

Olivia's POV 

It's been a week since Tony and I had sex, and he never did talk about it .he acted as nothing happened between us, whenever I want to bring up a topic about us, he always shut me up. With an excuse, I noticed he wants to avoid talking about it and gave up trying, maybe sex with me to him wasn't a big deal.

I was at my desk filling up a document when I noticed a figure standing before me.  I looked up and saw Linda standing before me with a devilish smile on her face, I felt irritated at her presence, but I just couldn't show it.

“Hello, how may I help you “. I asked with a fake smile on my face 

“I'm here to see your boss who happens to be my husband”.she said those words while staring directly at me, 

“Husband?”. I asked without even knowing when the word left my mouth.

Linda raised a bow at me and chuckled before replying to me

“So he hasn't told you, huh?”. Linda asked with a devilish smile on her face,

I could feel my heart clench the moment she said those words.tears were threatening to fall from my eyes, but I held down back. I won't let her see the effect this was having on me. I composed myself before speaking up,

“I'll call him and let him know you are here “. I said those words and pick up the telephone.

The line rang a few times before it was picked up 

“Yes Oli,”.he spoke up.

I froze the moment I heard him call me that .how can he call me that, after what he did to me, I composed myself and spoke up

“Miss Linda is here to see you “. I spoke in a calm voice hoping he won't notice my anger 

The line was silent for a while before he spoke up 

“Let her in, “.he said those words and ended the call.

“You can go in “. I told Linda 

She smiled a victory smile before leaving my desk .she was about to leave my office when she turns around 

“Can you get me a coffee you know the weather is not good for a pregnant woman”.she spoke with a devilish smile on her face I noticed she was trying to piss me off. I ignored her and went back to the document,

“You heard me right “.she asked 

“You can go in, I will send for the coffee”. I told her without looking at her .she hissed and walked away, I took the telephone and called downstairs asking them to make a coffee and bring it to my office.

A few minutes later, the coffee was brought to my desk.

I hissed and stood up from my desk and walk up to Tony's office. I was hearing voices inside, but couldn't get what they were saying. I knocked on the door before getting in.

“Here is your coffee “. I told Linda while placing it on the table. I placed the coffee on the table and was about to walk out when Linda called me back,

“Do you need anything else “. I asked in an irritated voice.  I was trying everything in me not to show my anger 

“Hope you will be coming to our wedding “.she asked while staring at Tony 

“Stop this “. Tony spoke up 

“Stop what ?”.she asked 

“I'm just inviting Olivia to our wedding which is in a month time, I'm I doing anything wrong”.she asked 

Tony hissed in surrender and looked away

“Are you guys getting married”. I asked tony in a low tune, so they wouldn't notice I was hurt .he stared at me but did not reply. Linda stood up from her seat and walked over to his seat and sat on the table .she placed her hand on his shoulder,

“You should answer her Tony don't you think so “. Linda asked tony.  He stares at her in disgust before looking at me 

“We are getting married, and we hope you can come, “.he said those words while avoiding my gaze

I felt my heart clenched, and I bit hard my lips to stop the tears threatening to fall. I held my breath and forced out a smile,

“I will be there “. I replied to him with a fake smile before leaving his office.

When I got out of the office, I walked straight to my desk and sat on it.  I felt my hand tremble, and I started crying without making a noise.  I let all the tears I was holding back out. I can't believe what was happening. I knew Linda was pregnant for Tony,, but I never thought he would marry her.  And if he was going to marry her, then why did he come to me that night and gave me hope of getting back together. I hissed in anger when I heard footsteps coming.

I quickly wipe off my face with the back of my hand and composed myself.

I looked up and saw Linda standing by the door, 

“Too bad you've already lost him a long time ago “.she spoke with a mischievous smile on her face 

“Please leave my office”. I spoke in anger,

She chuckled lightly before speaking up

“Hope to see you there “.she said those words and left my office.  I hissed in frustration and picked up my things and left the office, even though it wasn't time to close. I just couldn't work with the way I was feeling.

I was about to drive out when my phone began ringing.  I picked up the phone and checked the caller.  I smiled the moment I saw the caller, 

“Hey, Jude “. I greeted

“How are you Oli”

“I'm okay “. I lied, 

“Are you okay? “.he asked with a worried voice

“Yes, why do you ask" Because your voice is down “.he told me 

“Oh that, I was stressed at work today “. I lied,

“You should get some rest then “.he told me 

“Yeah, I will”

“How is Mom”. I asked 

“She has woken up “.he replied in a happy tune

“Thank goodness, I'll come to see her tomorrow”. I told him 

“She would love to see you “.he told me 

“And I would love to meet her too “I replied

“Alright, tomorrow then

“Yeah”. I replied, and we ended the call, 

I released a soft sign before driving out of the office.