
I don't hate you

3rd person POV

Tony and diamond got into the car and left Olivia's apartment. the drive back home was quiet and tense.

Diamond continues to stare at Tony and could see hurt written on his cousin's face, but he couldn't do anything about it.

They got home and Tony left diamond at the car and went upstairs. He met his mom on the way to his room, but he ignored her despite she was calling out to him.

He got to his room and hit whatever he could lay his hand on, on the wall.

He groaned and scream in anger and kept on destroying things in his room.

“Tony, open the damn door”.he heard voices outside his room, but he ignored them and kept on pouring his anger on the things in his room.

After some minutes, he calm himself and sat on the floor. He was breathing heavily and was sweating profusely.

He hissed in frustration and ran his fingers in his hair roughly. He was going insane, and he knew it .he heard a crack coming from his door before he saw his parent and diamond walking into his room with a worried look.

“Are you okay “.his mom asked with a worried look and tried moving close to him, but he ignored her and stood up from the floor.

He went to his closet to pick a towel and went to the bathroom, leaving them in his room.

“What should we do “.his mom asked worriedly.

“Nothing, let just let him be “. Diamond spoke up and led them out of the room.

Tony came out of the shower and met his room empty.

He hissed and changed his clothes before switching on his computer to work on some documents, but he couldn't concentrate.

He hissed and closed the computer with anger before leaving his room,

He got downstairs and met diamond with his parents.

“Are you okay “.his mom asked, but he ignored her and left the house on foot .he needed a walk to clear his head .he left the room and walk in the street of California. The weather was snowing and cold, but he wouldn't care .he was shivering because he wasn't wearing anything thick to cover himself.

He walked for a while before he got to a small park. He sat on an available seat and watch as little kids play around with their parents. He thought about how it would feel if he could create such a moment with Olivia and their unborn child .but such thing is too good to be true.

“You are freezing”.he heard a familiar voice behind him. He turns around and was shocked to see Chris staring at him.

Chris stared at Tony and could notice how miserable the man sitting in front of him he looks. He hissed softly and made his way to the long bench where Tony was sitting.

“You should have at least put on a jacket”. Chris spoke up without looking at Tony.

“I like the cold,” Tony replied.

Chris stared at Tony for a moment before looking away .they both sat there in silence till Chris spoke up.

“You know I dislike you, right?”.

“More like you hate me “. Tony chuckled softly.

“I don't hate you “. Chris spoke up, this time staring at Tony.

“I just hate how you made Olivia weak “.

Tony nods his head and looked away .he wasn't in the mood to exchange words with Chris.

“If you love her so much, then you should let her go “. Chris said those words slowly and carefully while avoiding Tony's gaze.

Tony hissed and roughly ran his fingers in his hair.

“And you think I would be able to do such “.

Tony asked in anger.

“You can do that if you want to “. Chris yelled back.

Tony hissed and looked away .he wasn't in the mood to exchange words with Chris.

“Get out “. Tony whispered,

Chris ignored him and looked away.

“I said you should leave “.tony spoke in a calm voice, but he was obviously angry.

“You don't own this park, so you don't have the right to tell me to leave “. Chris yelled.

Tony hissed and decided to let it be .they sat there in silence until an ice cream truck passes by.

“Ice cream “. Chris stood up and brought two of it. He went back to the sit and handed one to Tony,

“Here have it, don't worry it's not poisoned”. Tony rolls his eyes at Chris, before taking the ice cream for him.

“Not even a thank you “.he spoke while he realized Tony was already licking the ice cream.

“Thanks “. Tony murmured,

Tony rolls his eyes and looked away.

“See, man, I have no issue with you “. Tony speaks up after he was done with the ice cream.

“Neither do I”. Christ replied.

They both chuckled softly and looked away.

“I really love her, I really do “. Tony spoke out.

“You might be correct, but you've made her go through a lot, five years ago and even now “. Chris replied.

“I never cheated on her, she just couldn't believe me, rather she threw herself to Jude “. Tony spoke hurt.

“What do you mean”. Chris asked confused.

“Let it be, it's the thing of the past “.tony decided it would be best not to remember those memories.

Chris stared at Tony and realized he was hurt by just saying those words, so he decided to let it be.

Chris stood up and stared at Tony, 

“You should go back home, it's freezing”.he said those words and left tony at the park.

Tony checked the time and saw that it was getting late .he stood up and walked back home.

He got home and met diamond waiting for him at the sitting room.

“You are finally back” “I'm not a kid “.tony replied irritated.

“Whatever, I have something to say to you “.

Tony hissed and sat on the couch.

“What is it “.

“Olivia called and requested to see me, so I'll go see her tomorrow and hopefully put some words for you to her “.

Tony couldn't help the smile on his face when he heard those words from diamond.

“Thank you".“No need for that, and you should please have some rest “.