

Anthony's pov

It's been a week and Olivia has been avoiding me .I tried all my possible best to explain things to her ,but she wouldn't hear me out .I explained to mom and dad and even aunt penny , everyone seems to believe because they knew how much I love Olivia .

Both mom and aunt penny has spoken to Olivia on my behalf but she kept on saying I was lying and she won't believe me .

I have been a shadow of my self for the past one week ,this week without Olivia as been like hell for me ,she make sure she avoids me or anything that has to do with me .she doesn't ride to school with me anymore,she make sure she sit very far from me during lectures .the only hope I have left is that she hasn't broken up with me yet.

I wasn't tasty and discovered that was no water in my fridge.i left my room and went downstairs .when I got to the living room I saw Jude talking to aunt penny .he was looking smart and good as always 

"What's up Tony"he greeted when he noticed me 

"I'm good"what are you doing here I asked 

"I'm here to pick Olivia up "he replied 

"Why "I asked 

"We are going out"he replied 

I was furious after hearing what he said .I quickly left him and went to Olivia's room .when I entered her room she was about leaving .she looks so beautiful on the dress she was wearing .I felt so jealous and angry 

."don't tell me you are going out with him"I asked 

"Yes I am "do you have a problem with that "she asked 

"I will not let you go "

"You have no right to stop me"I only work for your dad "she replied back with anger 

"I'm still your boyfriend "I shouted 

"I can decide to break up with you here "she replied back .

"You won't dare "I told her 

"Dare me"she shouted.

I realized I was making things difficult for us .I moved closer to her and held her but she pushed me away .tears where already in my eyes and I was fighting them back .she gave me a pity look before walking away .

I lay on her bed which smells like her ,I held her pillow and stared crying .I don't know how long I have been there before dad walked in 

"C'mon tony you need to eat "

"I don't want food I only want my Olivia back"I shouted in tears 

"She will come around "he replied 

"I think I'm losing her dad "

"You won't,oli loves you so much "she is just angry with you that's all .

Dad sat on the bed and waited till I agreed to follow him ,we went to my room and aunt penny brought some food for me to eat .I was forced by dad to eat ,after that I slept off with tears.