on his face 

Olivia took a good look at him and saw how hot he was.he was definitely a fine young man she thought to herself.

"The same old Tony".she replied back .he chuckled at her words and walked towards her so that he was facing her directly.

"I know you find me hot".he told her with a big grin on his face . Olivia rolled her eyes at him and look away 

"I might come back late,so you shouldn't wait up".he told her while walking away 

"And who told you I will be waiting".she replied back with an annoyed voice .he chuckled and walked away.

He got downstairs and saw Tara already waiting for  him.she was a fine young lady but she definitely wasn't his type .he wasn't sexually attracted to her .the only reason he agreed on this dinner was to make Olivia jealous.he hissed and walk up to Tara who noticed him and gave him a big smile

"You look good ".he told her 

"And you look hot".she told him.

He smilled at her before asking her to sit on the seat. 

"What will you have".he asked

"Anything you want ".she replied back .

He called the waitress and made their orders.

"So I think we should know each other ".Tara spoke up while they were waiting for their food .Tony wasn't in the mood of talks like this but he had no choice 

"You can ask your questions".he told her 

She gave him a bright smile before speaking up

"Are you in an relationship now?".she asked

"No ".

"That's impossible,how can a hot good looking man like you be single".she asked with disbelief.

"Let's say I'm just a busy man".he replied back .

"I see."so do you like someone".Tara asked.

He wanted to shout and tell her he just doesn't love someone but he loves Olivia.but he couldn't say that to her or to anyone.he hissed silently and took a sip of his drink

"No one for now".he lied

Tara was really happy when she heard those words from Tony at least she has a chance for herself.she thought to herself.

"So tell me about yourself".Tony voice brought her out from her thought

"There is nothing pretty much interesting about me ."I work for a marketing firm we are here for a deal".she replied back

"So where to you live".he asked 

"I live in a London".she told him 

"That's nice"

Thier food was bought in and they started eating in silence.

"This is good ". Olivia spoke up


They were both eating when Tara noticed Olivia sitting in the bar 

"Your assistant is here ".Tara spoke those words drawing Tony attention to where Olivia was seating.

He took a good look at her and noticed she was casually dressed with just a short and a top dressed but she was still looking hot .he was still staring at her when he noticed a good looking man sat besides her with a big smile on his face .when he saw how Olivia welcomed him with a smile too he felt angry and jealous.he took a sip of his drink so he could calm his anger and not to let Tara notice a thing .

"It's really surprising that you don't have a thing for Olivia".that was Tara voice bringing Tony back from his thought 

He chuckled so he could hide his reaction

"Olivia isn't my type ".he lied 

"Really ".asked Tara 


"So what is your type like ".she asked 

"I don't know ".he replied back .

Tara gave him a questioning look before taking her drink.

They chatted for hours but tinyy thought was on Olivia sitting across them .he saw how happy and relaxed she was with this man .he caught them laughing really hard and wonder what they were talking about.

"Are you even listening".that was Tara voice bringing him out of his thoughts

"Sorry what were you saying".he asked 

"You are not been here with me ,what are you thinking".she asked in an angry voice .

"Nothing "

Tara look across them and noticed olivia was still there.

"You've been staring at her ".Tara spoke up

"What makes you think that".he asked

"It's pretty obvious".she replied back.

"And what is pretty obvious".he asked

"You like her Tony ,I was a fool not to have noticed it"..she told him with a little hurt in her voice .

Tony hissed and look away.

"Why are you hiding your feelings from her ".she asked 

"Can we not talk about this ".Tony pleeeded

"So you are not denying your feelings for her ".Tara asked.

"I don't wanna talk about it"

Tara hissed in anger and looked directly at him

"So you agreed on this dinner just to make her jealous ".she shouted