
Heart broken

Anthony's pov

"What is the meaning of this ".I shouted 

"Meaning of what ". olivia replied back .

"Are you doing this to fucking make me jealous ".

"I'm sitting on my boyfriend's laps ,"do you have any problem with it "

"If you think this will make me leave ,"then you must be joking"

"Be our guest then "

She gave me a devilish smile before looking away .

She and Jude started talking and laughing like I wasn't there ,she fed Jude and he did the same .

"There is something on your lips ". olivia told Jude .

"Where exactly ". Jude asked 

Olivia gave him a little smile before speaking

"Don't worry ,"let me clean it".

I thought she was just going to clean it with her hands ,but I never knew she would do the most unthinkable thing in front of me.

She held his two cheek and kissed him so passionately like the way she did five years ago .he held her waist and kissed her back like his life depend on it .

I felt a sharp pain in my heart and could feel tears trying to fall out from my eyes ,but I held it back 

"Now your lips are all clean".she told him after she stopped kissing him 

He Peck her on the nose before smilling at her .

I angrily stood up and push the chair out .

"You guys are disgusting".with that I left the room and went to my car .

"Take me to the bar ".I shouted at my driver. 

"Are you okay boss ".he asked 

Then and there I realized I had shouted at him .

"I'm fine , please just take me to a  bar "

"Alright then "

When we got to the bar I told him to wait outside for me .

I walk in and sat on a empty chair  .

"What can I get you sir ".a waitress asked 

"Just get me your best drink "

She gave me a sad look before walking away .

Few minutes later she brought a drink for me and opened it .

"Send for me if you need anything else "

I gave an approving nod before she walked away .

I was still in thought when a lady walk up to me 

"Can I sit here ".she asked 

I gave her a  quizzical look before noding my head in approval.

"Are you alone ".she asked 


"How can a good looking man like you be out here alone","don't you have a girlfriend"

"None of your business " I told her .

"80 dollars "

"80 dollars for what ".I asked  

"For the night ,"I'm not too expensive"

"I don't need a whore ".I shouted 

"I'm not a whore "I just need some money that's all"

I look at her and noticed she wasn't dressed like a whore ,she was putting in a tight jean and a crop top .

"I'll make it 200 dollars for the night,I wont fuck you ,you just have to give me a blow job that's all"

"I can do that "

"Follow me ".I commanded